And I also wanted to add that I prefer pt4 over hm2. So far I have had several problems with hm2 and even a scheduled maintainance on a sunday. pt4 also imports most tournament results which my hm2 did not.
I really like your analysis of your 3b/4b/5b game. Also, make sure you have the worlds most powerful computer before you switch to HM2. I just moved from HM2 to HM1 ^^
Sorry for my bad english.Min 12:56, I do not understand why you say easy shove for hollychev with 77+A10+ in he's spot. We open utg+1 , get call by the reg(24/17-after 140h) i thinks he have a strong range.. and antilog squeez, his range does not look strong? We have 15h on him, we can not assume that it is crazy and squeez so much.My bottom range to shove here if i am holly is something like 99-AJs+.Is to tight? GG, nice vid.
At 12:40 you said that shoving don't rep a monster but do you think that 4 bet in that spot with a monster is a good idea? rep exactly what you have is pretty bad no? Unless you have big histo with vilain I guess.. Nice vid btw;)
Andrei, what i meant by saying easy shove was that if he has those hands and chooses to play the hand he should be jamming rather than flatting. Sorry I didn't make that clear. Its certainly not a standard jam with 77, but vs him i like it.. So in general I'd jam slightly tighter than your range tt/AQs probably.
wannabescandi, good question, I think i would 4b here with monsters as I can just about 4b fold too. If we never 4b fold from this stack then i dislike a 4b with monsters.
Don't really like 3betting KQo on the first place against the laggy big stack. I mean hes probably rarely folding to 3bet so 3betting itself can't be immediately +EV ever. I guess shoving as played its OK but meh fuck ICM.
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Thanks Paul. Look forward to the other parts.
And I would recommend pt4.
I really like the video too!
And I also wanted to add that I prefer pt4 over hm2. So far I have had several problems with hm2 and even a scheduled maintainance on a sunday. pt4 also imports most tournament results which my hm2 did not.
really like ur stuff, Paul :) one of the most exciting and entertaining mtt videos all over the site for me. *thumbs up*
I really like your analysis of your 3b/4b/5b game. Also, make sure you have the worlds most powerful computer before you switch to HM2. I just moved from HM2 to HM1 ^^
My HM2 misses hands too, and it is a bit sluggish. Otherwise i like it. wonder if the cloud version will be any better.
Thanks guys, and thanks for the hm/pt advice.. although more confused now =).
don't use pt4 it doesn't work too good for mtts on Ladbrokes and IPN
Sorry for my bad english.Min 12:56, I do not understand why you say easy shove for hollychev with 77+A10+ in he's spot. We open utg+1 , get call by the reg(24/17-after 140h) i thinks he have a strong range.. and antilog squeez, his range does not look strong? We have 15h on him, we can not assume that it is crazy and squeez so much.My bottom range to shove here if i am holly is something like 99-AJs+.Is to tight? GG, nice vid.
At 12:40 you said that shoving don't rep a monster but do you think that 4 bet in that spot with a monster is a good idea? rep exactly what you have is pretty bad no? Unless you have big histo with vilain I guess.. Nice vid btw;)
I mean with that stacksize obv
Hi guys, sorry for the delay.
Andrei, what i meant by saying easy shove was that if he has those hands and chooses to play the hand he should be jamming rather than flatting. Sorry I didn't make that clear. Its certainly not a standard jam with 77, but vs him i like it.. So in general I'd jam slightly tighter than your range tt/AQs probably.
wannabescandi, good question, I think i would 4b here with monsters as I can just about 4b fold too. If we never 4b fold from this stack then i dislike a 4b with monsters.
Don't really like 3betting KQo on the first place against the laggy big stack. I mean hes probably rarely folding to 3bet so 3betting itself can't be immediately +EV ever. I guess shoving as played its OK but meh fuck ICM.
At min 16, you said it is a bad play to just call AJ from the dealer position , why it is bad? How should he have played the hand?
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