3:25 is the purpose of this size 3bet to fold if the sb jams but still call off if bb or pfr jams?
4:15 you talked about not wanting to 3bet ajo. Is that a hand you would flat along with other decent broadways like kjs, kqs, or are you looking to purely jam?
3:25 I think I was not going all in so I could timebank for the payjump. I wouldn't be folding this unless there was significant ICM and there were multiple all in's. For example on a FT where say SB reshoves and BB/CO also go all in.
4:15 AJo I would flat in this spot (although seems close) would be more interested using it as a bluff as we get closer to the FT/FT. I imagine KJs/KQs would be mostly just shoved here as it generates the most EV. I can see hands like ATs/A9s 99/88/77 (depending on how close we are to the FT), AA being flatted here. I would need to run it through HRC to get the exact range for this spot. But that is generally how I would approach it.
At 9:45 - the player who folds to the jam for ~9bb - I noticed the player jamming was an 8/6. I think it could be part of why he folded. As to whether it's good or not even given the tight range ... not sure
I'm not too sure on what the sample size was here, but its pretty easy to be card dead over a few 100 hands, so I would be careful as how much I weight those stats. I think its fine having a folding range here as some raise folds will do very poorly vs villains shoving range. EG ATo/A9o, KJo/KTo
Ive not done much with HRC beta... Im assuming it's like HRC vanilla for push fold spots when accounting for ICM. In as much as, it assumes the tournament is over the very next hand.
So with that assumption in mind, could it be undervaluing the futre ev of building a bigger stack and being able to apply ICM pressure ourselves when covering players.
This would then swing the solution a little closer to Cev ranges. Could just be the difference off an odd pip here and there.
In a way you're correct. ICM is a very controversial topic and there isn't a tool that can measure it 100% accurately, but HRC is one of the best approximations we have. I think you could consider adjusting the preflop ranges based on a number of things (when short and you're next in the BB, you could consider shoving a slightly wider range, having a skill edge, large field vs small field, players on your table who are playing too loose vs too tight ect).
There is actually a function on HRC beta which allows you to plug in future game simulations which will give you slightly wider ranges compared "Malmuth-Harville ICM model" and I will generally use those instead as I think it will give your slightly more correct ranges.
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Hi Ryan,
3:25 is the purpose of this size 3bet to fold if the sb jams but still call off if bb or pfr jams?
4:15 you talked about not wanting to 3bet ajo. Is that a hand you would flat along with other decent broadways like kjs, kqs, or are you looking to purely jam?
3:25 I think I was not going all in so I could timebank for the payjump. I wouldn't be folding this unless there was significant ICM and there were multiple all in's. For example on a FT where say SB reshoves and BB/CO also go all in.
4:15 AJo I would flat in this spot (although seems close) would be more interested using it as a bluff as we get closer to the FT/FT. I imagine KJs/KQs would be mostly just shoved here as it generates the most EV. I can see hands like ATs/A9s 99/88/77 (depending on how close we are to the FT), AA being flatted here. I would need to run it through HRC to get the exact range for this spot. But that is generally how I would approach it.
At 9:45 - the player who folds to the jam for ~9bb - I noticed the player jamming was an 8/6. I think it could be part of why he folded. As to whether it's good or not even given the tight range ... not sure
I'm not too sure on what the sample size was here, but its pretty easy to be card dead over a few 100 hands, so I would be careful as how much I weight those stats. I think its fine having a folding range here as some raise folds will do very poorly vs villains shoving range. EG ATo/A9o, KJo/KTo
Good vid.
Ive not done much with HRC beta... Im assuming it's like HRC vanilla for push fold spots when accounting for ICM. In as much as, it assumes the tournament is over the very next hand.
So with that assumption in mind, could it be undervaluing the futre ev of building a bigger stack and being able to apply ICM pressure ourselves when covering players.
This would then swing the solution a little closer to Cev ranges. Could just be the difference off an odd pip here and there.
Or am i way off with how it works?
Thanks, Glad you enjoyed the video :).
In a way you're correct. ICM is a very controversial topic and there isn't a tool that can measure it 100% accurately, but HRC is one of the best approximations we have. I think you could consider adjusting the preflop ranges based on a number of things (when short and you're next in the BB, you could consider shoving a slightly wider range, having a skill edge, large field vs small field, players on your table who are playing too loose vs too tight ect).
There is actually a function on HRC beta which allows you to plug in future game simulations which will give you slightly wider ranges compared "Malmuth-Harville ICM model" and I will generally use those instead as I think it will give your slightly more correct ranges.
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