Around minute 1, when you 3! AKo, what do you do against a 4! or 4! shove? Should we be 3!betting the chip leader at all with these stacks? Should we have a tighter value 3! range than AK, as it would be easier to gii with AA/KK? I know the chipleader is raising light, but can you just play postflop against him? You can often just x/c postflop with AK, JJ etc. If he is aggressive, you can often win decent pots. I am not sure if we should be 3!ing at all against the big stack, as we don't really want to be building pots. The chip leader can apply more pressure to you in a bigger pot, so I am not crazy about bluff 3-bets
Yeh, I agree that it is standard to 3! a lot from the SB and not much from the BB. However, here the stack situation is so extreme that it is better not to build the pot even from the SB. You can play tight from the SB and only call. Sure you are getting PWNed in a way, but it doesn't matter as your main goal is to outlast the 2 tiny stacks, and you don't lose that much in expected chips by playing the way I suggest. It is a mistake to continue with standard approaches in an extreme ICM situation like this.
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Around minute 1, when you 3! AKo, what do you do against a 4! or 4! shove? Should we be 3!betting the chip leader at all with these stacks? Should we have a tighter value 3! range than AK, as it would be easier to gii with AA/KK? I know the chipleader is raising light, but can you just play postflop against him? You can often just x/c postflop with AK, JJ etc. If he is aggressive, you can often win decent pots. I am not sure if we should be 3!ing at all against the big stack, as we don't really want to be building pots. The chip leader can apply more pressure to you in a bigger pot, so I am not crazy about bluff 3-bets
Betgo, I believe that your reasoning would totally apply if we are in the big blind
Yeh, I agree that it is standard to 3! a lot from the SB and not much from the BB. However, here the stack situation is so extreme that it is better not to build the pot even from the SB. You can play tight from the SB and only call. Sure you are getting PWNed in a way, but it doesn't matter as your main goal is to outlast the 2 tiny stacks, and you don't lose that much in expected chips by playing the way I suggest. It is a mistake to continue with standard approaches in an extreme ICM situation like this.
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