Kempe4ever12 years, 1 month ago32:30 shoving is only option w KQ here. He's call is horrific, losing about €330 on it, dependin on your range.
GregGT 12 years, 1 month ago07:33 w/78o like ch/folding or bet/fold first. dont like ch/raising even such small bet, cause he has a lot of broadways like KT, QT gutshots, which he never folds obv. Also think he will bet his Jack here pretty often. Its fish: he doesnt think of cheching behind, he may think like: "oh, nice I have a pair of jacks - I should bet")))
17:00 AJo: =( really dont understand why u decide to cbet turn again. He calles a flop cbet and another Q on turn seems to strenghten his range pretty much if he has a lot of broadway queens or smth like this. Also he can have preflop traps like aces, and in general I want to say that Q changes nothing on that board.
Paul Senter12 years, 1 month ago7.33 ye I agree. Think it probably works better on A93 for example, and the boards probably a bit too coordinated that his broadways come along. I guess the thing to take from that hand is just vs fish not to just assume they realize we rep nothing and this is a cheap bluff that will work a decent % on better boards.
17.00 I agree that he has some broadways here and its pretty rare for me to barrel in this kind of spot. However, I think it looks pretty strong and I assume we get under pairs, floats and weak draws to fold which is also a significant % of his range. Definitely not a standard barrel but combining what we've seen from him, maybe his timing and how I felt I like occasionally barreling not only our monsters.
John Mike12 years, 1 month agoHello paul, the 88 at 10min, i dont understand why did you fold! Suppost he open with A9s+,KQs,66+,ATo+,KQo, you have 47% equity! I think that i never fold this hand in this situation!
Paul Senter12 years, 1 month agoHi Joao. Yes I think this is usually a jam, but I felt I'd never get called by an under pair and I also felt he won't be opening that wide into 6 reshuv stacks. Also the playability of my stack doesn't change much by going from 23x to 27x and assuming his calling range is AJs+/99+ we only have 36.5% equity when called. Although a shuv might be profitable, I don't think its optimal in this field.
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17:00 AJo: =( really dont understand why u decide to cbet turn again. He calles a flop cbet and another Q on turn seems to strenghten his range pretty much if he has a lot of broadway queens or smth like this. Also he can have preflop traps like aces, and in general I want to say that Q changes nothing on that board.
17.00 I agree that he has some broadways here and its pretty rare for me to barrel in this kind of spot. However, I think it looks pretty strong and I assume we get under pairs, floats and weak draws to fold which is also a significant % of his range. Definitely not a standard barrel but combining what we've seen from him, maybe his timing and how I felt I like occasionally barreling not only our monsters.
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