I am sorry that you didn t like it. Some people would like to see more videos with big entertaining pots, so I decided to show you this session with big pots.
Please tell me wich videos you wanna see? I already did part 2 and part 3 of this, so I will make the next one according to your feedback and suggestions.
Thank you
This video is good. If you've ever played some reasonable sample size of PLO both online or live, you'll inevitably run into one of these maniacs who pot and repot every single hand. I've seen it many times across all stakes and many times in live casino PLO as well. This video has a lot of good concepts on how to adjust and deviate away from "GTO" based strategy
Prime example being flatting super strong hands to back squeeze and generally more passive adjustments to exploit a hyper aggro opponent.
Hey, I'm a little late to this comment but I just wanted to chime in quickly. Even though you're more than welcome to let us know that you didn't like certain content, it's way more helpful if you're specific about why you didn't like certain videos.
If you say something like "The analysis of these hands seemed a little too basic and I'd rather see more discussion of hands versus regulars at these stakes" that's going to help both Sergey and those of us in charge of helping video makers decide on content a lot more than just asking for a dislike button.
First wanted to say I appreciate the video, enjoyed it. That being said you didn't teach viewers the single most important thing about playing against this style of villain....how to keep him rebuying and eventually bait him into playing you heads up. I think that strategy would have helped all of our EV more.
hi. coming from a live background of PLO cash games i am sorrx to say that i had higher hopes concerning this video.
adapting your game with stuff like having a limping range, heightened positional awareness, sufficient nutiness in hand selection etc, that is stuff i was expecting to hear about.
playing only max raw EV hands wont do the trick, especialy in deep to super deep situations.
i am stating this because i would love to see more content for exploitative style!!!
in this video most time is spent in hands not even played against the maniac..
no offense intended, but this movie missed the point
It was excellent content for me, because every so often, a maniac will show up and they can be very difficult to play against, especially for someone like me, who plays microstakes and am very inexperienced dealing with this type of player.
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this is not even essential, please add dislike button....
I am sorry that you didn t like it. Some people would like to see more videos with big entertaining pots, so I decided to show you this session with big pots.
Please tell me wich videos you wanna see? I already did part 2 and part 3 of this, so I will make the next one according to your feedback and suggestions.
Thank you
this is a great video, and your comment is not constructive
This video is good. If you've ever played some reasonable sample size of PLO both online or live, you'll inevitably run into one of these maniacs who pot and repot every single hand. I've seen it many times across all stakes and many times in live casino PLO as well. This video has a lot of good concepts on how to adjust and deviate away from "GTO" based strategy
Prime example being flatting super strong hands to back squeeze and generally more passive adjustments to exploit a hyper aggro opponent.
i liked it
ty sergey.
nice one, like all of your videos!
lol ok, just comparing to other video producers.
Hey, I'm a little late to this comment but I just wanted to chime in quickly. Even though you're more than welcome to let us know that you didn't like certain content, it's way more helpful if you're specific about why you didn't like certain videos.
If you say something like "The analysis of these hands seemed a little too basic and I'd rather see more discussion of hands versus regulars at these stakes" that's going to help both Sergey and those of us in charge of helping video makers decide on content a lot more than just asking for a dislike button.
First wanted to say I appreciate the video, enjoyed it. That being said you didn't teach viewers the single most important thing about playing against this style of villain....how to keep him rebuying and eventually bait him into playing you heads up. I think that strategy would have helped all of our EV more.
Did you fold the AA? How did you get from 2800 to 800?
hi. coming from a live background of PLO cash games i am sorrx to say that i had higher hopes concerning this video.
adapting your game with stuff like having a limping range, heightened positional awareness, sufficient nutiness in hand selection etc, that is stuff i was expecting to hear about.
playing only max raw EV hands wont do the trick, especialy in deep to super deep situations.
i am stating this because i would love to see more content for exploitative style!!!
in this video most time is spent in hands not even played against the maniac..
no offense intended, but this movie missed the point
I really enjoyed it.
It was excellent content for me, because every so often, a maniac will show up and they can be very difficult to play against, especially for someone like me, who plays microstakes and am very inexperienced dealing with this type of player.
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