definitely want to see more vids on short deck... my understanding is that with Y outs with two to come your odds are roughly Y x 6 and with one to come its Y x 3. so combo draws are massive... especially since a flush beats a boat. so basically suited connecters go way up in value.
some random thoughts n questions: using a limp jam strat with AA, KK, AK or RRjam with these hands seems straight forward enough but what about AQ? Given the short deck aren't we going to run into AK or QQ+ often enough that jamming AQ might be a mistake?
How much of a difference does AQs make? How much difference in general does suitedness make to our connected hands? incl one gappers? I mean i know suitedness important in this game but how can we quantify it?
A rag offsuit is junk but what about A8s A7s A6s that can make a flush AND a "wheel" or whatever the low straight is called in short deck... hubcap?
how viable is playing something like 78/89 when theres a raised pot and 3+ callers? I mean they should all have JT+ right? sharing each others cards... aren't all the low cards live??
how much more likely is it two people flop sets?
could you do a little more on hands that want to get heads up and which hands do better multi-way (there was a bit on your first SD vid)
some sort of intro starting hand by position info would be awesome. what hands can call a raise/3bet etc
Also how often are we going to be dealt any pocket pair, AA, KK, AK, any suited connectors, SC's JT+.
not sure if its possible to have an idea of what the average winning hand is in this game yet..?
what is the average dealt hand in this game, if Q7o in NLHE than what is it in SD?
how more often is AA and KK likely to clash? how many hands until we dealt AA on average? AK?
is position more important in SD? less important? the same as in NLHE?
any thoughts on seat selection? ie having a super loose guy on left who we can limp into and then jam our big hands OR nits on left who we can open wide and steal the 7 units out there pre flop. likewise what sort of players do we want on our right? guess this depends a little on our own playing style but its something to consider in every game. ultimately have to be able to adapt to any situ but I can't help but wonder in this relatively new game that if limping is going to be much more common than NLHE due to odds, ie number of units to fight over pre flop, then perhaps its profitable to have a maniac on left. aside from the limp jam thing the maniac might bet a lot of ppl out of multiway pots and then we have that info of what the other player in the hand has done.
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3 of a kind beats a straight right ?
Not in 6+ Holdem on Pokerstars for whatever reason.
In the first installment of this series I cover the rules specific to this gametype on the site although I understand the confusion
Actually from what I know in Asia, the hand ranking in 6+ is usually
3 of a kind < straight < fullhouse < flush
Could you please, get together with another trainer on this site for a HU match content series?
Hi Patrick,
definitely want to see more vids on short deck... my understanding is that with Y outs with two to come your odds are roughly Y x 6 and with one to come its Y x 3. so combo draws are massive... especially since a flush beats a boat. so basically suited connecters go way up in value.
some random thoughts n questions: using a limp jam strat with AA, KK, AK or RRjam with these hands seems straight forward enough but what about AQ? Given the short deck aren't we going to run into AK or QQ+ often enough that jamming AQ might be a mistake?
How much of a difference does AQs make? How much difference in general does suitedness make to our connected hands? incl one gappers? I mean i know suitedness important in this game but how can we quantify it?
A rag offsuit is junk but what about A8s A7s A6s that can make a flush AND a "wheel" or whatever the low straight is called in short deck... hubcap?
how viable is playing something like 78/89 when theres a raised pot and 3+ callers? I mean they should all have JT+ right? sharing each others cards... aren't all the low cards live??
how much more likely is it two people flop sets?
could you do a little more on hands that want to get heads up and which hands do better multi-way (there was a bit on your first SD vid)
some sort of intro starting hand by position info would be awesome. what hands can call a raise/3bet etc
Also how often are we going to be dealt any pocket pair, AA, KK, AK, any suited connectors, SC's JT+.
not sure if its possible to have an idea of what the average winning hand is in this game yet..?
what is the average dealt hand in this game, if Q7o in NLHE than what is it in SD?
how more often is AA and KK likely to clash? how many hands until we dealt AA on average? AK?
is position more important in SD? less important? the same as in NLHE?
any thoughts on seat selection? ie having a super loose guy on left who we can limp into and then jam our big hands OR nits on left who we can open wide and steal the 7 units out there pre flop. likewise what sort of players do we want on our right? guess this depends a little on our own playing style but its something to consider in every game. ultimately have to be able to adapt to any situ but I can't help but wonder in this relatively new game that if limping is going to be much more common than NLHE due to odds, ie number of units to fight over pre flop, then perhaps its profitable to have a maniac on left. aside from the limp jam thing the maniac might bet a lot of ppl out of multiway pots and then we have that info of what the other player in the hand has done.
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