What's the point of having your bb vs sb range like that? I get that it's a solver output, but can't you just clean it up a little keeping roughly the same range distribution and frequencies? It stresses me out just looking at it.
For example, you are 3betting 77&66-15%—55-100% and 44-40%. Why not just change them all to 40-45%
I doubt he plays like that in game, it will just be what the solver says so he has transferred that range in to his PIO sims. your strategy can be different post-flop to the ranges you use during your sims, doesn't really make any difference so long as you don't leave out entire combinations that are represented in one range but not in another.
of course the solver outputs will be more precise if you, like you say, 3 bet certain hands 45% in both scenarios, but I don't think your ranges should ever be so static. because if one player is opening 60% from the sb and the other one is opening 40% then 3 betting your more marginal hands half the time doesn't make any sense vs the tighter guy, and conversely doesn't make much sense either vs the looser guy. you could switch to pure call/pure 3 bet in these situations with certain combinations that would usually mix vs a guy opening a more optimal range pre-flop.
disclaimer, I haven't watched the video. I don't think it's going to affect the output the solver spits out either way. As Demondoink points out, what we're trying to do here is find what the optimal strategy is. Editing those to exactly how you play preflop won't really matter. A lot of time the goal is to figure out what optimal is so you can know what to deviate from and why.
You know that optimally this board should have x% cbet but you know this guy is a little bit prone to folding vs probes so you up it to x+epsilon or w/e. (And you know your range is slightly wider than optimal in this case or slightly tighter, etc.)
radtupperware My concern with the range is that it isn't exactly optimal, and contains alot of randomness as a result of using too few flops, and if he were to run the preflop solution over infinite flops it would smooth out.
therapist Sure, that's almost certainly true. But I also think it just doesn't really effect the strategy enough to matter. That said, if I were to use either some random %s or just all 45% I'd probably go with the latter.
The more complicated the strategy is on one street, the more annoying it will be to follow on future streets, including preflop.
Interesting discussion guys.
Fwiw I ran the sim with the max amount flops my pc can handle.
As far as this bvb spot, I think ranges will still have a lot of randomness if we run it with more flops.
And I agree with demon, its def a spot where we change our strategy a ton depending on the opponent.
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very nice video!
Great video - 33:28 – What hands might you recommend for OOP (10c Jc) to lead out on the river for value and bluffs, and for how much?
What's the point of having your bb vs sb range like that? I get that it's a solver output, but can't you just clean it up a little keeping roughly the same range distribution and frequencies? It stresses me out just looking at it.
For example, you are 3betting 77&66-15%—55-100% and 44-40%. Why not just change them all to 40-45%
I doubt he plays like that in game, it will just be what the solver says so he has transferred that range in to his PIO sims. your strategy can be different post-flop to the ranges you use during your sims, doesn't really make any difference so long as you don't leave out entire combinations that are represented in one range but not in another.
of course the solver outputs will be more precise if you, like you say, 3 bet certain hands 45% in both scenarios, but I don't think your ranges should ever be so static. because if one player is opening 60% from the sb and the other one is opening 40% then 3 betting your more marginal hands half the time doesn't make any sense vs the tighter guy, and conversely doesn't make much sense either vs the looser guy. you could switch to pure call/pure 3 bet in these situations with certain combinations that would usually mix vs a guy opening a more optimal range pre-flop.
disclaimer, I haven't watched the video. I don't think it's going to affect the output the solver spits out either way. As Demondoink points out, what we're trying to do here is find what the optimal strategy is. Editing those to exactly how you play preflop won't really matter. A lot of time the goal is to figure out what optimal is so you can know what to deviate from and why.
You know that optimally this board should have x% cbet but you know this guy is a little bit prone to folding vs probes so you up it to x+epsilon or w/e. (And you know your range is slightly wider than optimal in this case or slightly tighter, etc.)
radtupperware My concern with the range is that it isn't exactly optimal, and contains alot of randomness as a result of using too few flops, and if he were to run the preflop solution over infinite flops it would smooth out.
therapist Sure, that's almost certainly true. But I also think it just doesn't really effect the strategy enough to matter. That said, if I were to use either some random %s or just all 45% I'd probably go with the latter.
The more complicated the strategy is on one street, the more annoying it will be to follow on future streets, including preflop.
Interesting discussion guys.
Fwiw I ran the sim with the max amount flops my pc can handle.
As far as this bvb spot, I think ranges will still have a lot of randomness if we run it with more flops.
And I agree with demon, its def a spot where we change our strategy a ton depending on the opponent.
Always impressed by the clarity of your thought process. Seems like all spots are so easy and natural :-)
Great job, as usual
23min(89) table one- let's say hypothetically you x/r 87s on the turn(as a blocker bluff), will you shove for value on the river?
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