This video and this course has been an excellent resource for my poker and life eV. I really value Eliot’s practical approach to the mental game, as a performance mindset. This video confirmed the things I was already doing, and gave me some new tools to improve how efficiently I improve my strategic and mental game. With all the information out there, staying ahead not only means acquiring the latest strategic insights, but acquiring this information quicker than the population. Eliot provides that framework.
it's incorrect claim that increasing a single factor to much might drop the efficiency of the "system" increasing all of the factors will increase your winrate proportionately except rake (ofc) and stakes which can lead to swings which bankroll might not handle. the factor of skill can be neglacted as it's just one of 2 factors (with skill of your opponent) that determine other factor: edge
so the formula should be volume x edge x stakes x efficiency rate-(rake+ losses while not being efficient) (or something like that)
so icreasing just the endge and/or volume will always be proportionately more profitible regardless of other factors.
the reason to balance those factors would be one mentioned previousely as it's easier to make progress at the beginning and by it making it more efficient to increase the systems efficiency by focusing on your weak areas.
and there is realistic limit of efficiency since good players can be efficient nearly 100% of the time unlike edge of which the limits can be approached only at the top.
Edit: forgotten to mention that for example playing more tables can decrease efficiency.
mighty be practically difficult to increase just 1 variable but theoretically increasing each of those factors must be beneficial (assuming ur a winning player).
i don't know how to reply to replies, i disagree that it isn't meant to be a math problem;
EVERYTHING becomes math when your understanding becomes sufficient
As I said in the video, this isn't meant to be a math problem where you can plug in numbers and get a profit number on the other side.
It's used to get an overview of the system that makes up your profits, so you can find any bottlenecks that are holding you back.
In the real world, there is a limit to the Volume someone can play and maintain a reasonable win rate. This is true in both the short-term (number of tables played) and long-term (hours, days, months played).
The connection between Edge and Stakes isn't always precise, but the trend is typically the higher stakes you go the lower edge you have (especially if you're someone who isn't able to get into high-stakes private games). You aren't able to say "I'm just going to keep increasing my Edge and bump my profits," there will always be a realistic cap at any given stakes. This means you need to balance Edge, Stakes, and Volume to find your sweet spot.
When it comes to Stakes and Efficiency, you can certainly raise Stakes to a point where Efficiency crumbles. A player could crush a game at one level, but bump up the stakes past their comfort zone (say 10x bigger) and they will fall apart, even though the other factors of the game are the same.
Hi! and thx for this video!
for my part, i m trying to work hard for improving my skills, and so my edge on my opponents, but i realise how difficult it is to well organize my dedicated time. i m engaged in several parts of the game, like hh review, pio solver works, leakfinding regs, mental game, etc, but i have this feeling of dispersion. What could you advice for improving that part of the work ?
and sry for my English, not native English ^^
I really like example '' if you 8th best poker player at the world, but sitting down with 1-7th you gonna be losing player''.
And last minutes are real fun with gladiators and so on. lol
This is how my Six Levers of poker would line up with the weakest first, volume, stakes, skill, rake, edge and efficiency . Looking to keep improving .
Good stuff! I can find myself pretty much in almost every profile tbh....I can be crushing the game 1 day putting in the volume,the next day i can play 12 hrs a day just to break even cuz i dont want to end in lossing session(probably my biggest problem),1 day i can study the game for whole day not playing a single session....1 day i can wake up and cant wait to play the game without preparing or studying.Looking forward to the masterclass.
Kruzer20 Sounds like you could you some standard processes/systems to create some consistency. Glad you're looking forward to the Masterclass, as that's what it's all about.
I felt personally attacked when you described 'the perfectionist'. With reduced volume and stakes, I think this mindset is very costly to me. Great to have a rio coach who might be able to tackle this leak. Am Looking forward to your future videos.
Great video, thanks for the insight into something mentally other than tilt/focus
Personally I've played for a few years but been between 2nl-10nl (based on bankroll). I've always found my weakness is that I have a few good weeks and few off weeks and then I plateau for a long time. I think if I were to put it in terms of the levers I believe myself to have a skill level greater than these stakes, which I believe gives me a edge (sometimes a negative edge in over complication) and I can mostly efficiently apply the skill to the hands. Where I struggle is that after a few weeks/months of that plateau, in which I still put in volume at the same stakes (2nl, 5nl, 10nl) and I just burnout and stop, or start playing tournaments or something.
Seeing you put that term "burnout" made a realization as to how that was exactly what I was doing. Which I guess was why this time round without having a name for it, knew I had to push through that "bottleneck" of my game. I am trying to increase my skill (haven't purchased RIO yet), and trying to increase my edge and efficiency for my stakes. I guess I used to think that learning poker was a linear progression of understanding poker from "what is a flush" to "what is the frequency of bets of XX on XXX" but it's more than that. If I can bring myself back down to earth versus the opponents at my stake I will have a greater chance to increase this "edge" I have between them because I can exploit their tendencies better by knowing relevant information over the information that would be relevant for a 200nl zoom session.
I guess after this long rant when you said what category or title would you apply to yourself I could see myself as somewhat of a "glass bankroll nit". I am a little tighter, if that plateau doesn't increase then I tend to fade away and in the past when I have moved up stakes I have doubted myself when I know I can be apart of it. As mentioned I haven't purchased anything yet as I am trying to use free videos around the internet to gauge whether this is that "lever" I need to increase to see my profits increase but if it is I think I'll be looking forward to hearing more of your videos.
Just what I needed. I remember Fedor Holz talks about your calming voice in one of his vlogs, now I understand what he meant. I have experienced multiple profiles. My bottleneck right now is efficiency. Not just in poker, but in all areas of life I can see it now. I have a super good A-game, but not b, c or d game. So when I increased volume I saw my winrate just plummeting. Going from a 10bb+/100 winner to a big loser in my game. The difference is night and day. The same for when I fitness I either have the best workout I ever had or it just completely sucked.
Just some self-reflection. Appreciate the content!
Great introductory video to what your masterclass looks to offer. It sort of forces people into introspection, which can only be a net positive. This is something I have really tried to devote time and energy into more recently, in both poker and general life, because I have always thought of myself as your "glass cannon" profile. I am very intrigued by the masterclass, so I will keep it in the shopping cart for now!
Please don’t mention Dan Balzerian in any poker video... really not a good example, and no one really knows where his money comes from...he says from poker.... but hmmmm.. not so sure!
Overall, really nice video and excellent content ��
I think this is really helpful. I watched this when I first joined and then again just now. For me I think it's one I'll come back to often just to remind myself what I'm really trying to accomplish and how to get there.
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This video and this course has been an excellent resource for my poker and life eV. I really value Eliot’s practical approach to the mental game, as a performance mindset. This video confirmed the things I was already doing, and gave me some new tools to improve how efficiently I improve my strategic and mental game. With all the information out there, staying ahead not only means acquiring the latest strategic insights, but acquiring this information quicker than the population. Eliot provides that framework.
it's incorrect claim that increasing a single factor to much might drop the efficiency of the "system" increasing all of the factors will increase your winrate proportionately except rake (ofc) and stakes which can lead to swings which bankroll might not handle. the factor of skill can be neglacted as it's just one of 2 factors (with skill of your opponent) that determine other factor: edge
so the formula should be volume x edge x stakes x efficiency rate-(rake+ losses while not being efficient) (or something like that)
so icreasing just the endge and/or volume will always be proportionately more profitible regardless of other factors.
the reason to balance those factors would be one mentioned previousely as it's easier to make progress at the beginning and by it making it more efficient to increase the systems efficiency by focusing on your weak areas.
and there is realistic limit of efficiency since good players can be efficient nearly 100% of the time unlike edge of which the limits can be approached only at the top.
Edit: forgotten to mention that for example playing more tables can decrease efficiency.
mighty be practically difficult to increase just 1 variable but theoretically increasing each of those factors must be beneficial (assuming ur a winning player).
i don't know how to reply to replies, i disagree that it isn't meant to be a math problem;
EVERYTHING becomes math when your understanding becomes sufficient
Thanks for your thoughts POKERBART
As I said in the video, this isn't meant to be a math problem where you can plug in numbers and get a profit number on the other side.
It's used to get an overview of the system that makes up your profits, so you can find any bottlenecks that are holding you back.
In the real world, there is a limit to the Volume someone can play and maintain a reasonable win rate. This is true in both the short-term (number of tables played) and long-term (hours, days, months played).
The connection between Edge and Stakes isn't always precise, but the trend is typically the higher stakes you go the lower edge you have (especially if you're someone who isn't able to get into high-stakes private games). You aren't able to say "I'm just going to keep increasing my Edge and bump my profits," there will always be a realistic cap at any given stakes. This means you need to balance Edge, Stakes, and Volume to find your sweet spot.
When it comes to Stakes and Efficiency, you can certainly raise Stakes to a point where Efficiency crumbles. A player could crush a game at one level, but bump up the stakes past their comfort zone (say 10x bigger) and they will fall apart, even though the other factors of the game are the same.
Hope that helps!
Hi! and thx for this video!
for my part, i m trying to work hard for improving my skills, and so my edge on my opponents, but i realise how difficult it is to well organize my dedicated time. i m engaged in several parts of the game, like hh review, pio solver works, leakfinding regs, mental game, etc, but i have this feeling of dispersion. What could you advice for improving that part of the work ?
and sry for my English, not native English ^^
If you are meaning depression, then I would always suggest you seek the help of a local professional.
I really like example '' if you 8th best poker player at the world, but sitting down with 1-7th you gonna be losing player''.
And last minutes are real fun with gladiators and so on. lol
Glad you liked it Jeff_ !
This is how my Six Levers of poker would line up with the weakest first, volume, stakes, skill, rake, edge and efficiency . Looking to keep improving .
CrazyFish What's stopping you from playing proper volume?
Fear of failure and energy levels are probably the reasons I am not putting in the proper volume Elliot .
Good stuff! I can find myself pretty much in almost every profile tbh....I can be crushing the game 1 day putting in the volume,the next day i can play 12 hrs a day just to break even cuz i dont want to end in lossing session(probably my biggest problem),1 day i can study the game for whole day not playing a single session....1 day i can wake up and cant wait to play the game without preparing or studying.Looking forward to the masterclass.
Kruzer20 Sounds like you could you some standard processes/systems to create some consistency. Glad you're looking forward to the Masterclass, as that's what it's all about.
I felt personally attacked when you described 'the perfectionist'. With reduced volume and stakes, I think this mindset is very costly to me. Great to have a rio coach who might be able to tackle this leak. Am Looking forward to your future videos.
therapist Where do you think the Perfectionist tendencies come from?
no not depression haha, just how to well organize the time dedicated for working
feat.random Ah, that makes sense. I have a full system for time management/organization for poker players which is included in the Masterclass.
Today's email about earned confidence was really useful way of describing confidence .
Good to hear @CrazyFish. Confidence can a powerful thing, but there is a thin line between it being healthy and destructive.
Great video, thanks for the insight into something mentally other than tilt/focus
Personally I've played for a few years but been between 2nl-10nl (based on bankroll). I've always found my weakness is that I have a few good weeks and few off weeks and then I plateau for a long time. I think if I were to put it in terms of the levers I believe myself to have a skill level greater than these stakes, which I believe gives me a edge (sometimes a negative edge in over complication) and I can mostly efficiently apply the skill to the hands. Where I struggle is that after a few weeks/months of that plateau, in which I still put in volume at the same stakes (2nl, 5nl, 10nl) and I just burnout and stop, or start playing tournaments or something.
Seeing you put that term "burnout" made a realization as to how that was exactly what I was doing. Which I guess was why this time round without having a name for it, knew I had to push through that "bottleneck" of my game. I am trying to increase my skill (haven't purchased RIO yet), and trying to increase my edge and efficiency for my stakes. I guess I used to think that learning poker was a linear progression of understanding poker from "what is a flush" to "what is the frequency of bets of XX on XXX" but it's more than that. If I can bring myself back down to earth versus the opponents at my stake I will have a greater chance to increase this "edge" I have between them because I can exploit their tendencies better by knowing relevant information over the information that would be relevant for a 200nl zoom session.
I guess after this long rant when you said what category or title would you apply to yourself I could see myself as somewhat of a "glass bankroll nit". I am a little tighter, if that plateau doesn't increase then I tend to fade away and in the past when I have moved up stakes I have doubted myself when I know I can be apart of it. As mentioned I haven't purchased anything yet as I am trying to use free videos around the internet to gauge whether this is that "lever" I need to increase to see my profits increase but if it is I think I'll be looking forward to hearing more of your videos.
Just what I needed. I remember Fedor Holz talks about your calming voice in one of his vlogs, now I understand what he meant. I have experienced multiple profiles. My bottleneck right now is efficiency. Not just in poker, but in all areas of life I can see it now. I have a super good A-game, but not b, c or d game. So when I increased volume I saw my winrate just plummeting. Going from a 10bb+/100 winner to a big loser in my game. The difference is night and day. The same for when I fitness I either have the best workout I ever had or it just completely sucked.
Just some self-reflection. Appreciate the content!
Yungda Liu
Glad you enjoyed it!
Great introductory video to what your masterclass looks to offer. It sort of forces people into introspection, which can only be a net positive. This is something I have really tried to devote time and energy into more recently, in both poker and general life, because I have always thought of myself as your "glass cannon" profile. I am very intrigued by the masterclass, so I will keep it in the shopping cart for now!
Thanks for the video, Elliot.
Great video!
Thank you Mr. Roe, now what do you think about the relationships between momentum, luck, and flow state?
Hey Ryan Lee Can you elaborate a bit more on this question? I may be able to help if you're a bit more precise with the question.
Hello Mr Elliot Roe ! Great video and very nicely put.
Glad you liked it!
Oh Mann watt ne Selbstbeweihräucherung
Please don’t mention Dan Balzerian in any poker video... really not a good example, and no one really knows where his money comes from...he says from poker.... but hmmmm.. not so sure!
Overall, really nice video and excellent content ��
That awkward moment when someone puts into words your condition and you realize it's a combination of delusional gladiator with shot taker tendencies.
At least I guess I know which characteristics from other archetypes I should try to adopt.
OhGodYouSuck Having a place to start is a great first step!
Thanks alot for one month free preciate it����
Cuba_canecorso Glad you like the video!
you sound like the voice from the Headspace App
I sound even more like the voice from the primed mind app ;) hope you enjoyed the video
I think this is really helpful. I watched this when I first joined and then again just now. For me I think it's one I'll come back to often just to remind myself what I'm really trying to accomplish and how to get there.
I would like to thank you for this, I will probably sub to roi for the rest.
Damn! This is so Good.
Suggestion: attach a PDF with a Sample Persona and more information on how to create one.
thanks, really awesome!
Really good stuff, looking forward to go through the Masterclass! :)
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