At the moment I feel very comfortable at 200nl so dont table select that aggressively compared with the end of last year when I was moving up from 100nl. Generally I will only leave a table if I have >9 running and in this instance will try and make an educated guess as to where my current lowest ev table is and leave.
When moving up stakes it is more important to table select and so then I would try and be more selective as to which opponents I was playing and the seat at the table I had versus them.
I actually dont play a tonne of volume at peak hours, however looking at my database now peak hours do net me the highest winrate, but not by a significant margin
hey man, great first vid, really enjoy the way you talk about betsizing and how youre splitting your range in play
to that: would love a vid where you commentate over recorded action, so you can pause and elaborate even more
(when you mentioned lower stakes vids,) would really like to see maybe a 50nl vid where you focused on exploitative deviations
just suggestions :)
but I got a lot from this vid so ty, will deffo watch it again feel there was lots of good stuff to pick up, action was surprisingly fast for regular tables
You mentioned that the reason you don't play zoom is that you just prefer the table dynamics in regular tables. Does that mean that you believe you will have roughly the same overall profit for both zoom and regular table?
Yes, this is one reason. Another that wasn't mentioned in the video is that the zoom pool tends (imo) to fluctuate in game quality far more significantly than regular tables. By playing regular tables my volume doesnt depend as much on game conditions but when I want to play so I can better dictate my own hours.
As to profit comparison I'd expect that my winrate be slightly higher at regular tables but my hourly roughly the same at zoom (since more hands per hour played)
Loving the content, and you're obviously crushing it. So from a struggling micro grinder here I was wondering if you could explain your decision at 16:02. You say your hand is quite incentivized to bluff there. I'd just like to get a little more insight into your thought process. Things like this make me feel like I'm on another planet playing a completely different game.
My reasoning is that our flop xr range is going to contain quite a few hands that pick up additional equity on that turn card (straight draws, backdoor flushdraws etc). Some of our flop bluffs (75s) improve to the nuts as well as our flop value hands still being value bets on this turn. Our hand doesnt like to xc turn at high frequency (with J7hh) because we are losing to some bluffs IP player will have. Additionally he is unlikely to bluff cards that we improve on, on the river.
Hands IP player will likely continue the flop with that now will consider folding include a decent number of spade hands (except of course FD+straight draw and AXss, some KXss) so unblocking spades but still having good raw equity becomes valuable when barreling the turn. Blocking 7Xhh also blocks easy calls for our opponent. Our hand can improve to value bets on a decent number of rivers and we can potentially look to bluff some cards we dont improve upon that are good for our range.
I play NL25, this dynamic happens a lot where a reg 3bets and a fish cold calls behind him… many times I feel lost. In my pool I guess 3bet ranges are somewhat tighter and even if I got a very good price, at the same time we split our equity vs 2 players. I haven’t run and DB analysis, but I feel that if I call I reverse many times whenever I got a piece of the board. Can you fix my theoretical leak?
You were confused by his play OTT you said, let’s change the spots for this hand, you are the 3bettor and you got AQ making two pair OTT and faced a lead. Would you just call? AQ blocks ATs and QTs from UTG opening range so it’s unlikely UTG got a straight here. OTR, AQ have pretty much any card against this could lead as very toughful choice imho.
Probably the 3bettor was just confused as well since it’s very strange line to call flop and lead turn, so maybe he thought he can remove some straights from your range and GII while still ahead
43,55 - AJs against 20BBs effective
Don’t you think raise to 7-8BBs and shove ATC is better play? You capitalize on the fish calling wide preflop with dominated and junk hands and fold OTF. Even if you GII OTF behind you improve enough of the times OTF… By shoving pre you are looking to get hero called by Ax (which imo is rare) or flipping against pairs. I understand your rake argument but probably it isn’t too much. How much is the rake in a likely 40BBs pot? Imho, we will get a ton of folds OTF that we should calculate the rake on a 14BBs pot
Wallmonger, thanks for the detailed response - i'll try and reply best i can.
Ok, so versus cold calls youre correct, it's a balancing act between getting a good price and having enough equity to call versus 2 ranges and often OOP. A couple things to consider: 1. How weak/likely to make big postflop mistakes is the recreational in the hand? 2. How wide is the range of the 3Bettor? 3. How does the equity of my hand fare multiway? Am I likely to be dominated?
Fwiw I think KTs is very borderline and actually may be a fold in some lineups.
I think that were I holding AQ OTT i would consider a fold, however it would be player dependent. I'm not convinced that I'd ever jam though unless I had good reads to suspect that OOP player was particularly flushdraw heavy. I think youre correct that the IP player was confused, but jamming to avoid having a tough river decision isn't often the best play. Reason for my lead, as said in-game is that I expect to have a Tx advantage here.
I still like my line, compared with what you suggsted. I think our hand is too vulnerable to want to raise not all-in (NAI). At this stack depth being OOP its far more difficult to induce readless. AJs benefits from avoiding paying rake and we can certainly get called by worse and even hands we dominate.
That being said, I also think exploitatively I'd have a strong range that does in fact raise NAI but it would be strongly weighted towards premium pairs. Vs a recreational we do not need to care about being balanced and I would not worry about raising 'bluff' hands for this NAI sizing.
Hello, whats the program you use to give SPR, eff stack and the other stuff ? Also, can you give me a quick tutorial how to put the extra parallel HUD on HM2, which i assume is the RFI stats ?
As for the video
At the 19min_05s your call (99) seemed bad for me at first glance, but i took a time to analyse and if is going to bluff all the AQ,ATs, and QTs combos on the river is actually a ok call, but i will look for stats that give me the assurance that he bluffs all the AQ combos(cause some players just opt to take to showdown) like River Bet, River Bet OOP winning Showdown ...
As Wallmonger suggested, the program I use is Starshelper. I think the 99 call is marginal for sure, and I dont think readless it should be a 100% frequency play. Even with reads calling it always could be a mistake.
Unblocking all of OOPs bluffs and blocking some of their value region, however is quite attractive. OOP should also be 4Bing AK at a very high frequency and have some Kx flop xr's further reducing the number of value hands they will arrive at the river with. Ofc, they will also xr some of the bluffs too
~18:38 table 3 with 99, you used 33% flop c-bet sizing on KJ4r, what factors do you consider for when to use range betting on the flop, e.g. nut/range advantage, IP, flop texture, etc?
Also, do you use other bet sizing strat for this hand?
I try and simplify my flop strategy to just 1 sizing. This is a texture we can often range bet without losing too much ev compared with mixed sizings + strategies. Granted, 99 isnt a hand that is thrilled about that but as a range play it works just fine
Welcome to Run It Once! When you have a moment, if you could go over your HUD, I think that would be important to ask further questions when you make plays. Color coding is also important for us to know. You can obviously do this in the next video or just reply here.
Hi, absolutely loved your vid, good explanation throughout. I am just curious about ur play in general from CO/BTN facing UTG/HJ open. Do you have a call range in CO/BTN, or just a 3bet fold strategy? Because at 18:20 where u 3bet UTG open with 9s on the BTN, it seems like u don't have a call range there. And if only a 3bet fold strategy, what do you do with hands like 9s, AQo, and AJs when you face a 4bet from UTG? Also, do you just fold 8s and pairs below that and all your suited connectors that u continue with becomes a 3bet?
Thanks for your message, glad you enjoyed the vid!
I tend to play 3B/fold from MP/CO/BU/SB, however deviate in certain circumstances, say there is a very weak player behind for example. Versus a 4B we will often play mixed strategies with a lot of our range, it will be a mistake to call 100% or fold 100% with many hands.
I dont want to give away my exact ranges preflop, but as a default there will be a decent amount of mixing between 3B/fold with hands such as the ones you mention.
11:25 - T8s is just good enough to call the 3B, has robust equity, plays well postflop and we have position
16:05 - When xr bluffing we should use a range of hands that connect with a variety of different runouts. The backdoors this hand has are attractive to xr as part of that range.
Hi, nice video :) U have sick win rate at this stakes and i wanted ask you question about PS. Looks like u crush this games even tho a lot of people saying PS is hard, no rake back etc etc. Did you try playing on anothers sites and whats your opinion about playing on another site vs PS? It's just a excuse from people becouse they loosing?
I havent played much volume on other sites so cant give you a tonne of insight. In my experience though, the regulars are slightly weaker on average on other sites, however having said that the PS games since their rb changes have been pretty good.
Vs the population meta of high frequency cbetting we will have an aggressive flop xr counterstrategy. This is a hand that we want to xr at some frequency for value
This is a node where in position (I believe) should almost never 3B. If we do get 3B so long as the size is reasonable and given our backdoor equity I expect we mostly have to call this hand - although its not particularly comfortable.
Unfortunately its very difficult to play regular tables (particularly at peak times) without a script. So yes, I do use a script. I should add however, that I will simultaneously play any 3 handed or 4 handed reg-only game that runs in order to table start.
Great video keep up the good work. I am playing regular tables over zoom on PS as well for the same reasons you mentioned in comments and was looking for someone on RIO who plays regular tables too. Regarding content type for the future. I enjoy watching live play very much.
Hi! First of all it is a great video. You had a hand that I didnt understand exactly. 34 min AJo on the BU. You said this hand sometimes a 4bet in this position. Would you explain why do you think its a good card for a bluff 4bet in this situaiton? It seems to me a pretty simple defense card and it doesnt even on the bottom of my defense range. It would be ATo or A9o if I play thighter than usual. Thank you for your explain!
When it comes to 4B'ing, like it does with any preflop range, having a variety of different bluffs is important so that we arent handcuffed postflop. This means that at some frequency I will choose to 4B ATo and AJo alongside some other hands in these positions.
As an arbitrary example, it is a more robust strategy to 4B ATo 40% and AJo 30% than just ATo 70%.
I believe that A9o is just an outright fold because postflop it lacks equity or the ability to frequently bluff with equity in addition to its pair outs. We prefer offsuit big broadways or suited hands generally speaking.
Another amazing video man,
At 3:21, you discuss about considering bluffing in these chopped spots. I agree that we are unlikely to have a lot of Qx, but we will
still have Q10, Q8, QJ, which are quite a few combos, so i guess we would want to have some bluffs on the river? And i feel K10 might be a fine candidate for it, blocking Q10, which is IP most likely Qx to reach the river, and K unblocking all his giveups( delay bluffs)? If not this which combos are even better to bluff the river?
Also which is the equilibrium sizing we are supposed to use on this river?
At 17:09, i agree we are repping a thinner range, but can we still tripple this combo, unlocking flopped FD and having a 7( would you follow it through had the board not paired)? I really have a hard time understanding if 7 is a good or bad here. You mentioned having 7 is bad as it's gonna feature in his pair with straight draw hands? But isn't it also a card which features in high ev bluffcatchers, A7 and 87?
Also even on a brick river a hand like 78(blocks 88s, A8,75) will be a better bluffcather than AJ(blocking A8, A4), so in either case it seems like having a 7 might be good ?
Which are some really good follow through combos according to you? ( maybe 47hh, and 45hh?)
what's your cbet sizings on low disconnected texture, i remember you advocating a big sizing in your other video, but at 34:41 you used a very small size against a regular, is this an exploitative choice?
Thanks :)
3:21 I think that QJ will often be a turn bet for us (extremely unlikely we are behind, our turn sizing also does not have to be solely large), but we do have some Qx combos. Honestly, because board chop runouts are so so infrequent I havent studied them in depth with solvers so not 100% sure on sizing or range construct, however my intuition suggests that blocking pairs seems like a reasonable blocker to IPs Qx combos.
17:09 I think that on 8x river, assuming IP will play a relatively high frequency cb strategy, as OOP we will have to x a very high frequency here since our VB combos reduce significantly on this river. Retrospectively, I think that having 7Xhh is not a bad bluff candidate, but i do think that we need to be careful with frequencies here. I would look to choose river bluffs from hands like 52hh, 53hh, 53cc, 53dd and then we can possibly consider choosing some 7Xhh, however with only 11-14 value combos in our range it would be easy to overdo it.
34:41 This texture imo is quite different to say 632r (OOP has more natural continues due to gutshots etc), and also T23tt. Additionally, this specific villain I think is likely to play overly straightforward vs the block bet - as well as our combo really favoring the sizing (i believe)
Hello Patrick, The QJ hand at 46m - After overbetting and see brick river, what are you using for your bluffs seeing as our turn size made BUs range pretty strong? Do we continue bluffing river with combos like these that block the top of A BUs Ax range and don't have have the flopped flush draw?
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What's your game selection process like?
Also, do you think playing during off-peak or peak hours matters that much to you overall profits?
Hi there,
At the moment I feel very comfortable at 200nl so dont table select that aggressively compared with the end of last year when I was moving up from 100nl. Generally I will only leave a table if I have >9 running and in this instance will try and make an educated guess as to where my current lowest ev table is and leave.
When moving up stakes it is more important to table select and so then I would try and be more selective as to which opponents I was playing and the seat at the table I had versus them.
I actually dont play a tonne of volume at peak hours, however looking at my database now peak hours do net me the highest winrate, but not by a significant margin
Nice results and first video. Looking forward to the next one.
hey man, great first vid, really enjoy the way you talk about betsizing and how youre splitting your range in play
to that: would love a vid where you commentate over recorded action, so you can pause and elaborate even more
(when you mentioned lower stakes vids,) would really like to see maybe a 50nl vid where you focused on exploitative deviations
just suggestions :)
but I got a lot from this vid so ty, will deffo watch it again feel there was lots of good stuff to pick up, action was surprisingly fast for regular tables
7n7, thanks for the response and feedback!
I'll take on board your suggestions when looking to make future videos, glad you enjoyed the format
Hi again,
You mentioned that the reason you don't play zoom is that you just prefer the table dynamics in regular tables. Does that mean that you believe you will have roughly the same overall profit for both zoom and regular table?
Yes, this is one reason. Another that wasn't mentioned in the video is that the zoom pool tends (imo) to fluctuate in game quality far more significantly than regular tables. By playing regular tables my volume doesnt depend as much on game conditions but when I want to play so I can better dictate my own hours.
As to profit comparison I'd expect that my winrate be slightly higher at regular tables but my hourly roughly the same at zoom (since more hands per hour played)
Hope this helps
Really enjoyed your first vid i got a lot out of it. great explanations. definately looking forward to more. thank you.
Loving the content, and you're obviously crushing it. So from a struggling micro grinder here I was wondering if you could explain your decision at 16:02. You say your hand is quite incentivized to bluff there. I'd just like to get a little more insight into your thought process. Things like this make me feel like I'm on another planet playing a completely different game.
My reasoning is that our flop xr range is going to contain quite a few hands that pick up additional equity on that turn card (straight draws, backdoor flushdraws etc). Some of our flop bluffs (75s) improve to the nuts as well as our flop value hands still being value bets on this turn. Our hand doesnt like to xc turn at high frequency (with J7hh) because we are losing to some bluffs IP player will have. Additionally he is unlikely to bluff cards that we improve on, on the river.
Hands IP player will likely continue the flop with that now will consider folding include a decent number of spade hands (except of course FD+straight draw and AXss, some KXss) so unblocking spades but still having good raw equity becomes valuable when barreling the turn. Blocking 7Xhh also blocks easy calls for our opponent. Our hand can improve to value bets on a decent number of rivers and we can potentially look to bluff some cards we dont improve upon that are good for our range.
Hope this helps
Nice having you on board mate :)
Cheers Henry!
Love the showdown at 25:12! :)
He took 2 barrels with the ole deuce and held on for dear life. Games are not dead in 2018.
i wonder if he'll fold to 3 barrel lmfao
4,38 - KTs
I play NL25, this dynamic happens a lot where a reg 3bets and a fish cold calls behind him… many times I feel lost. In my pool I guess 3bet ranges are somewhat tighter and even if I got a very good price, at the same time we split our equity vs 2 players. I haven’t run and DB analysis, but I feel that if I call I reverse many times whenever I got a piece of the board. Can you fix my theoretical leak?
You were confused by his play OTT you said, let’s change the spots for this hand, you are the 3bettor and you got AQ making two pair OTT and faced a lead. Would you just call? AQ blocks ATs and QTs from UTG opening range so it’s unlikely UTG got a straight here. OTR, AQ have pretty much any card against this could lead as very toughful choice imho.
Probably the 3bettor was just confused as well since it’s very strange line to call flop and lead turn, so maybe he thought he can remove some straights from your range and GII while still ahead
43,55 - AJs against 20BBs effective
Don’t you think raise to 7-8BBs and shove ATC is better play? You capitalize on the fish calling wide preflop with dominated and junk hands and fold OTF. Even if you GII OTF behind you improve enough of the times OTF… By shoving pre you are looking to get hero called by Ax (which imo is rare) or flipping against pairs. I understand your rake argument but probably it isn’t too much. How much is the rake in a likely 40BBs pot? Imho, we will get a ton of folds OTF that we should calculate the rake on a 14BBs pot
Wallmonger, thanks for the detailed response - i'll try and reply best i can.
Fwiw I think KTs is very borderline and actually may be a fold in some lineups.
That being said, I also think exploitatively I'd have a strong range that does in fact raise NAI but it would be strongly weighted towards premium pairs. Vs a recreational we do not need to care about being balanced and I would not worry about raising 'bluff' hands for this NAI sizing.
Hello, whats the program you use to give SPR, eff stack and the other stuff ? Also, can you give me a quick tutorial how to put the extra parallel HUD on HM2, which i assume is the RFI stats ?
As for the video
At the 19min_05s your call (99) seemed bad for me at first glance, but i took a time to analyse and if is going to bluff all the AQ,ATs, and QTs combos on the river is actually a ok call, but i will look for stats that give me the assurance that he bluffs all the AQ combos(cause some players just opt to take to showdown) like River Bet, River Bet OOP winning Showdown ...
Nice video Sir :)
Hi EmiyaK,
As Wallmonger suggested, the program I use is Starshelper. I think the 99 call is marginal for sure, and I dont think readless it should be a 100% frequency play. Even with reads calling it always could be a mistake.
Unblocking all of OOPs bluffs and blocking some of their value region, however is quite attractive. OOP should also be 4Bing AK at a very high frequency and have some Kx flop xr's further reducing the number of value hands they will arrive at the river with. Ofc, they will also xr some of the bluffs too
~18:38 table 3 with 99, you used 33% flop c-bet sizing on KJ4r, what factors do you consider for when to use range betting on the flop, e.g. nut/range advantage, IP, flop texture, etc?
Also, do you use other bet sizing strat for this hand?
I try and simplify my flop strategy to just 1 sizing. This is a texture we can often range bet without losing too much ev compared with mixed sizings + strategies. Granted, 99 isnt a hand that is thrilled about that but as a range play it works just fine
Welcome to Run It Once! When you have a moment, if you could go over your HUD, I think that would be important to ask further questions when you make plays. Color coding is also important for us to know. You can obviously do this in the next video or just reply here.
Thank you!
At 4:05, you opened /w A7o vs two regs, I believe this is a close fold. Are you showing profit in this spot?
I think folding A7o would be relatively large mistake here. As low as A4o is mandatory open, A2/A3o i'd be mixing depending on reads on opponents
Hi, absolutely loved your vid, good explanation throughout. I am just curious about ur play in general from CO/BTN facing UTG/HJ open. Do you have a call range in CO/BTN, or just a 3bet fold strategy? Because at 18:20 where u 3bet UTG open with 9s on the BTN, it seems like u don't have a call range there. And if only a 3bet fold strategy, what do you do with hands like 9s, AQo, and AJs when you face a 4bet from UTG? Also, do you just fold 8s and pairs below that and all your suited connectors that u continue with becomes a 3bet?
Thanks for your message, glad you enjoyed the vid!
I tend to play 3B/fold from MP/CO/BU/SB, however deviate in certain circumstances, say there is a very weak player behind for example. Versus a 4B we will often play mixed strategies with a lot of our range, it will be a mistake to call 100% or fold 100% with many hands.
I dont want to give away my exact ranges preflop, but as a default there will be a decent amount of mixing between 3B/fold with hands such as the ones you mention.
Hope this helps
Nice video! You explain a lot but there are some places where I need more:
11:25 you call a 3bet with T8h, you say it is to strong to fold. Why is that?
16:05 J7h , you say that that hand should check-raise flop. Why is that?
M S,
11:25 - T8s is just good enough to call the 3B, has robust equity, plays well postflop and we have position
16:05 - When xr bluffing we should use a range of hands that connect with a variety of different runouts. The backdoors this hand has are attractive to xr as part of that range.
Hope this helps
Thanks for the elaboration :)
Thanks a lot for this video!
Hi, nice video :) U have sick win rate at this stakes and i wanted ask you question about PS. Looks like u crush this games even tho a lot of people saying PS is hard, no rake back etc etc. Did you try playing on anothers sites and whats your opinion about playing on another site vs PS? It's just a excuse from people becouse they loosing?
I havent played much volume on other sites so cant give you a tonne of insight. In my experience though, the regulars are slightly weaker on average on other sites, however having said that the PS games since their rb changes have been pretty good.
8:27 table 3 w/ AQo
Why did you x/r on the flop?
Vs the population meta of high frequency cbetting we will have an aggressive flop xr counterstrategy. This is a hand that we want to xr at some frequency for value
what's the plan when you get 3b?
if you don't mind me asking, are you using table script?
This is a node where in position (I believe) should almost never 3B. If we do get 3B so long as the size is reasonable and given our backdoor equity I expect we mostly have to call this hand - although its not particularly comfortable.
Unfortunately its very difficult to play regular tables (particularly at peak times) without a script. So yes, I do use a script. I should add however, that I will simultaneously play any 3 handed or 4 handed reg-only game that runs in order to table start.
Hello Patrick,
Great video keep up the good work. I am playing regular tables over zoom on PS as well for the same reasons you mentioned in comments and was looking for someone on RIO who plays regular tables too. Regarding content type for the future. I enjoy watching live play very much.
Hey Salkis,
Thanks so much for the positive feedback, glad you enjoyed the content! Please let me know of any specific future content you'd like to see :)
Hi! First of all it is a great video. You had a hand that I didnt understand exactly. 34 min AJo on the BU. You said this hand sometimes a 4bet in this position. Would you explain why do you think its a good card for a bluff 4bet in this situaiton? It seems to me a pretty simple defense card and it doesnt even on the bottom of my defense range. It would be ATo or A9o if I play thighter than usual. Thank you for your explain!
When it comes to 4B'ing, like it does with any preflop range, having a variety of different bluffs is important so that we arent handcuffed postflop. This means that at some frequency I will choose to 4B ATo and AJo alongside some other hands in these positions.
As an arbitrary example, it is a more robust strategy to 4B ATo 40% and AJo 30% than just ATo 70%.
I believe that A9o is just an outright fold because postflop it lacks equity or the ability to frequently bluff with equity in addition to its pair outs. We prefer offsuit big broadways or suited hands generally speaking.
Hope this answers your question
Another amazing video man,
At 3:21, you discuss about considering bluffing in these chopped spots. I agree that we are unlikely to have a lot of Qx, but we will
still have Q10, Q8, QJ, which are quite a few combos, so i guess we would want to have some bluffs on the river? And i feel K10 might be a fine candidate for it, blocking Q10, which is IP most likely Qx to reach the river, and K unblocking all his giveups( delay bluffs)? If not this which combos are even better to bluff the river?
Also which is the equilibrium sizing we are supposed to use on this river?
At 17:09, i agree we are repping a thinner range, but can we still tripple this combo, unlocking flopped FD and having a 7( would you follow it through had the board not paired)? I really have a hard time understanding if 7 is a good or bad here. You mentioned having 7 is bad as it's gonna feature in his pair with straight draw hands? But isn't it also a card which features in high ev bluffcatchers, A7 and 87?
Also even on a brick river a hand like 78(blocks 88s, A8,75) will be a better bluffcather than AJ(blocking A8, A4), so in either case it seems like having a 7 might be good ?
Which are some really good follow through combos according to you? ( maybe 47hh, and 45hh?)
what's your cbet sizings on low disconnected texture, i remember you advocating a big sizing in your other video, but at 34:41 you used a very small size against a regular, is this an exploitative choice?
Thanks :)
3:21 I think that QJ will often be a turn bet for us (extremely unlikely we are behind, our turn sizing also does not have to be solely large), but we do have some Qx combos. Honestly, because board chop runouts are so so infrequent I havent studied them in depth with solvers so not 100% sure on sizing or range construct, however my intuition suggests that blocking pairs seems like a reasonable blocker to IPs Qx combos.
17:09 I think that on 8x river, assuming IP will play a relatively high frequency cb strategy, as OOP we will have to x a very high frequency here since our VB combos reduce significantly on this river. Retrospectively, I think that having 7Xhh is not a bad bluff candidate, but i do think that we need to be careful with frequencies here. I would look to choose river bluffs from hands like 52hh, 53hh, 53cc, 53dd and then we can possibly consider choosing some 7Xhh, however with only 11-14 value combos in our range it would be easy to overdo it.
34:41 This texture imo is quite different to say 632r (OOP has more natural continues due to gutshots etc), and also T23tt. Additionally, this specific villain I think is likely to play overly straightforward vs the block bet - as well as our combo really favoring the sizing (i believe)
Hello Patrick, The QJ hand at 46m - After overbetting and see brick river, what are you using for your bluffs seeing as our turn size made BUs range pretty strong? Do we continue bluffing river with combos like these that block the top of A BUs Ax range and don't have have the flopped flush draw?
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