Also just a suggestion -- wondering would you feel like doing routine type of video? Kind of like "away from table" section but more detailed -- like how do you split playing/studying, how do you actively socializing/exercising and maybe diet and nutrition etc..
There are several vids from other pros from this topic, but people are different I always learn something new :)
A few other takes that I found useful through the years.
You can only do so much. Beyond that point, it drains more than it gains. Hire people on demand to handle tasks that take time but aren't the best use of your time.
Life, like poker, is an adjustment game. Every week, try changing a bit the crucial aspects of your life and see how you feel about it. Work out one extra day, work out one fewer day, one more meal a day, one less meal a day. There is no magic formula, and I have seen successful people do so many different things on a daily basis that I honestly take some but not much from others.
As someone who loves what I do (playing, coaching, running businesses), my free time is scheduled, like most things in life. If you don't do it, you will never have it.
Don't rest by doing the same thing that tires you. As online poker players, we spend a lot of time looking at a screen, actively or passively. Use another way to rest, do gardening, a hike, a long walk by the city, but don't come back to what made you so tired at first.
26:54 on the river you have a marginal 2 way hand. I was wondering why you bet the river? It is unlikely you are getting scooped but it is unlikely you get any better hand for high or low to fold.
27:37 what about calling his flop raise rather than 3betting it that way he almost always bets turn and you can get the raise in on the big bet street?
29:54 table 1 can you raise turn since it bricked all the draws?
35:15 I probably also call this turn but the more i think about it the more i like a raise. He checked the flop which caps his high range and the A and 2 are out killing his low draws and relegating him to a live card draw. I think we are way ahead on high and he is drawing to only half the pot.
43:10 should jake always raise here? Benny is repping a boat and could have the nut low as well quartering jake. In pot limit this would always be a spot to just call for jake, right? Wouldn't the same be true in limit?
47:35 would the turn lead still be good vs an ep raise from a tight player? Would xc be better?
52:30 kk43 seems to be a weak hand to go up against an ep open. Would you ever just fold this hand?
Happy to have questions! Let's address all of those.
26:54 - I wouldn't classify it as a marginal 2-way hand after the action was limp, call - bet, call - bet, call. It's definitely strong enough to value bet on both sides.
27:37 - It's a viable option too.
There's a subtle difference between PLO and PLO8 when deciding to fast play or not your sets. In PLO8, I've seen you do it more often. One reason is that at High-High-Low, allowing backdoor low draws to improve is extremely hurtful to most high-only hands. Not only can they become weaker on later streets (any runout that allows a low on the river with J96 has a straight possible), but they'll necessarily play for just half the pot.
29:54 - Yes, it can be done very thinly, but its effectiveness is limited. The BB leads 3-way OTF on a board that isn't great for him (BN has more A2 and NFD) and continues firing on the turn. Raising this hand for protection/bluff isn't making OOP fold enough to justify it getting 1/8 on a call. It also increases the pot with a hand that's doing well on the turn equity-wise but won't do well on a good chunk of rivers. A more aggressive line on the flop would probably be more efficient to kick SB out of his equity.
35:15 - If I had AK52, it's probably a very frequent raise. AK62 is probably indifferent between raising and calling.
43:10 - Yeah, definitely a raise. Also, imagine that at limit games your raise size is super small, so you can raise way more thinly for value than in big bet games. Ben does lead A2+4x, A3+4x+fd sometimes too, and you're doing pretty well versus that range.
47:35 - Zappula would still have an advantage at the 53 combos, even versus a tighter range, so probably can still lead and lead/call - check/call (river pot odds would be great). What changes is the effectiveness of the bluff. From earlier position, IP would have more AK/AA/A+ stronger draws, so the bluff itself would have less EV but would still be effective versus hand classes like Seiver's that would open from earlier positions.
52:30 - It's an interesting decision. If it's the beginning of the tournament with 100 big bets and a table that's super call-happy, this hand is going to have a really tough time playing it deep and multi-way. But at an ICM pressure situation that leads the remaining players to play tighter when El-Dein VPIPs, with 14 big bets, KK43 is probably doing okay enough versus the range to flick in a VPIP. Raising has the reward of making the pot heads-up more often, and this is a hand that would benefit a lot from that.
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Hey Rapha, absolute banger. Really enjoy the pace you explain hands, thanks for the vid!
Also just a suggestion -- wondering would you feel like doing routine type of video? Kind of like "away from table" section but more detailed -- like how do you split playing/studying, how do you actively socializing/exercising and maybe diet and nutrition etc..
There are several vids from other pros from this topic, but people are different I always learn something new :)
Glad that you enjoyed it!
A few other takes that I found useful through the years.
You can only do so much. Beyond that point, it drains more than it gains. Hire people on demand to handle tasks that take time but aren't the best use of your time.
Life, like poker, is an adjustment game. Every week, try changing a bit the crucial aspects of your life and see how you feel about it. Work out one extra day, work out one fewer day, one more meal a day, one less meal a day. There is no magic formula, and I have seen successful people do so many different things on a daily basis that I honestly take some but not much from others.
As someone who loves what I do (playing, coaching, running businesses), my free time is scheduled, like most things in life. If you don't do it, you will never have it.
Don't rest by doing the same thing that tires you. As online poker players, we spend a lot of time looking at a screen, actively or passively. Use another way to rest, do gardening, a hike, a long walk by the city, but don't come back to what made you so tired at first.
Excellent video!
26:54 on the river you have a marginal 2 way hand. I was wondering why you bet the river? It is unlikely you are getting scooped but it is unlikely you get any better hand for high or low to fold.
27:37 what about calling his flop raise rather than 3betting it that way he almost always bets turn and you can get the raise in on the big bet street?
29:54 table 1 can you raise turn since it bricked all the draws?
35:15 I probably also call this turn but the more i think about it the more i like a raise. He checked the flop which caps his high range and the A and 2 are out killing his low draws and relegating him to a live card draw. I think we are way ahead on high and he is drawing to only half the pot.
43:10 should jake always raise here? Benny is repping a boat and could have the nut low as well quartering jake. In pot limit this would always be a spot to just call for jake, right? Wouldn't the same be true in limit?
47:35 would the turn lead still be good vs an ep raise from a tight player? Would xc be better?
52:30 kk43 seems to be a weak hand to go up against an ep open. Would you ever just fold this hand?
Happy to have questions! Let's address all of those.
26:54 - I wouldn't classify it as a marginal 2-way hand after the action was limp, call - bet, call - bet, call. It's definitely strong enough to value bet on both sides.
27:37 - It's a viable option too.
There's a subtle difference between PLO and PLO8 when deciding to fast play or not your sets. In PLO8, I've seen you do it more often. One reason is that at High-High-Low, allowing backdoor low draws to improve is extremely hurtful to most high-only hands. Not only can they become weaker on later streets (any runout that allows a low on the river with J96 has a straight possible), but they'll necessarily play for just half the pot.
29:54 - Yes, it can be done very thinly, but its effectiveness is limited. The BB leads 3-way OTF on a board that isn't great for him (BN has more A2 and NFD) and continues firing on the turn. Raising this hand for protection/bluff isn't making OOP fold enough to justify it getting 1/8 on a call. It also increases the pot with a hand that's doing well on the turn equity-wise but won't do well on a good chunk of rivers. A more aggressive line on the flop would probably be more efficient to kick SB out of his equity.
35:15 - If I had AK52, it's probably a very frequent raise. AK62 is probably indifferent between raising and calling.
43:10 - Yeah, definitely a raise. Also, imagine that at limit games your raise size is super small, so you can raise way more thinly for value than in big bet games. Ben does lead A2+4x, A3+4x+fd sometimes too, and you're doing pretty well versus that range.
47:35 - Zappula would still have an advantage at the 53 combos, even versus a tighter range, so probably can still lead and lead/call - check/call (river pot odds would be great). What changes is the effectiveness of the bluff. From earlier position, IP would have more AK/AA/A+ stronger draws, so the bluff itself would have less EV but would still be effective versus hand classes like Seiver's that would open from earlier positions.
52:30 - It's an interesting decision. If it's the beginning of the tournament with 100 big bets and a table that's super call-happy, this hand is going to have a really tough time playing it deep and multi-way. But at an ICM pressure situation that leads the remaining players to play tighter when El-Dein VPIPs, with 14 big bets, KK43 is probably doing okay enough versus the range to flick in a VPIP. Raising has the reward of making the pot heads-up more often, and this is a hand that would benefit a lot from that.
Appreciate you taking the time for those thorough answers! Looking forward to more.
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