The first hand you talk about not using the spade sapde combos as bluffs on the river because it blocks folding region. I notice in allot of spots solver will use the lower FD combos like this as bluffs and not the bigger ones with Ax, Kx etc. Not that this applies on this run-out, just thought it was interesting.
I thoroughly enjoyed both of these , keep them coming!
Yeah it s true, I ve noticed that too, I think it uses low fds as bluffs when it doesn't have enough bluffs with good or neutral blockers, or maybe if fds are completely irrelevant. Another case might be that your opponent has a lot of draws himself(basically str8 draws) that ended up with something like 7-high or 8-high on the river, in which case it might be more appealing to start bluffing your 4-high, 5-high fds etc and x/back some other hands that can win in showdown.
Nc video man.
I am a little bit confused about your 1/3 pot bet strategy on spots like 9:55 and 14:00.On the first hand cant we check back the turn or bet bigger?(i think he will x/s some times and also we do have good equity.By beting this small we rep mostly nut flushes cause i think with hands like KQs or KQc and KQd we would make a larger bet also he got some AQ on his range and we give him good odds to see a river).Also , in the second hand what hands do we rep with this small bet?
Hey thanks!
9.55 - yes you can also check back or bet bigger any of these lines makes sense to me in this spot, it s more about how you want to play your range here.
14.00 - With this bet we can stab flushes, 2pairs, sets and just one pair hands as well as a bunch of bluffs
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hey steilos Nice video man!!
The first hand you talk about not using the spade sapde combos as bluffs on the river because it blocks folding region. I notice in allot of spots solver will use the lower FD combos like this as bluffs and not the bigger ones with Ax, Kx etc. Not that this applies on this run-out, just thought it was interesting.
I thoroughly enjoyed both of these , keep them coming!
hey, thanks a lot!
Yeah it s true, I ve noticed that too, I think it uses low fds as bluffs when it doesn't have enough bluffs with good or neutral blockers, or maybe if fds are completely irrelevant. Another case might be that your opponent has a lot of draws himself(basically str8 draws) that ended up with something like 7-high or 8-high on the river, in which case it might be more appealing to start bluffing your 4-high, 5-high fds etc and x/back some other hands that can win in showdown.
Nc video man.
I am a little bit confused about your 1/3 pot bet strategy on spots like 9:55 and 14:00.On the first hand cant we check back the turn or bet bigger?(i think he will x/s some times and also we do have good equity.By beting this small we rep mostly nut flushes cause i think with hands like KQs or KQc and KQd we would make a larger bet also he got some AQ on his range and we give him good odds to see a river).Also , in the second hand what hands do we rep with this small bet?
Hey thanks!
9.55 - yes you can also check back or bet bigger any of these lines makes sense to me in this spot, it s more about how you want to play your range here.
14.00 - With this bet we can stab flushes, 2pairs, sets and just one pair hands as well as a bunch of bluffs
Great content! Thanks!
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