Funny you talk about the topic of rolling and randomizing in live MTTs. I was at a table with older school live/online pros a few days ago and they were making fun of me for randomizing, saying it is useless in MTTs (esp low-/midstakes). One also said that by taking a pure exploitative route he thinks you can get a lot more value in live MTTs where people are just super imbalanced.
I still think that it cannot be that bad to base your game on approximations of GTO and deviate slightly, rather than making huge adaptions based on a few hands seen (or even just because you think grandpa xy will do this and that).
So if I understand correctly you are also proposing a kinda middleground solution?
SIms differ slightly but A5-A3 are the four bet bluffs here. The suited Kings are kinda break even but should get called some. Lena might not have them though.
42.35 I am wondering why pio likes us to not lead a lot of Qx on the turn ( unless Qhh? )? I would think we have so many draws that we could bet turns and rivers a lot here? Whats up with that?
Really like your videos , thanks!
Hopefully I cover it somewhat in the video. it's just a situation where we maximise EV by going super polar. That gains the most EV from bluffs and 9x. Qx doesn't need hue amount of protection and is beaten by the AA and KQ etc that IP checked back.
PIO thinks that rather than have a balanced small size where we roll in some combos of 9x we're better to use them to protect our checks and just go huge sizing with a polarised range.
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Bruv. Nice vid. learnt a lot.
FYI @ 14min u are looking at OOP strat for AJo whilst talking 'bout IP. No biggie doe.
Thanks for pointing that out Swaggersorus. Bit annoyed with myself but glad you liked the rest of the video.
Funny you talk about the topic of rolling and randomizing in live MTTs. I was at a table with older school live/online pros a few days ago and they were making fun of me for randomizing, saying it is useless in MTTs (esp low-/midstakes). One also said that by taking a pure exploitative route he thinks you can get a lot more value in live MTTs where people are just super imbalanced.
I still think that it cannot be that bad to base your game on approximations of GTO and deviate slightly, rather than making huge adaptions based on a few hands seen (or even just because you think grandpa xy will do this and that).
So if I understand correctly you are also proposing a kinda middleground solution?
I think randomising is important in the highest stakes tournaments. In these tournaments people will take advantage of any imbalances in your range.
Lower stakes tournaments you can lean on the most profitable 'vacuum' play.
Pretty interesting how you constructed his flatting range. K8s-K7s are always 4bets aswell as A5s-A3s you think? K6s is a flat?
Btw you should tick the "bars width proportional to weight" box, makes much more sense to view the outputs like that.
SIms differ slightly but A5-A3 are the four bet bluffs here. The suited Kings are kinda break even but should get called some. Lena might not have them though.
Last hand breakdown is pure gold. Looking forward to part 2. Thanks for the great video!
Thanks verymuch. Glad you enjoyed it. I think seeing where IP finds there calls was particularly interesting.
Amazing video man! Great job working in PIO in bits and pieces during the review and you're breakdown of all the hands is really in depth.
My pleasure!
Great video and analyses and appreciate throwing in the pio sims, it really helps.
Thanks pal. All the positive feedback inspires me to do more vids.
awesome vid bro!
perfect timing too since its friday...i'm not at volksgarten and the dragon is sleeping already ;)
I miss your voice also! let's speak soon. Love to the Dragon!
Welcome back Sam, great vid as per usual
Thanks pal. Hope you're good.
42.35 I am wondering why pio likes us to not lead a lot of Qx on the turn ( unless Qhh? )? I would think we have so many draws that we could bet turns and rivers a lot here? Whats up with that?
Really like your videos , thanks!
Was just about to ask this. Also love the vid and watching you on highrollers
Hopefully I cover it somewhat in the video. it's just a situation where we maximise EV by going super polar. That gains the most EV from bluffs and 9x. Qx doesn't need hue amount of protection and is beaten by the AA and KQ etc that IP checked back.
PIO thinks that rather than have a balanced small size where we roll in some combos of 9x we're better to use them to protect our checks and just go huge sizing with a polarised range.
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