Great video! A little off topic but I'm a 50nl player with a 7bb win-rate looking to move up. What theory and practical videos would you recommend to bridge the gap in my knowledge for moving to 100nl or even 200nl (although I would guess 200nl is a quite a way away still skill wise)?
Thanks Archer. It's really difficult to answer this question as it's very dependent on the individual. My best advice is to work out where your leaks are and then plug them individually from there. PIOSolver is often the best tool for this along with volume and RIO videos.
could anyone explain to me, why you are calling 0.5/1$ zoom tables: 200 zoom, or 1/2$ zoom in the videos. not just Henry, but others too? thanx a lot in advance, it is confusing. - srry for the irrelevant question :/
Hello, Henry thanks for the video. Surprised at your comment @ 9min table 4: you say that multiway we will use bigger bets. Do you mean in this configuration/board texture or in general? I was always under the impression that multiway we should use small bets on the flop, because our range will generally not have a lot of equity multiway. This is of particular interest to me as a live player because most pots play multiway. I generally use a lot of checks and small bets in these situations. What are your thoughts?
Multiway betting range seems less appealing to me because we have a reduction in fold equity. I am therefore betting a more narrow condensed range meaning I am more polarised and prefer to reflect this with more bigger bets and more checks.
Small bets and checks may also be a viable solution, I am not entirely sure on the best sizes here - Just that we must be doing alot of checking.
nogamblenofuture yes, thats what I was missing. thanx for the clarification! Henry Lister great video, thanx for your content, it all seems so easy when watching you work. keep it up!
@13:13 when you raise turn with AA, what would your plan be if villain reraises you? My suspicion with Ad you block a lot of bluffs so should fold? However it sounded like you referenced flopping the nuts, although maybe you were talking about something else. Thanks!
I would have raise folded the turn blocking most of his potential bluffs and unblocking better hands. I just thought his line looked weak and is mostly compiled of worse one pair hands that I want to build the pot against.
26.34min on 984ss sb vs bb "this is a board where i need to do a lot of checking on..."
actually u want to bet a ton on that board and only check like 18% of the time. however your specific hand wants to bet around 85% mixed 1/3/half pot and is not an auto check/fold. vs a half pot stab it wants to continue almost 100% as a x/c.
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Great video! A little off topic but I'm a 50nl player with a 7bb win-rate looking to move up. What theory and practical videos would you recommend to bridge the gap in my knowledge for moving to 100nl or even 200nl (although I would guess 200nl is a quite a way away still skill wise)?
Thanks Archer. It's really difficult to answer this question as it's very dependent on the individual. My best advice is to work out where your leaks are and then plug them individually from there. PIOSolver is often the best tool for this along with volume and RIO videos.
could anyone explain to me, why you are calling 0.5/1$ zoom tables: 200 zoom, or 1/2$ zoom in the videos. not just Henry, but others too? thanx a lot in advance, it is confusing. - srry for the irrelevant question :/
Not sure if this is what you're asking but the stacks are shown as big blinds not real money.
The stacks are in big blinds (BBs) meaning the stakes are as stated just put into blinds to make the game easier to play.
Hello, Henry thanks for the video. Surprised at your comment @ 9min table 4: you say that multiway we will use bigger bets. Do you mean in this configuration/board texture or in general? I was always under the impression that multiway we should use small bets on the flop, because our range will generally not have a lot of equity multiway. This is of particular interest to me as a live player because most pots play multiway. I generally use a lot of checks and small bets in these situations. What are your thoughts?
Multiway betting range seems less appealing to me because we have a reduction in fold equity. I am therefore betting a more narrow condensed range meaning I am more polarised and prefer to reflect this with more bigger bets and more checks.
Small bets and checks may also be a viable solution, I am not entirely sure on the best sizes here - Just that we must be doing alot of checking.
nogamblenofuture yes, thats what I was missing. thanx for the clarification!
Henry Lister great video, thanx for your content, it all seems so easy when watching you work. keep it up!
@13:13 when you raise turn with AA, what would your plan be if villain reraises you? My suspicion with Ad you block a lot of bluffs so should fold? However it sounded like you referenced flopping the nuts, although maybe you were talking about something else. Thanks!
I would have raise folded the turn blocking most of his potential bluffs and unblocking better hands. I just thought his line looked weak and is mostly compiled of worse one pair hands that I want to build the pot against.
26.34min on 984ss sb vs bb "this is a board where i need to do a lot of checking on..."
actually u want to bet a ton on that board and only check like 18% of the time. however your specific hand wants to bet around 85% mixed 1/3/half pot and is not an auto check/fold. vs a half pot stab it wants to continue almost 100% as a x/c.
keep going!
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