I would generally go with the label that is going to be useful most often. So say someone 'RR flop weak' and also 'Calls reshoves too wide' then I would go with the calls reshoves too wide as this just comes up more often as a situation. Then I'll obv go and just make notes for the rest of the info I have on them.
great video..especially when the icmizer confirm that what you do is profitable in the longrun...i would like to see a video with using the icemizer for us that we play sit and goes 6max 18max...i would be very helpful to see how is the best play against the ranges of the players at late stages and what game is profitable...espesially when the stacks are short and we face up all the time babble situations...thank you
Thanks for the comments Pav. Unfortunately I don't play these kinds of tournaments so I wouldn't be happy making a video about them. My advice would be to get ICMIZER yourself and mess around with it as much as possible.
Never knew Pokerstars offer that many option with labels. Thanks for sharing that info with us. Another topic I would like to see is how to use HUD properly if possible. I am a new subscriber and appreciate your effort to share your expertise with all of us. Thx.
this is a little bit off-topic, but the icmizer results confuse me quite a bit.
although i think i understand the concepts of ur examples.
in 6:24 we see the bt shoving range has to be pretty wide with 63% (surprisingly including e.g. 93s, 73s, 96o, 86o) when sb and/or bb calling ranges are somewhat standard (bb calling 29% when sb folding).
9:15 u talk about a bt 'ok'-shoving range of 41%.
(besides, compared to the result from 6:24, can we call a 22% or 1/3 less than the optimal shoving range still 'ok'?)
and in this case bb's optimal calling range would be 31%.
so the button shoving range decreased from 63% to 41% means 22% tighter, which results in bb's calling range getting 2% looser!?!?
but it general u said, and this is my logic as well, if someone is shoving wider than optimal, we have to call wider too, which is contrary to the results.
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very good format! go ahead with more like this for sure!
Great video! I have a question: If someone is 2 of these labels. Which one do you give him? How do you decide which ones are superior to others.
Yes i got the same question , i mean someone could be having 2-3 of those labels ... what label would you adjust to him and why ?
I would generally go with the label that is going to be useful most often. So say someone 'RR flop weak' and also 'Calls reshoves too wide' then I would go with the calls reshoves too wide as this just comes up more often as a situation. Then I'll obv go and just make notes for the rest of the info I have on them.
great video..especially when the icmizer confirm that what you do is profitable in the longrun...i would like to see a video with using the icemizer for us that we play sit and goes 6max 18max...i would be very helpful to see how is the best play against the ranges of the players at late stages and what game is profitable...espesially when the stacks are short and we face up all the time babble situations...thank you
Thanks for the comments Pav. Unfortunately I don't play these kinds of tournaments so I wouldn't be happy making a video about them. My advice would be to get ICMIZER yourself and mess around with it as much as possible.
turbo 6max 18max
Never knew Pokerstars offer that many option with labels. Thanks for sharing that info with us. Another topic I would like to see is how to use HUD properly if possible. I am a new subscriber and appreciate your effort to share your expertise with all of us. Thx.
Great video! Thank you for sharing!
I learnt a ton from this, thanks so much.
this is a little bit off-topic, but the icmizer results confuse me quite a bit.
although i think i understand the concepts of ur examples.
in 6:24 we see the bt shoving range has to be pretty wide with 63% (surprisingly including e.g. 93s, 73s, 96o, 86o) when sb and/or bb calling ranges are somewhat standard (bb calling 29% when sb folding).
9:15 u talk about a bt 'ok'-shoving range of 41%.
(besides, compared to the result from 6:24, can we call a 22% or 1/3 less than the optimal shoving range still 'ok'?)
and in this case bb's optimal calling range would be 31%.
so the button shoving range decreased from 63% to 41% means 22% tighter, which results in bb's calling range getting 2% looser!?!?
but it general u said, and this is my logic as well, if someone is shoving wider than optimal, we have to call wider too, which is contrary to the results.
42% shove range is still ok, thatis what owen meant. it this is ok. not optimal ok.
going further.
bb startcaller a lot wider. therefore we need to open tighter? that seems legit strat @ 7.24
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