I was generally referring to some specific hands like the 99 v AK. I think this is a simple raise and push scenario which requires only the use of an hrc sim and not any postflop trees. Anyway thx for the feedback!
1st Hand: After having seen Addamo fold JTs and 33 which you considered to be too tight, would you rather prefer to jam K4o here?
30:20 You did not comment on his Turnplay. High Freq bet card for him obviously. Shouldn't he have at least a few NFDs in his betting range here? this one seems to be a perfect candidate for a few reasons.
OTR I get your point, but isn't this one of the spots where he might have >80% EQ and still prefer to check as his bet will not be called by worse all that often, sometimes he will valuecut himself and him being capped-ish in an ICM pressure spot...
In game I randomized and thought it would mix shove/raise non-AI and call. I rolled passive and limped, which I still think is a fine play.
I think this is best NFD to bet, you can fold out better king high, you can fold out some 6x which can make a make a higher straight and you have some backup equity if you get x/red ott.
Is there some strong merit to folding 33 if we assume we have no fold equity? I know you mention he is by far the shortest stack but if we consider the future game EV of Orp being in the big blind and small blind the next two hands then the likelihood of Orp busting bust go up quite a bit. Perhaps this makes folding 33 better?
That hand is a good example. To determine if we should stack off 99 we need to know what pads is shoving, to know what pads is shoving we need to know fishbones's opening range and wizo's flatting range. HRC/ICMizer will not give an accurate flatting range for wizo. It won't be his real strategy or his optimal strategy. Even if we did run a PIO or Monker ICM sim of this spot it would still be insufficient because it wouldn't account for any future game EV. These spots are very tricky and the tools we have to solve them are still pretty simple.
Thanks for a great video. At 41:55, what do you think of watnlos openfolding KJo off 40bb in the HJ? Is this a spot you would go after him a lot from the CO given the presence of 2 sub10bb stacks? Is openfolding KJo in this spot an appropriate adjustment to that or just too tight?
@41:00 - ORP utg with 44 for 10bb. Will go through the blinds after this hand. This seems close? U mention it looks like an quite easy fold but seems closer than that to me. 8 people to go through (and cover one) but positions after will have to pass on 66 and possibly 77? Flip is not terrible as we are going through blinds and not that far ahead of addamo.
Intuition says shove this and perhaps close/fold with 33 (Although might not really matter so maybe all PP are shove if we want to shove 44?). Thoughts?
36:50 imluckbox AQo 5.5bb raising 4.5bb , you said it would give him some flexibility if 2 players go all in behind him. . So I assume it is a raise/fold if there is too much action behind. That's something I am struggling with. Isn't it a disaster to sacrifice so much of our stack just to ladder up? And we have a pretty decent hand.
Alright so let's say same situation but he has a much weaker hand this time, is raise folding possible ? What I always thought was that we can't raise fold in this situation with any hand, because giving up such large portion of our stack and our equity is giving up our future in the tournament just to ladder up.
Love your stuff bro and another killer vid! I was literally just watching a hand you played with Ali in the London high roller where you called the river bet shove with AK on tt9 Kss 6, would love to see a deep dive into that hand in a future vid.
6min - A8s CO 3bet. How much does omaha4rollz stack size effect your 3bet here? Does the EV of your 3bet go up as you appear stronger to pads1161 and should get more folds on the basis you're pricing yourself in to call off omaha4rollz if he sticks it in?
The shorter o4r is the weaker my 3b looks as the chip leader as it lets me put more pressure on pads. O4R being shorter is also good for being priced into call, reluctantly needing to call a shove in a spot where it's +CEV for me is better than folding to a 4b shove.
Hey Sam, congratz for the video.
I din't really understand the explanation of why whenever we get to the river with a 2 in our hand, we usually have a pretty good bluffing hand. Could you elaborate a bit more? Thanks
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Dont want to sound rude or anything but if you are unsure about some jamspots why not run a sim and show the results?
Because PIO ICM sims take a very long time to run and are still often incomplete and insufficient.
And HRC/ICMizer type sims are insufficient because they don't go down a postflop tree and they only tell you if shove > fold.
I was generally referring to some specific hands like the 99 v AK. I think this is a simple raise and push scenario which requires only the use of an hrc sim and not any postflop trees. Anyway thx for the feedback!
1st Hand: After having seen Addamo fold JTs and 33 which you considered to be too tight, would you rather prefer to jam K4o here?
30:20 You did not comment on his Turnplay. High Freq bet card for him obviously. Shouldn't he have at least a few NFDs in his betting range here? this one seems to be a perfect candidate for a few reasons.
OTR I get your point, but isn't this one of the spots where he might have >80% EQ and still prefer to check as his bet will not be called by worse all that often, sometimes he will valuecut himself and him being capped-ish in an ICM pressure spot...
In game I randomized and thought it would mix shove/raise non-AI and call. I rolled passive and limped, which I still think is a fine play.
I think this is best NFD to bet, you can fold out better king high, you can fold out some 6x which can make a make a higher straight and you have some backup equity if you get x/red ott.
Is there some strong merit to folding 33 if we assume we have no fold equity? I know you mention he is by far the shortest stack but if we consider the future game EV of Orp being in the big blind and small blind the next two hands then the likelihood of Orp busting bust go up quite a bit. Perhaps this makes folding 33 better?
That hand is a good example. To determine if we should stack off 99 we need to know what pads is shoving, to know what pads is shoving we need to know fishbones's opening range and wizo's flatting range. HRC/ICMizer will not give an accurate flatting range for wizo. It won't be his real strategy or his optimal strategy. Even if we did run a PIO or Monker ICM sim of this spot it would still be insufficient because it wouldn't account for any future game EV. These spots are very tricky and the tools we have to solve them are still pretty simple.
Aha i see! Thanks for the feedback and the quick response!
Thanks for a great video. At 41:55, what do you think of watnlos openfolding KJo off 40bb in the HJ? Is this a spot you would go after him a lot from the CO given the presence of 2 sub10bb stacks? Is openfolding KJo in this spot an appropriate adjustment to that or just too tight?
I think KJo HJ and QTo CO the hand before are both too tight.
@41:00 - ORP utg with 44 for 10bb. Will go through the blinds after this hand. This seems close? U mention it looks like an quite easy fold but seems closer than that to me. 8 people to go through (and cover one) but positions after will have to pass on 66 and possibly 77? Flip is not terrible as we are going through blinds and not that far ahead of addamo.
Intuition says shove this and perhaps close/fold with 33 (Although might not really matter so maybe all PP are shove if we want to shove 44?). Thoughts?
There's EV in folding and getting it in flipping and he still gets it in vs higher pairs a lot.
Hello Sam
36:50 imluckbox AQo 5.5bb raising 4.5bb , you said it would give him some flexibility if 2 players go all in behind him. . So I assume it is a raise/fold if there is too much action behind. That's something I am struggling with. Isn't it a disaster to sacrifice so much of our stack just to ladder up? And we have a pretty decent hand.
Thx for the vid
With AQo yes, but i think this is his preferred size with range.
Alright so let's say same situation but he has a much weaker hand this time, is raise folding possible ? What I always thought was that we can't raise fold in this situation with any hand, because giving up such large portion of our stack and our equity is giving up our future in the tournament just to ladder up.
Sam, I love your vids man.More! More, more, more!
Love your stuff bro and another killer vid! I was literally just watching a hand you played with Ali in the London high roller where you called the river bet shove with AK on tt9 Kss 6, would love to see a deep dive into that hand in a future vid.
Love this format, if you can do them as much as possible! Would be intresting to pick your brain not only on high buy ins as well :D
99 hand on 40:20 I ran it and its quite clear fold, MP2 should call off JJ+, AKo+. 99 is loosing a lot by making the call, I ran it with FGS.
6min - A8s CO 3bet. How much does omaha4rollz stack size effect your 3bet here? Does the EV of your 3bet go up as you appear stronger to pads1161 and should get more folds on the basis you're pricing yourself in to call off omaha4rollz if he sticks it in?
The shorter o4r is the weaker my 3b looks as the chip leader as it lets me put more pressure on pads. O4R being shorter is also good for being priced into call, reluctantly needing to call a shove in a spot where it's +CEV for me is better than folding to a 4b shove.
Hey Sam, congratz for the video.
I din't really understand the explanation of why whenever we get to the river with a 2 in our hand, we usually have a pretty good bluffing hand. Could you elaborate a bit more? Thanks
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