First hand, I don't like x/r for value with a hand we are not sure if we want to get allin with. I don't like flat calling the 3! leaving 30% pot behind. His min bet OTT seems donkish. I can see he has the nuts and doesn't want a fold. The don't mind the fold OTT, because we don't beat much at that point.
I don't like Darwin's play with the straight with 97o around minute 8. It seems like he needs to lead or x/r the turn and should probably lead the river.
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First hand, I don't like x/r for value with a hand we are not sure if we want to get allin with. I don't like flat calling the 3! leaving 30% pot behind. His min bet OTT seems donkish. I can see he has the nuts and doesn't want a fold. The don't mind the fold OTT, because we don't beat much at that point.
I don't like Darwin's play with the straight with 97o around minute 8. It seems like he needs to lead or x/r the turn and should probably lead the river.
I was the one who asked in the video before about the missing chips - thanks for going through it! Great content as always!
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