19:52 can you comment more on your river sizing ? it is spot that you have very few bluffs, his range is weak and given ICM he shouldn't be calling this bet very often with worse, so a smaller sizing shouldn't work better there ?
I could have a decent amount of bluffs here, there are some hands I would float that would be no pair otr that i might bluff otr and river. Hands like KQ/QJ/KJ maybe something like Q9s or J9s with a bdfd.
I didn't catch at the end you mean the serie will continue with part 3, 4, 5, ... but not in this format right?
please don't do it too long, because you release 1, 2 videos per months so it is gonna take 2-3 months before we got some new material from you :(
off topic
before I won't be able to rewatch again your not splitting range vid, I'd like to understand your calculation at 20mn; why equal 16400, can you details the equation, is it an equation of EV for 4-Bet shove of vilain? I really can't reproduce it thanks for your help
In the hand you decided to check/call 64o OTT when the A hits vs Assad, it seems to me his range is almost always capped in one pair Ax while ours is not. This way, wouldn't it be better to C/R anything that has equity as he just can't continue with a single pair? Seems better than letting him V-bets us relentlessly with a "weak" hand or letting him realize his equity by betting.
We have a lot of pair+draws and straight draws here and need to be cautious of overbluffing or we let Assad happily call down with any top pair hand. I'd much rather bluff a hand here that has less showdown and makes stronger hands when it improves and preferably blocks his strong Ax hands like JT.
Great stuff, what bluffs would you have at 20min on A83t4? u bet a2s and he folds the near second best (QT). i guess you'd have some 97s 76s floats on the flop that would play like this? cause if he folds the near top of his range here (QT is def near the top), then your bluffs should be pretty profitable. would you turn 3x into protection/bluff on turn?
I wouldn't bet 3x OTT or OTR, but if i knew he was folding qt i'd bet twice. Some people aren't linear in this spot otr, they'll call 8x sometimes and fold Tx sometimes. Also some people won't check strong here and vs. those people it doesn't matter all that much if he folds QT because he might have a better hand like 5% of the time so I need him to call with a bluff catcher > 5/95 % of the time for my bet to be good.
hey sam, was busy so didn't quite finish the vid till now. . at 25min, u say ur cbet strat is to bet small with most of ur range on At4ss, even with jj-kk combos? how would you split your ranges on the turn/river then? since u have a lot of weaker Ax combos that 3b bluff and all jj-kk, wouldn't u want to keep pot smaller by checking? splitting turn ranges seems tough.
also, at 28min, the AT induce hand that was weird, what is a good range to c/r on jt5, hands that will c/r fold i guess are hands with blockers but which? and wud u c/r only stronger flush draws to call it off and flat weaker ones?
thanks a lot
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nice vid, sam
19:52 can you comment more on your river sizing ? it is spot that you have very few bluffs, his range is weak and given ICM he shouldn't be calling this bet very often with worse, so a smaller sizing shouldn't work better there ?
I could have a decent amount of bluffs here, there are some hands I would float that would be no pair otr that i might bluff otr and river. Hands like KQ/QJ/KJ maybe something like Q9s or J9s with a bdfd.
I didn't catch at the end you mean the serie will continue with part 3, 4, 5, ... but not in this format right?
please don't do it too long, because you release 1, 2 videos per months so it is gonna take 2-3 months before we got some new material from you :(
In one session, I recorded part 1 the first half of part 2 and part's 3-5. The second half of part I rerecorded this week.
off topic
before I won't be able to rewatch again your not splitting range vid, I'd like to understand your calculation at 20mn; why equal 16400, can you details the equation, is it an equation of EV for 4-Bet shove of vilain? I really can't reproduce it thanks for your help
In the hand you decided to check/call 64o OTT when the A hits vs Assad, it seems to me his range is almost always capped in one pair Ax while ours is not. This way, wouldn't it be better to C/R anything that has equity as he just can't continue with a single pair? Seems better than letting him V-bets us relentlessly with a "weak" hand or letting him realize his equity by betting.
We have a lot of pair+draws and straight draws here and need to be cautious of overbluffing or we let Assad happily call down with any top pair hand. I'd much rather bluff a hand here that has less showdown and makes stronger hands when it improves and preferably blocks his strong Ax hands like JT.
Great stuff, what bluffs would you have at 20min on A83t4? u bet a2s and he folds the near second best (QT). i guess you'd have some 97s 76s floats on the flop that would play like this? cause if he folds the near top of his range here (QT is def near the top), then your bluffs should be pretty profitable. would you turn 3x into protection/bluff on turn?
I wouldn't bet 3x OTT or OTR, but if i knew he was folding qt i'd bet twice. Some people aren't linear in this spot otr, they'll call 8x sometimes and fold Tx sometimes. Also some people won't check strong here and vs. those people it doesn't matter all that much if he folds QT because he might have a better hand like 5% of the time so I need him to call with a bluff catcher > 5/95 % of the time for my bet to be good.
hey sam, was busy so didn't quite finish the vid till now. . at 25min, u say ur cbet strat is to bet small with most of ur range on At4ss, even with jj-kk combos? how would you split your ranges on the turn/river then? since u have a lot of weaker Ax combos that 3b bluff and all jj-kk, wouldn't u want to keep pot smaller by checking? splitting turn ranges seems tough.
also, at 28min, the AT induce hand that was weird, what is a good range to c/r on jt5, hands that will c/r fold i guess are hands with blockers but which? and wud u c/r only stronger flush draws to call it off and flat weaker ones?
thanks a lot
Playing turns and rivers there is tough and depends on the runout, but I would often check strong ott to protect my air bluffs and JJ-KK.
I wouldn't c/r anything as the BB there since his range is so much weaker than the PFR and choppy is short.
@47.38 choppy with K5o inn bb vs btn 2x just clarifying when you say you would play that its just flat calling in that spot?
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