In the aces v 89 hand early on, I wasn’t sure why he “had to” go broke to his hand. You raised preflop under gun and checked back flop So you don’t have a flush draw, or any straight draw that could’ve made a pair of 8s on end, or probably even any A high hands with the ace of clubs in them. Then you call the turn. On the river, what worse hands are you calling all in with that you didn’t bet on flop (given your very succinct explanation of the difference between 66 type hands and AA type hands)? A8 (w/o A of clubs) Random ace highs w/o the ace of clubs and like K9 some of the time? You probably bluff worse 9x than that on flop and he blocks that. On the other side you have 55, 44, AA, KK, and probably QQ some of the time. If he checks river and you bet, he can call, but really I’m struggling to find many bluffs or worse value you can have, and think should be a check fold.
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In the aces v 89 hand early on, I wasn’t sure why he “had to” go broke to his hand. You raised preflop under gun and checked back flop So you don’t have a flush draw, or any straight draw that could’ve made a pair of 8s on end, or probably even any A high hands with the ace of clubs in them. Then you call the turn. On the river, what worse hands are you calling all in with that you didn’t bet on flop (given your very succinct explanation of the difference between 66 type hands and AA type hands)? A8 (w/o A of clubs) Random ace highs w/o the ace of clubs and like K9 some of the time? You probably bluff worse 9x than that on flop and he blocks that. On the other side you have 55, 44, AA, KK, and probably QQ some of the time. If he checks river and you bet, he can call, but really I’m struggling to find many bluffs or worse value you can have, and think should be a check fold.
I should call the river with ace high a lot. I can also have 87/9x, 8xcc.
Ok. Ty
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