Interesting hand at 12:00 AJo and the thought process is good! How would you proceed on brick river if your small bet OTT got called and villain checks to you?
21:54 QJo hands is very impressive to me. Personally, I never bluff-raise fish when they donk pot & esp when they are short stack. I understand you said that this could be a give up, but just wondering in your opinion how’s the success rate vs a short stack fish? Since we can’t really call a 3b jam and I feel fish’s folding equity is low when they pot it. It’s really awesome to see some play like this [especially from an exploitative POV!] since I’ve never thought about using it myself, might be good to start using it :D
It has be a recreational that has a wide range. When we check flop they probe way too often on the turn, it's only natural with such a wide range. So the turn raise is profitable.
It's ok to fold and only raise when they probe smaller size. And sometimes you will run into a made hand :D .
It's a volatile strategy to be honest. If you don't want that variance in your game, cbet flop then or just give up turn.
This was the most interesting hand for me too. My first thought is that vs a recreational player with this stack depth we can just cbet range for 1/4 pot on the flop. I used a BB vs EP flatting range for the SB's range (as a rough guess for what the SB may actually have here) in a sim and got a range bet as the result.
If you are raising this hand on the turn, does it mean you are raising any 2 overcards, and any other junk that can't call?
33:46 I really like the thought process regarding reg from BB wanna get value from c/c fish and will not protect his checking range so the delayed cbet will be very profitable. How will you change your decision if it’s a button c/c by a regular & BB being a reg too with everything else being equal?
The logic remains the same if it's a reg on the BTN. We can't just bet any hand there then though as the BTN reg will be more likely to check some decent hands on the flop. And BB might check a bit more as well. KTdd still seems like a strong enough hand to bet.
30:40 I understand players behind are loose so you want to play tighter but you dont want to open any pokets in that spot ? Without more informations they tend to be passive, so you want to take the chance to make a trips against them no? And still more because you are 250 deep with bb no ?
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Hey shaun I really enjoy this format.
Huge fan of one table format as always!
Interesting hand at 12:00 AJo and the thought process is good! How would you proceed on brick river if your small bet OTT got called and villain checks to you?
I would generally check. We might win against diamond draws so showdown isn't 0.
21:54 QJo hands is very impressive to me. Personally, I never bluff-raise fish when they donk pot & esp when they are short stack. I understand you said that this could be a give up, but just wondering in your opinion how’s the success rate vs a short stack fish? Since we can’t really call a 3b jam and I feel fish’s folding equity is low when they pot it. It’s really awesome to see some play like this [especially from an exploitative POV!] since I’ve never thought about using it myself, might be good to start using it :D
It has be a recreational that has a wide range. When we check flop they probe way too often on the turn, it's only natural with such a wide range. So the turn raise is profitable.
It's ok to fold and only raise when they probe smaller size. And sometimes you will run into a made hand :D .
It's a volatile strategy to be honest. If you don't want that variance in your game, cbet flop then or just give up turn.
This was the most interesting hand for me too. My first thought is that vs a recreational player with this stack depth we can just cbet range for 1/4 pot on the flop. I used a BB vs EP flatting range for the SB's range (as a rough guess for what the SB may actually have here) in a sim and got a range bet as the result.
If you are raising this hand on the turn, does it mean you are raising any 2 overcards, and any other junk that can't call?
33:46 I really like the thought process regarding reg from BB wanna get value from c/c fish and will not protect his checking range so the delayed cbet will be very profitable. How will you change your decision if it’s a button c/c by a regular & BB being a reg too with everything else being equal?
The logic remains the same if it's a reg on the BTN. We can't just bet any hand there then though as the BTN reg will be more likely to check some decent hands on the flop. And BB might check a bit more as well. KTdd still seems like a strong enough hand to bet.
30:40 I understand players behind are loose so you want to play tighter but you dont want to open any pokets in that spot ? Without more informations they tend to be passive, so you want to take the chance to make a trips against them no? And still more because you are 250 deep with bb no ?
Thanks for the video!
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