Regarding the Q6 hand at ~30:25: When we bet this turn I think our perceived range contains a bunch of bluffs/semi bluffs, and then Kx, 2 pair, and sets for value. I don't think most people assume we're betting a queen here. So with that in mind, I don't really understand why he'd be raising his value hands here. This line looks absurdly strong in the first place, and against our perceived polarized-ish range, he can c/s rivers for value since all of our kings and sets bet again, and he gets one more bet out of our bluffs. I'd be really tempted to call down with our queen here.
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Regarding the Q6 hand at ~30:25: When we bet this turn I think our perceived range contains a bunch of bluffs/semi bluffs, and then Kx, 2 pair, and sets for value. I don't think most people assume we're betting a queen here. So with that in mind, I don't really understand why he'd be raising his value hands here. This line looks absurdly strong in the first place, and against our perceived polarized-ish range, he can c/s rivers for value since all of our kings and sets bet again, and he gets one more bet out of our bluffs. I'd be really tempted to call down with our queen here.
Ye I agree with that, although are you intending on calling a river jam too? Or do u expect him to shut down a lot here?
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