you're always the most inovative (don't know if it is the right word in english) in training vid! always new fresh format.
PS: please make also vid on how to reach final table :) or continue some theory/concept by example vid thanks!
When I play the hands in the recorder they take as long as they took in real time. The video would be longer if I did it the other way. In the later parts of the video, I get better at moving through the hands the quicker.
really love your 10min, the guy folds TT there... thats very interesting to me. seems like for that bet size he like has to call even tho it doesn't seem like ur bluffing... just logically just not much beats him, and he's near top of range. i doubt he checks river that much with ax there, if he even chose to c/c it on flop.
at 21min, i understand the turn bet for 1/3rd pot for protection/thin value but i just think that you are so capped at TT and u both have 66,77 and no 2x so i think he shud be c/r fairly aggressively here as you will have some jtdd qjdd kqdd t9dd hands that obv hate getting raised and 24 combos of 88-TT, and maybe 55 sometimes. you only have 6 nut combos (66/77) and it looks like a protection bet (i know that u can bet 66,77 for that size too but majority of range is protection/semibluff). i know personally i may check AdAx here sometimes cuz i block Axdd that may check back and that we don't wanna give free equity and cuz we can c/r and try to get a lot more money in and really punish flush draws, nearly all of which will feel inclined to bluff now, and your thin protection bets. plus, this protects my AK, AQ here so it can better realize its equity.
Hand 1. He needs to call with some of his bluff catchers some times here and TT is as good a bluff catcher as any other. I am a little surprised he fold, but i guess in game he just didn't think i was bluffing that much.
I agree w/ you about hand 2 in theory, in practice I just didn't think he was checking strong ott and was probably overcbetting the flop a little too much.
around 30 min with KK on QQ5 flop, what are your reasons for betting the flop? We are usually not getting 3 streets of value from any hand, only card we'r scared of is A, and the times he has a Q we should keep the pot small. I think he's more likely to pay us off 2 streets with 66-JJ if we check the flop.
Also I think you mentioned you might checkback AK here, so for good balance checking AA and KK here seems like the best solution. thoughts on this?
On the KK hand what do u think his betting river range consists off? I don't think he's flatting you that wide on that flop in ft and I'd check the turn for folding the river onto a bet(and pretty bad river too) and valuebetting if he checks. But both turn and river cards are so ugly cause he's having tons of AQo 99 TT JJ which u dont block and either he's turning a hand with SD value into a bluff(somethin like 66,77,88) or you'll be mucking pretty much all the time in this spot imo. I'd also think on river blanks he could also maybe sometimes x/call with Qx cause you'd valuebet TT KK JJ AA. But still think it's pretty weak to check behind the river
Im a lil surprised he flatted ur 3x 3bet from utg with QTs which probably will be his bottom range. Very nice video btw!
It's obviously a pretty ugly runout, but i only need to be good ~25% of the time and he has 2 QTs, 2 QJs, 1 KQs, 2 AQs, 4AQo, 3 99, 3 JJ
So I only need him to have around 6 combos of random bluffs or blocks and I think he has that enough. If I think he folds AQo pre or occasionally raises a queen on the flop. He only needs 3 or 4 bluff combos.
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Awesome format Sam!
you're always the most inovative (don't know if it is the right word in english) in training vid! always new fresh format.
PS: please make also vid on how to reach final table :) or continue some theory/concept by example vid thanks!
I don't understand why you replaying second time the hand in HM instead of playing it in recorder? You wasting a lot of time :-)
This. So much this.
When I play the hands in the recorder they take as long as they took in real time. The video would be longer if I did it the other way. In the later parts of the video, I get better at moving through the hands the quicker.
so we can see the action before knowing the hole cards ?
This. So much this
I enjoyed this format, don't think it was slow
really love your 10min, the guy folds TT there... thats very interesting to me. seems like for that bet size he like has to call even tho it doesn't seem like ur bluffing... just logically just not much beats him, and he's near top of range. i doubt he checks river that much with ax there, if he even chose to c/c it on flop.
at 21min, i understand the turn bet for 1/3rd pot for protection/thin value but i just think that you are so capped at TT and u both have 66,77 and no 2x so i think he shud be c/r fairly aggressively here as you will have some jtdd qjdd kqdd t9dd hands that obv hate getting raised and 24 combos of 88-TT, and maybe 55 sometimes. you only have 6 nut combos (66/77) and it looks like a protection bet (i know that u can bet 66,77 for that size too but majority of range is protection/semibluff). i know personally i may check AdAx here sometimes cuz i block Axdd that may check back and that we don't wanna give free equity and cuz we can c/r and try to get a lot more money in and really punish flush draws, nearly all of which will feel inclined to bluff now, and your thin protection bets. plus, this protects my AK, AQ here so it can better realize its equity.
Hand 1. He needs to call with some of his bluff catchers some times here and TT is as good a bluff catcher as any other. I am a little surprised he fold, but i guess in game he just didn't think i was bluffing that much.
I agree w/ you about hand 2 in theory, in practice I just didn't think he was checking strong ott and was probably overcbetting the flop a little too much.
around 30 min with KK on QQ5 flop, what are your reasons for betting the flop? We are usually not getting 3 streets of value from any hand, only card we'r scared of is A, and the times he has a Q we should keep the pot small. I think he's more likely to pay us off 2 streets with 66-JJ if we check the flop.
Also I think you mentioned you might checkback AK here, so for good balance checking AA and KK here seems like the best solution. thoughts on this?
Great format!
On the KK hand what do u think his betting river range consists off? I don't think he's flatting you that wide on that flop in ft and I'd check the turn for folding the river onto a bet(and pretty bad river too) and valuebetting if he checks. But both turn and river cards are so ugly cause he's having tons of AQo 99 TT JJ which u dont block and either he's turning a hand with SD value into a bluff(somethin like 66,77,88) or you'll be mucking pretty much all the time in this spot imo. I'd also think on river blanks he could also maybe sometimes x/call with Qx cause you'd valuebet TT KK JJ AA. But still think it's pretty weak to check behind the river
Im a lil surprised he flatted ur 3x 3bet from utg with QTs which probably will be his bottom range. Very nice video btw!
It's obviously a pretty ugly runout, but i only need to be good ~25% of the time and he has 2 QTs, 2 QJs, 1 KQs, 2 AQs, 4AQo, 3 99, 3 JJ
So I only need him to have around 6 combos of random bluffs or blocks and I think he has that enough. If I think he folds AQo pre or occasionally raises a queen on the flop. He only needs 3 or 4 bluff combos.
whats that program name? the one that reveals the holecards.. TY
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