Hey Mark ! Nice vid and gg for the statut !
@2'45 : I like to check call our hand here sometimes too, but how would you protect your range here and which hands check better than Ace high ? Can we sometimes check with trips or not as we have 3 streets of value on good 7x ?
@14' : is it good to raise on the turn here ? I fekt like he has often a weak ace x/tx/draw we are blocking KT QT and have some equity against his middle pair. He can maybe fold them on the river or it's too optimistic ?
@15'20 : Do you like the bet sizing of EXB on the flop here ? Could you just develop the reason to bet small on those type of boards and what does it let to do with our range. Thx!
2:45 Yeah we can definitely check some trips here. I prefer to check some 89,8T,87 type of hands. They block some of the continuing range of villain and they fair well on any runout.
14: It might be fine, but without info i would just raise hands for value vs these type of opponents.
15:20: More than fine. With this sizing he sets up stacks for the turn. He has all the JJ+ in his range and maybe some AJ as preflop 4bet bluffs. So he has quite a big range advantage, Whereas i dont 3bet a lot of 77-99 in thes spot. Also i'd probably fold hands like T8s vs his 4bet.
So he probably can get away cbetting his whole range for this sizing.
39'30- QJ: can you go through your thought process regarding this call please. I didn't quite understand why you felt he wouldn't overbet axcc on the turn. :) What do you think of villains bet sizing?
My range is capped ott so i think overbetting here is fine. Otr i do have a bunch of Axcc and Jxcc so when he overbets he can only bet flushes for this sizing and probably cannot valuebet anything worse than this.
I don't think people overbet Axcc ott blocking a lot of my continuing range and therefore losing value.
So its just a matter of counting potential bluffs and valuecombos and i thought 67,78 68s and perhaps 22-33 make up enough combos to call.
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Hey Mark ! Nice vid and gg for the statut !
@2'45 : I like to check call our hand here sometimes too, but how would you protect your range here and which hands check better than Ace high ? Can we sometimes check with trips or not as we have 3 streets of value on good 7x ?
@14' : is it good to raise on the turn here ? I fekt like he has often a weak ace x/tx/draw we are blocking KT QT and have some equity against his middle pair. He can maybe fold them on the river or it's too optimistic ?
@15'20 : Do you like the bet sizing of EXB on the flop here ? Could you just develop the reason to bet small on those type of boards and what does it let to do with our range. Thx!
Thanks Kaizen!
2:45 Yeah we can definitely check some trips here. I prefer to check some 89,8T,87 type of hands. They block some of the continuing range of villain and they fair well on any runout.
14: It might be fine, but without info i would just raise hands for value vs these type of opponents.
15:20: More than fine. With this sizing he sets up stacks for the turn. He has all the JJ+ in his range and maybe some AJ as preflop 4bet bluffs. So he has quite a big range advantage, Whereas i dont 3bet a lot of 77-99 in thes spot. Also i'd probably fold hands like T8s vs his 4bet.
So he probably can get away cbetting his whole range for this sizing.
Great video :)
39'30- QJ: can you go through your thought process regarding this call please. I didn't quite understand why you felt he wouldn't overbet axcc on the turn. :) What do you think of villains bet sizing?
Thanks again
My range is capped ott so i think overbetting here is fine. Otr i do have a bunch of Axcc and Jxcc so when he overbets he can only bet flushes for this sizing and probably cannot valuebet anything worse than this.
I don't think people overbet Axcc ott blocking a lot of my continuing range and therefore losing value.
So its just a matter of counting potential bluffs and valuecombos and i thought 67,78 68s and perhaps 22-33 make up enough combos to call.
Great answer, makes perfect sense, thanks
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