You talk about balancing, how you would check/call hands like AQ/AK (I really dont think you have many combos of Ax on the river, defiantly AdXd) , but against what range you think c/c is profitable? Villain is not going to turn hands in to a bluff here with much frequency (If any), like you said, ranges are really narrow, I dont agree you should be giving up EV for balancing purposes.
When I mentioned balancing it was more in reference to not having a 100% folding range when checking this river to our opponent - this is obviously very exploitable. However, as you rightly pointed out, having no c/c range vs this particular opponent is probably correct and we should be value betting sets and probably AK only, and c/f the rest. The point I was trying to get across was that vs. more aggressive and/or creative opponents that might bluff this river, its a good idea to be able to check a wider range that includes sets, Ax and such forth that can call/fold/raise accordingly.
You mentioned a couple times in your videos that you would not cbet without equity. What about dry boards where they are good to c-bet on regardless of equity ie") you raise pf with T9cc and the flop is A22 rainbow and you have no equity, are you still c-bettign or just giving up?
Yeah I would not cbet without equity in spots where the flop either is likely to hit my opponents range, is reasonably coordinated and/or my opponent rarely folds. Obviously there are a ton of instances, like the example you gave, where cbet with close to zero equity is +ev.
top right on 23:00 you have T7s and barreling the turn. Is there an option to go ck-call mode to give him a chance bluff his weak holdings? Meanwhile we potcontrol and pervent the situation where he calls the turn and we ck the plank river and he bets to us in to a quite big pot and puts us on a tough decision. Or with checking we loose so much value from his possible 6x, 7x , 8x draws thats why betting is better?
EDIT: ofc i want to ck-call only because we have flush equity. Without a flush equity i think our hand is too weak to ck-call.
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Volume not synced with video halfway through.
Yeah we had a lot of trouble with the audio, apologies for that. Shouldn't happen again!
Min 27:10
You talk about balancing, how you would check/call hands like AQ/AK (I really dont think you have many combos of Ax on the river, defiantly AdXd) , but against what range you think c/c is profitable? Villain is not going to turn hands in to a bluff here with much frequency (If any), like you said, ranges are really narrow, I dont agree you should be giving up EV for balancing purposes.
When I mentioned balancing it was more in reference to not having a 100% folding range when checking this river to our opponent - this is obviously very exploitable. However, as you rightly pointed out, having no c/c range vs this particular opponent is probably correct and we should be value betting sets and probably AK only, and c/f the rest. The point I was trying to get across was that vs. more aggressive and/or creative opponents that might bluff this river, its a good idea to be able to check a wider range that includes sets, Ax and such forth that can call/fold/raise accordingly.
You mentioned a couple times in your videos that you would not cbet without equity. What about dry boards where they are good to c-bet on regardless of equity ie") you raise pf with T9cc and the flop is A22 rainbow and you have no equity, are you still c-bettign or just giving up?
Yeah I would not cbet without equity in spots where the flop either is likely to hit my opponents range, is reasonably coordinated and/or my opponent rarely folds. Obviously there are a ton of instances, like the example you gave, where cbet with close to zero equity is +ev.
top right on 23:00 you have T7s and barreling the turn. Is there an option to go ck-call mode to give him a chance bluff his weak holdings? Meanwhile we potcontrol and pervent the situation where he calls the turn and we ck the plank river and he bets to us in to a quite big pot and puts us on a tough decision. Or with checking we loose so much value from his possible 6x, 7x , 8x draws thats why betting is better?
EDIT: ofc i want to ck-call only because we have flush equity. Without a flush equity i think our hand is too weak to ck-call.
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