1st hand, 98s, if we shove here are we shoving 100% of our opening range? I assume not and If not we are capping our range a lot and making an unexploitable play exploitable.. Those ICMizer ranges assume you are shoving all hands above 31% or whatever. Most opponents will know we don't have the very top of our range when we shove this deep, so don't those ranges become irrelevant to the situation?
If we have a r/c range in this spot we need to remove part of the bottom of our jamming range to strengthen it, we can add these hands to our r/f range... SO we can do some stuff maybe like maybe shave the very bottom of our jamming range off and shave a lot of our weaker ax off which we might normally jam because it has has blockers and add them to our r/f range? Just feels like we're giving away information, and making ourselves easy to play against when we are jamming 98s here and raising all our premiums and whatnot.
Next hand was jj, i think we should just shove both. Most of the time. If we are shoving 98s that is..
Am i thinking about this correctly?
The 22 hand with 10bbs utg, 99+ is a ridiculously tight range, must be some kind of error surely? I'm also getting 22 in here all day.
Also, pots were significantly bigger than what is being shown, you can see when each hand passed antes were being removed from player's stack and not showing up in the middle..
The 22 hand with 10bbs utg, 99+ is a ridiculously tight range, must be some kind of error surely? I'm also getting 22 in here all day.
Karl, Paul seems to enter incorrect payout structure, when using nash calculator. (50/30/20) is not proper structure. (100) is right one. Cause we are not that close to the final table yet and probably should neglect ICM implications and consider all spots in chipEV.
28:30 what do you think about 3betting A5o pre? It should look really strong with this stack size and we have a blocker. I also think it's less variance than shoving and calling is kinda awkward as you mentioned.
Hi guys, apologies for my failure with ICMizer and continue to jam 22 as with the 100% stuct greg mentioned above nash gives me 33+ so with antes/future hands considered an easy jam.
imawhale, I think jamming anything other than a supertight range on the bubble is standard, but looking at the nash ranges with a 100% struct like above it suggests a 31.8% jamming range which is 22+ Ax+ K6s+ KTo+ Q8s+ QTo+ J8s+ JTo T8s+ 97s+ 87s 76s. So J3SS may be slightly ambitious.
Martin, I certainly don't like a call, but feel given a super polarised small 3b range I think we could get rebluffed some %, so think i lean towards a jam over a 3b/fold. Would be suprised to see kjs/axs fold to a small 3b so I think we just have to sigh jam here.
Karl and tinyelvis, my thoughts on the 98s hand are that as long as we are balanced in that we have some open shuvs (ye, definately not the top of our range but hands too good to raise/fold) and then some raise calls and some raise folds its fine. We certainly don't want to be open shuving AA here if we have some raise folds, and also lets not forget we can still get peeled. I think my personal preference would be to open both 89s and JJ.
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1st hand, 98s, if we shove here are we shoving 100% of our opening range? I assume not and If not we are capping our range a lot and making an unexploitable play exploitable.. Those ICMizer ranges assume you are shoving all hands above 31% or whatever. Most opponents will know we don't have the very top of our range when we shove this deep, so don't those ranges become irrelevant to the situation?
If we have a r/c range in this spot we need to remove part of the bottom of our jamming range to strengthen it, we can add these hands to our r/f range... SO we can do some stuff maybe like maybe shave the very bottom of our jamming range off and shave a lot of our weaker ax off which we might normally jam because it has has blockers and add them to our r/f range? Just feels like we're giving away information, and making ourselves easy to play against when we are jamming 98s here and raising all our premiums and whatnot.
Next hand was jj, i think we should just shove both. Most of the time. If we are shoving 98s that is..
Am i thinking about this correctly?
The 22 hand with 10bbs utg, 99+ is a ridiculously tight range, must be some kind of error surely? I'm also getting 22 in here all day.
Also, pots were significantly bigger than what is being shown, you can see when each hand passed antes were being removed from player's stack and not showing up in the middle..
At 15bb we're probably shoving anything were going to play so not sure your comments make too much sense regarding the exploitation of our play.
"If we have a r/c range in this spot"
Karl, Paul seems to enter incorrect payout structure, when using nash calculator. (50/30/20) is not proper structure. (100) is right one. Cause we are not that close to the final table yet and probably should neglect ICM implications and consider all spots in chipEV.
Can you go into detail about the J3SS fold on the button at 500-1k. Is this a fold because we're on the money bubble? Think this is an easy ship??
28:30 what do you think about 3betting A5o pre? It should look really strong with this stack size and we have a blocker. I also think it's less variance than shoving and calling is kinda awkward as you mentioned.
Hi guys, apologies for my failure with ICMizer and continue to jam 22 as with the 100% stuct greg mentioned above nash gives me 33+ so with antes/future hands considered an easy jam.
imawhale, I think jamming anything other than a supertight range on the bubble is standard, but looking at the nash ranges with a 100% struct like above it suggests a 31.8% jamming range which is 22+ Ax+ K6s+ KTo+ Q8s+ QTo+ J8s+ JTo T8s+ 97s+ 87s 76s. So J3SS may be slightly ambitious.
Martin, I certainly don't like a call, but feel given a super polarised small 3b range I think we could get rebluffed some %, so think i lean towards a jam over a 3b/fold. Would be suprised to see kjs/axs fold to a small 3b so I think we just have to sigh jam here.
Karl and tinyelvis, my thoughts on the 98s hand are that as long as we are balanced in that we have some open shuvs (ye, definately not the top of our range but hands too good to raise/fold) and then some raise calls and some raise folds its fine. We certainly don't want to be open shuving AA here if we have some raise folds, and also lets not forget we can still get peeled. I think my personal preference would be to open both 89s and JJ.
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