2:15 bvb on the 666 board you mention "not a great bet size" when SB potted the flop. With the a clear overpair advantage I believe most of the SB range is using a 75%+ sizing at a decent frequency. It's just really hard to float correctly against it. A lot of King high and Jack high hands are supposed to float against that sizing so I think the PSB is just a good exploit as a bluff against the pool.
Hey !
Keep in mind SB is <50bb in this hand, and he used a pot sized bet. I think larger bet here in general works well, and is theoretically sound, but with there conditions pot is a little much.
Missed the stack size. Did you look up what he had? I know it doesn't matter much. I found it interesting how many Q high / K-High hands have to call when I looked this up. I'm definitely over folding vs large cbets.
6:45-7:05 I don't think people realize how solid this advice is. On the 862cc board where you say it's more dangerous than it looks.
The more draws that hit the defending ranges the better the board is for them, its not just made hands that make a significance difference.
I bring this up because when I was drilling BvB today and deciding what hands to cbet from the SB in a SRP. I think this was one of the main heuristics that I came to realize. First 100 or so hands that I drilled I could not figure out what was going on. I was over cbetting for the wrong size and way off on the frequency as well. I didn't realize how much SB has to check even with top pair on a lot of boards, like K9 on 982ss. It's something about the board being drawy and also how many streets of value your hand can get or withstand vs aggression. I haven't figured it out completely yet as BvB is very complex, but I believe this little quote you gave is really solid advice. Also want two cards 9x and above to cbet as a lot of 8x and lower is not pure raising on the button. So cbetting 862cc board you have a ton of air in your range, so should be low frequency cbet even HU.
Keep in mind the SB high check frequency in these spots relies heavily on IP betting his strong vulnerable hands often(so SB can then XR), and also calling raises wide. If this doesn't happen we end up betting ourselves OOP a lot more often, as giving a free check-back street to BB becomes devastating. If youre gonna make a mistake on these boards OOP, aggression is the mistake to make. Bvb is a super complex subject in general, it's really tough to never run across a spot youre getting totally wrong, so don't be hard on yourself over these mistakes.
11:35 T#1 with 22 on the KJ3 board. I haven't figured it out yet, but there are certain boards where these small pairs 55-22 are ovebetting the flop. Do you know which flops these would be? On wizard this board only Overbets with 22 7% of the time. Curious if it's just the AQX, AKX, & AJX board that does this. You mentioned "it's a little loose" but I think these two broadway boards just range bet right?
27:30 T#1 JTd on the J55ss-Thh-6h runout definitely super thin. I feel like I have monster under the bed syndrome in this spot. Usually end up block betting like 10% pot with trips and back door flush crushing us.
I don't like range betting these spots, as they are simple to defend over multiple streets, but yeah you totally can. I prefer to use some overbets flop and have a checking range. Low pairs tend to bet often in spots where the 9876 region doesn't do well and isn't able to deny equity. So the 3 boards you mentioned would be good examples. If you can continue random middling cards it becomes impossible to deny equity so low pairs just start checking down
Yeah very borderline. The way I think about these spots is if I'm not gonna fold vs his jam and it's an unknown whale I prefer to just bet myself. Just a giant guessing game whether he will overbluff enough to cover the loss in value vs Jx, so I want to make sure money goes in.
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2:15 bvb on the 666 board you mention "not a great bet size" when SB potted the flop. With the a clear overpair advantage I believe most of the SB range is using a 75%+ sizing at a decent frequency. It's just really hard to float correctly against it. A lot of King high and Jack high hands are supposed to float against that sizing so I think the PSB is just a good exploit as a bluff against the pool.
Hey !
Keep in mind SB is <50bb in this hand, and he used a pot sized bet. I think larger bet here in general works well, and is theoretically sound, but with there conditions pot is a little much.
Missed the stack size. Did you look up what he had? I know it doesn't matter much. I found it interesting how many Q high / K-High hands have to call when I looked this up. I'm definitely over folding vs large cbets.
6:45-7:05 I don't think people realize how solid this advice is. On the 862cc board where you say it's more dangerous than it looks.
I bring this up because when I was drilling BvB today and deciding what hands to cbet from the SB in a SRP. I think this was one of the main heuristics that I came to realize. First 100 or so hands that I drilled I could not figure out what was going on. I was over cbetting for the wrong size and way off on the frequency as well. I didn't realize how much SB has to check even with top pair on a lot of boards, like K9 on 982ss. It's something about the board being drawy and also how many streets of value your hand can get or withstand vs aggression. I haven't figured it out completely yet as BvB is very complex, but I believe this little quote you gave is really solid advice. Also want two cards 9x and above to cbet as a lot of 8x and lower is not pure raising on the button. So cbetting 862cc board you have a ton of air in your range, so should be low frequency cbet even HU.
Keep in mind the SB high check frequency in these spots relies heavily on IP betting his strong vulnerable hands often(so SB can then XR), and also calling raises wide. If this doesn't happen we end up betting ourselves OOP a lot more often, as giving a free check-back street to BB becomes devastating. If youre gonna make a mistake on these boards OOP, aggression is the mistake to make. Bvb is a super complex subject in general, it's really tough to never run across a spot youre getting totally wrong, so don't be hard on yourself over these mistakes.
11:35 T#1 with 22 on the KJ3 board. I haven't figured it out yet, but there are certain boards where these small pairs 55-22 are ovebetting the flop. Do you know which flops these would be? On wizard this board only Overbets with 22 7% of the time. Curious if it's just the AQX, AKX, & AJX board that does this. You mentioned "it's a little loose" but I think these two broadway boards just range bet right?
27:30 T#1 JTd on the J55ss-Thh-6h runout definitely super thin. I feel like I have monster under the bed syndrome in this spot. Usually end up block betting like 10% pot with trips and back door flush crushing us.
I don't like range betting these spots, as they are simple to defend over multiple streets, but yeah you totally can. I prefer to use some overbets flop and have a checking range. Low pairs tend to bet often in spots where the 9876 region doesn't do well and isn't able to deny equity. So the 3 boards you mentioned would be good examples. If you can continue random middling cards it becomes impossible to deny equity so low pairs just start checking down
Yeah very borderline. The way I think about these spots is if I'm not gonna fold vs his jam and it's an unknown whale I prefer to just bet myself. Just a giant guessing game whether he will overbluff enough to cover the loss in value vs Jx, so I want to make sure money goes in.
Cheers, and thanks for the comments !
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