16 min- You say that we could 4bet/get it in with 88 versus Flying Smile's wide sb 3bet range, under which circumstances would this be a good strategy? Thanks
I would 4-bet call it off against opponents who 3-bet very wide from the SB and are willing to 5-bet shove small pairs and random suited combos. 4-bet calling 88 is actually +EV vs lots of SB 3-betting strategies but I think just calling the 3-bet is going to be higher EV than 4-betting vs most opponents who dont 5-bet light often.
on 9.50min this reg cbets AQdd on 554, do you think that is the best play with his range or is it better to checkback and bluffcatch turn reev rvr ? I guess we do get value from other Ax w this AQ here but i am not sure.
-14:14 What about cbetting KQ here ? I understand your argument for him having many pairs so not great FE on flop, but we still have 2 overs and can barrel any heart and T on turn ?
- the AQdd I think both options are fine, it's hard to say if one is vastly superior to the other. AQdd is still ahead of my BB range on that board plus there is some value in getting random unpaired cards to fold and not realize their equity.
- the KQo hand I explained my reasoning in the video, basically Im up against a nit and I expect his preflop range to be quite strong. He did not fold to my 3-bet and I didnt flop anything so why would I want to start barreling bare overcards when I know the flop bet has very little fold equity? Its ok to give up some pots, I dont want to be braindead betting anytime I 3-bet preflop. I cant turn anything too great either, you mention a T or a heart but those are still not great barrel turn cards, I would end up putting too much money in vs too strong of a range. Id much rather take free cards vs this type of player.
In the ak hand that you cold 4 bet vs aljufo, you said you should not be very light in that spot, why is that? a fish opened, a reg 3 bet him, which should be quite light even for a tight player,, i think he still 3 bets any suited broadway and suited conectors, dont u think cold 4 betting here is gonna show big profit? since hes very bluff heavy vs the fish
The reg is a gigantic nit playing 20/16/5 so I dont expect him to 3-bet wide vs the weak player. In my experience this type of reg will call the suited broadways you mention along with tons of small-medium pairs and also will not 5-bet shove light at all. Against a more "normal" regular, sure, cold 4-betting AK and calling it off will show a big profit in that spot.
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16 min- You say that we could 4bet/get it in with 88 versus Flying Smile's wide sb 3bet range, under which circumstances would this be a good strategy? Thanks
I would 4-bet call it off against opponents who 3-bet very wide from the SB and are willing to 5-bet shove small pairs and random suited combos. 4-bet calling 88 is actually +EV vs lots of SB 3-betting strategies but I think just calling the 3-bet is going to be higher EV than 4-betting vs most opponents who dont 5-bet light often.
Nice vid!
on 9.50min this reg cbets AQdd on 554, do you think that is the best play with his range or is it better to checkback and bluffcatch turn reev rvr ? I guess we do get value from other Ax w this AQ here but i am not sure.
-14:14 What about cbetting KQ here ? I understand your argument for him having many pairs so not great FE on flop, but we still have 2 overs and can barrel any heart and T on turn ?
- the AQdd I think both options are fine, it's hard to say if one is vastly superior to the other. AQdd is still ahead of my BB range on that board plus there is some value in getting random unpaired cards to fold and not realize their equity.
- the KQo hand I explained my reasoning in the video, basically Im up against a nit and I expect his preflop range to be quite strong. He did not fold to my 3-bet and I didnt flop anything so why would I want to start barreling bare overcards when I know the flop bet has very little fold equity? Its ok to give up some pots, I dont want to be braindead betting anytime I 3-bet preflop. I cant turn anything too great either, you mention a T or a heart but those are still not great barrel turn cards, I would end up putting too much money in vs too strong of a range. Id much rather take free cards vs this type of player.
In the ak hand that you cold 4 bet vs aljufo, you said you should not be very light in that spot, why is that? a fish opened, a reg 3 bet him, which should be quite light even for a tight player,, i think he still 3 bets any suited broadway and suited conectors, dont u think cold 4 betting here is gonna show big profit? since hes very bluff heavy vs the fish
The reg is a gigantic nit playing 20/16/5 so I dont expect him to 3-bet wide vs the weak player. In my experience this type of reg will call the suited broadways you mention along with tons of small-medium pairs and also will not 5-bet shove light at all. Against a more "normal" regular, sure, cold 4-betting AK and calling it off will show a big profit in that spot.
i mean cold 4 betting light
Fish is something 60bb we can't be here to light imo!
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