close, i can definitely make arguments for either. i think the major variables are stack sizes, likelyhoood that someone flats (esp the bb), ICM (i would shove more often closer to bubbles and fts), the three bet shove frequencies of your opponents behind, and the postflop abilities of said opponents (ie with a big fish flatting too much i would minraise more often)
Hilarious video as always Dave, was wishing you luck in the warm-up when we were talking in the 11r, pretty funny I ended up coming back and taking that down this sunday too :) (mini-brag)
We met in vegas last year playing the little one for one drop on Day1 and we had some really hilarious conversations about life, politics, the bible, gurdle etc. xuan liu and the rest of the table probably thought we were insane haha
With the AJs there I think your being to hard on yourself I know its questionable and painful but I can see what you were thinking, and now your thinking you levelled yourself. Even though hes a maniac you were probably thinking because the flop is A33ss he bets you call, turn completes the flush he bets again and you still call.
You might be thinking that hes should very possibly be putting you on have A) A flush or B) An Ace thats called down and because theres a Q on board for the chop you wont be folding much, and he should be aware of this no matter how LAG he is, therefore you end up folding.
But lets try and hand range him; b/c As and Qs on board the most likely flushes would look like KTs, KJs, JTs and maybe some lower suited connectors, and unless hes super ambitious at this point I think hes going to be flatting these suited hands for often then 3betting and potentially getting blown off when he wants to see a flop, so im not convinced he has a flush very often. The click back definitely includes the top of his range and of this realistically he can only have AA, AK, AQ or QQ that is beating us now. Because hes not a standard player its up for debate how he plays all these hands and its tought because we have an Ax blocker to someof these. I can see him doing this with QQ or AA and his story checks out where he cbets A33 flop tiny, bets turn tiny to keep in your weaker hands and bets "bigger" on river looking too get paid. He could also do this with AK with K of spades, but he might bet bigger with AK w/out Ks and AQ. And ofcourse your chopping with all his AJ-AT and lower suited aces unless he has A5s or A3s.
Interesting spot either way and please dont commit suicide, drop yourself, null your contract or divorce yourself, WE NEEEED YOU!
very good, thank you for taking so much time to make such strong points. your comments on the AJ are really good, i reccomend everyone read them that wanted some actual info on this hand, instead of just listening to me yell at myself.
35 min - the AJ fold. I would have folded! Dont feel to good about me saying this tho, Im not very good at poker :)
The reason I would have folded. His trying to squeeze out as much value from you as possible. Its unlikely his betting an under pair, he could have Ax I guess but is he really 3b a weak Ax on the btn?
AdJd hand: you need 21.64% equity. Against a pretty tight range, with no bluffs: AT+,AA,QQ,33,Ts9s,KsTs,JsTs,9s,8s you have 25% equity, so its deffinetely a call. Even if he add the only small Ax, the A3 and no other Ax, u have 22.73% :)
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Yayyyy finally man ;)
20 min: Sunday 500 you shove 88s for 15bb in HJ. Do you think thats better than raising?
close, i can definitely make arguments for either. i think the major variables are stack sizes, likelyhoood that someone flats (esp the bb), ICM (i would shove more often closer to bubbles and fts), the three bet shove frequencies of your opponents behind, and the postflop abilities of said opponents (ie with a big fish flatting too much i would minraise more often)
Nice video
K9o: it's a r/c vs la BB?
with KJ/KQ/Ax? you prefer Open Shove?
Hilarious video as always Dave, was wishing you luck in the warm-up when we were talking in the 11r, pretty funny I ended up coming back and taking that down this sunday too :) (mini-brag)
We met in vegas last year playing the little one for one drop on Day1 and we had some really hilarious conversations about life, politics, the bible, gurdle etc. xuan liu and the rest of the table probably thought we were insane haha
With the AJs there I think your being to hard on yourself I know its questionable and painful but I can see what you were thinking, and now your thinking you levelled yourself. Even though hes a maniac you were probably thinking because the flop is A33ss he bets you call, turn completes the flush he bets again and you still call.
You might be thinking that hes should very possibly be putting you on have A) A flush or B) An Ace thats called down and because theres a Q on board for the chop you wont be folding much, and he should be aware of this no matter how LAG he is, therefore you end up folding.
But lets try and hand range him; b/c As and Qs on board the most likely flushes would look like KTs, KJs, JTs and maybe some lower suited connectors, and unless hes super ambitious at this point I think hes going to be flatting these suited hands for often then 3betting and potentially getting blown off when he wants to see a flop, so im not convinced he has a flush very often. The click back definitely includes the top of his range and of this realistically he can only have AA, AK, AQ or QQ that is beating us now. Because hes not a standard player its up for debate how he plays all these hands and its tought because we have an Ax blocker to someof these. I can see him doing this with QQ or AA and his story checks out where he cbets A33 flop tiny, bets turn tiny to keep in your weaker hands and bets "bigger" on river looking too get paid. He could also do this with AK with K of spades, but he might bet bigger with AK w/out Ks and AQ. And ofcourse your chopping with all his AJ-AT and lower suited aces unless he has A5s or A3s.
Interesting spot either way and please dont commit suicide, drop yourself, null your contract or divorce yourself, WE NEEEED YOU!
very good, thank you for taking so much time to make such strong points. your comments on the AJ are really good, i reccomend everyone read them that wanted some actual info on this hand, instead of just listening to me yell at myself.
i remember this day! im gonna miss meeting new people and chasing the dream this summer.
13 min AQ - what is your calling range? Are you folding AKs or QQ?
35 min - the AJ fold. I would have folded! Dont feel to good about me saying this tho, Im not very good at poker :)
The reason I would have folded. His trying to squeeze out as much value from you as possible. Its unlikely his betting an under pair, he could have Ax I guess but is he really 3b a weak Ax on the btn?
44:40 u shove 33 22bb from btn u think its better then M/C - M/F?
About the AJ, i think if you called turn u must to call also the river.
he dont have bunch of AK AQ there and nither AA. (bad players will check back boat)
Its looks like more as KK JJ maybe QQ.
the bet on the turn seems like kk JJ and QQ.
I think you get the right odds to call that river.
no rough sunday 9? peace!
AdJd hand: you need 21.64% equity. Against a pretty tight range, with no bluffs: AT+,AA,QQ,33,Ts9s,KsTs,JsTs,9s,8s you have 25% equity, so its deffinetely a call. Even if he add the only small Ax, the A3 and no other Ax, u have 22.73% :)
where is part 9? :(
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