8min 1st table 876hearts, feels like it is other way around TT-99 more often a bet (with a heart especially) (JJ-AA check): 2 problems with betting QQ- cant stand heat, even vs x/r already getting close to 0 EV and can't improve much so still cant go more than 2 streets for value (likely turn gonna be checked).
yeah you make a fair point. 99-TT could do with some protection vs overcards, and can continue vs x/r with equity. i think they're also less likely to get x/r bluffed given they block straight draws.
as Gary Chappell said during video about 44minute hand, villain isn't suppose to be using overbetting size on the turn. That leads to this response vs river 1/3 bet by IP
River is pretty ugly too for him, so not much bluff leading either. Tho 2/3 bluff looks better than x/r imo, not blocking KdQ,KdJ, QJ one diamond which IP sometimes ( considering flop action) will have here
Yep agree. I also have some Ax with diamond, eg AJo. Although I think those offsuit broadways often CB flop as they have little showdown and can continue on many turns.
Haven’t run it, but know it’s a call, or close. But explo fold knowing I can’t call rivers and 3rd barrel should be fired here on this board as ip has huge range advantage. Rather just call Ax+, and flush draws vs some opponents. Maybe KJ/KT as think ip can turn Qx into bluffs, but won’t with Kx.
Great video, Gary Chappell - For what it's worth, I think this format was really good and was executed well. Even though you covered hands at the end in the replayer that you already covered in-game, I found the analysis at the end to be quite helpful, especially since the hands were still fresh in my mind.
I think if you are going to go over the hands again right after you had talked about them in game it is more useful to pick 1 or 2 and sim them for a deeper analysis.
Great video man when u say about 17-19% utg range
do u think its terible to always open A10o KJo QJo from here? thats what i need to include to reach 19%
currently opening around 17.5%
those hands are in solver ranges (some anyway). whether they're profitable (especially QJo) is debatable and worth some DB analysis. you could maybe open them in weak/passive tables.
Hello Gary,
pio likes to only call AKo with Ks in your 4b spot scenario (against 56s on 936ss) but this deep only if u bet flop half pot, a size that pio also prefers on that boardtexture with range. all other AKo combinations are a fold. AKs with bdfd also calls besides the obvious AKs fd call.
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8min 1st table 876hearts, feels like it is other way around TT-99 more often a bet (with a heart especially) (JJ-AA check): 2 problems with betting QQ- cant stand heat, even vs x/r already getting close to 0 EV and can't improve much so still cant go more than 2 streets for value (likely turn gonna be checked).
yeah you make a fair point. 99-TT could do with some protection vs overcards, and can continue vs x/r with equity. i think they're also less likely to get x/r bluffed given they block straight draws.
nice video! thanks
as Gary Chappell said during video about 44minute hand, villain isn't suppose to be using overbetting size on the turn. That leads to this response vs river 1/3 bet by IP
River is pretty ugly too for him, so not much bluff leading either. Tho 2/3 bluff looks better than x/r imo, not blocking KdQ,KdJ, QJ one diamond which IP sometimes ( considering flop action) will have here
Yep agree. I also have some Ax with diamond, eg AJo. Although I think those offsuit broadways often CB flop as they have little showdown and can continue on many turns.
25:15 have you run this spot? Pretty sure its an easy call with the QJo
Haven’t run it, but know it’s a call, or close. But explo fold knowing I can’t call rivers and 3rd barrel should be fired here on this board as ip has huge range advantage. Rather just call Ax+, and flush draws vs some opponents. Maybe KJ/KT as think ip can turn Qx into bluffs, but won’t with Kx.
Great video, Gary Chappell - For what it's worth, I think this format was really good and was executed well. Even though you covered hands at the end in the replayer that you already covered in-game, I found the analysis at the end to be quite helpful, especially since the hands were still fresh in my mind.
Where can one find the check/fold (missed cbet) stats in 3 bet pot? Thx
It’ll be a pop up from the XF stat in SRP that’s on the HUD
Enjoyed the more in depth analysis of the hands post live play. Would like to see more of these from you Chaps!
I think if you are going to go over the hands again right after you had talked about them in game it is more useful to pick 1 or 2 and sim them for a deeper analysis.
Great video. Do you also play live poker or only online?
Would be very interested in seeing you analyze some hands from live games if you ever play live?
only play online. very rarely live.
Great video man when u say about 17-19% utg range
do u think its terible to always open A10o KJo QJo from here? thats what i need to include to reach 19%
currently opening around 17.5%
those hands are in solver ranges (some anyway). whether they're profitable (especially QJo) is debatable and worth some DB analysis. you could maybe open them in weak/passive tables.
Hello Gary,
pio likes to only call AKo with Ks in your 4b spot scenario (against 56s on 936ss) but this deep only if u bet flop half pot, a size that pio also prefers on that boardtexture with range. all other AKo combinations are a fold. AKs with bdfd also calls besides the obvious AKs fd call.
keep going!
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