The small 3bet sizings on the button are a function of the smaller stack size, right? At deeper stacks we would use a bigger sizing from the button as opposed to other positions due to being more polarized. Would you say that is correct?
3bet sizing's will be dependent on stack sizings, ICM consideration and ante/lack of antes. I am not familiar of using a larger sizing on the button, where have you heard that from?
A9 on 337 flop. You said the cutoff should be check raising / calling it off with 44 to 88. That seems really light even from GTO view. And even more so when considering player tendencies. Do you as the button plan on jamming the flop as a bluff often over the check raise?
A63 the last hand. Should villain be check raising aggressively even though their range is pretty capped? (no AQ / AK hands probably. No 2 pairs) They do have a few sets though obviously.
On this flop we heavily under realise equity with our range, therefore will do a lot of protection/value raising with these 44-88. Once we raise villain should we re-raising with holding which are likely to be good, but are vulnerable, for example 88-TT, but also some combos of AK/AQ (having the spade combos, as it is more likely villain if re-raising with a backdoor flushdraw type hand), vs that range once we raise the flop with 44-88 type hands we are getting the right price vs that range.
VS some players I would be looking to check-raise flop and call it off, but vs others I would check-raise and fold vs a shove as an exploit, as some players will not be re-raising their AK/AQ combos and may be move heavily weighted to A7, 88-QQ type hands, which 44-88 have very little equity against. I try to educate from a GTO standpoint and once you know what is theoretically correct you are able to make deviations based on the specific player.
Yes in theory villain should be check raising ~20% of range. They should be doing it with their strongest Ax (AQ when they have it, AJ + AT occasionally, weighted to the suited combos having more equity in the hand), which can get value from a tonne of my weaker Ax, pairs and pocket pairs, but also using hands which are likely to be good, but heavily under realise their equity as well as heavily benefiting from folding out 2 overs, especially with backdoors. We generally check-raise with the strongest portions of our range (you don't need AK to justify the check-raise as I should have a tonne of pocket pairs and weaker Ax which I 3bet as a bluff), especially more against a smaller flop sizing.
Ryan Henry I heard it in a Seth Davies video. The reasoning was that since we have a wide coldcalling range on the button, our 3bet range is more polarized. It was definitely a deeper stack scenario
Thanks for the video, great content. I'm misunderstanding bet sizing's on wet boards.The QQ cbet on Qd9h10h, I understand that we have the range advantage but do we not have multiple sizes on that board texture? In that specific scenario villain (23bb eff) might not as many of the Jxs combos, that we would want to size bigger for, also since at this SPR we can easily get stacks in. But Assuming we are playing 40bb+ eff, would we then want to be sizing bigger? I think i might be betting too big in these spots, 1/3 to 40%.
Glad you enjoyed it! At that stack depth we are just using the smaller sizing. Yes as we get deeper we will see multiple sizing's in this exact situation, which will include some larger sizing's.
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Thanks for the video.
The small 3bet sizings on the button are a function of the smaller stack size, right? At deeper stacks we would use a bigger sizing from the button as opposed to other positions due to being more polarized. Would you say that is correct?
No worries, glad you enjoyed it!
3bet sizing's will be dependent on stack sizings, ICM consideration and ante/lack of antes. I am not familiar of using a larger sizing on the button, where have you heard that from?
A9 on 337 flop. You said the cutoff should be check raising / calling it off with 44 to 88. That seems really light even from GTO view. And even more so when considering player tendencies. Do you as the button plan on jamming the flop as a bluff often over the check raise?
A63 the last hand. Should villain be check raising aggressively even though their range is pretty capped? (no AQ / AK hands probably. No 2 pairs) They do have a few sets though obviously.
Hey Cincynick,
VS some players I would be looking to check-raise flop and call it off, but vs others I would check-raise and fold vs a shove as an exploit, as some players will not be re-raising their AK/AQ combos and may be move heavily weighted to A7, 88-QQ type hands, which 44-88 have very little equity against. I try to educate from a GTO standpoint and once you know what is theoretically correct you are able to make deviations based on the specific player.
Thanks Ryan, great info
Ryan Henry I heard it in a Seth Davies video. The reasoning was that since we have a wide coldcalling range on the button, our 3bet range is more polarized. It was definitely a deeper stack scenario
Interesting, I haven't come across much of this, but Seth Davies knows his stuff so I will have a look into it.
Thanks for the video, great content. I'm misunderstanding bet sizing's on wet boards.The QQ cbet on Qd9h10h, I understand that we have the range advantage but do we not have multiple sizes on that board texture? In that specific scenario villain (23bb eff) might not as many of the Jxs combos, that we would want to size bigger for, also since at this SPR we can easily get stacks in. But Assuming we are playing 40bb+ eff, would we then want to be sizing bigger? I think i might be betting too big in these spots, 1/3 to 40%.
Glad you enjoyed it! At that stack depth we are just using the smaller sizing. Yes as we get deeper we will see multiple sizing's in this exact situation, which will include some larger sizing's.
I´m definetly betting much bigger than you, I feel that its some of the idea of "getting the hand done, afraid of what can happen".
Great Video, Ryan, Thanks!
No worries Hugo, glad you enjoyed it. What was the time stamp of you betting much larger than me?
Most of the time, I realized I was tending to size up too much, in general. It´s been a good experiment after watching you, thanks.
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