at 5:35 in the 55 $: the btn opens from 19 bbs and you have 19 bbs in bb with KJ. you defend and then play it check fold. why? KJ is such a great hand to shove there. you have so much fe and even if he calls a pretty good hand! his openening range is sooo wide..
right around the same time in the 2 k turbo: btn opens from 20 bbs and you have KQ in the bb and you defend??! such a monster! how the hell can you not shove there?
aswell at the same time in 55 r: co opens and ajarov shoves 25 bbs from btn and you have AJs in bb and say: it is a fold every time. vs ajarov in this spot i think it s a snap call and i thought that before i saw his hand but obviously that spot is a bit closer.
but especially on the other spots i would really like to hear your thought process because i just dont get it!
Good video, David.
40:50 8game table (razz)
Would you be more tempted to fold or 3bet w 968 vs Johnny opening holding 5 if a player who brought in would have holded low card?
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this is fun. very good razz decisions and waiting anxiously for the part 3.
thanks man
directly at the beginning at 1:40 in the 109 turbo you min open KQs utg from a 14 bb stack.
why? would like to hear your reasons?
at 5:35 in the 55 $: the btn opens from 19 bbs and you have 19 bbs in bb with KJ. you defend and then play it check fold. why? KJ is such a great hand to shove there. you have so much fe and even if he calls a pretty good hand! his openening range is sooo wide..
right around the same time in the 2 k turbo: btn opens from 20 bbs and you have KQ in the bb and you defend??! such a monster! how the hell can you not shove there?
aswell at the same time in 55 r: co opens and ajarov shoves 25 bbs from btn and you have AJs in bb and say: it is a fold every time. vs ajarov in this spot i think it s a snap call and i thought that before i saw his hand but obviously that spot is a bit closer.
but especially on the other spots i would really like to hear your thought process because i just dont get it!
Good video, David.
40:50 8game table (razz)
Would you be more tempted to fold or 3bet w 968 vs Johnny opening holding 5 if a player who brought in would have holded low card?
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