Great video!! these are fun
at 25min, is it too loose for Sam to peel JTs QTs KTs ATs type hands that make trips? Imalucsac mentioned a bunch of QJs KJs type hands when saying its a strong board for sam, but not trips combos. i would assume all those suited Tx peel pre flop so was surprised.
I don't think he opens too many T hands and the few he does is rarely seen with so many of the T's being on the board. Of course he could have trips but it is probably less common than the KQ and QJ type of hands. I'm no expert though so just giving my 5 cents here!
@Str8$$$ (25:00) - Peel KQo to a small 3b w/ 30bb stack. Can you discuss peeling 3b at this stack depth? At what 3b sizing do you 4b/shove instead of peel? If you're folding to a 3x sizing does it make more sense for David to 3b to 3x instead?
At first I couldn't imagine Andy's 3x with Q5s (20:00) being profitable but after playing around with HRC, it seems to do well (of course only because such a large open will force players behind into jam/fold mode, and their rejam ranges will be tighter than vs, say, a 2.5x open). Indeed, it seems that a 3x with ATC is profitable when players to act rejam only 8.6% each (66+, AJo+, KJs+, QJs), except for the BB, who will shove 12.5%. In this case, Q5s nets .19BB. I realize this is is not an accurate model of how the spot plays IRL (you will get flatted sometimes and rejam ranges might be wider), but your point about manipulating the rejam ranges of the players behind with a different raise size is interesting and worth studying (at least for me). Seems like something you can only do once in a while though ;)
Your reaction was definitely fairly blunt ^^ Would like to have Sam's opinion about the spot though, I feel like maybe he discounted over-limping as a viable option. Btw James, really like your thought process wrt to meta and just your general game so far. I should get around to watching more of your older videos!
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Great stuff. PROvsPRO 6max elite invitational please!
Great video!! these are fun
at 25min, is it too loose for Sam to peel JTs QTs KTs ATs type hands that make trips? Imalucsac mentioned a bunch of QJs KJs type hands when saying its a strong board for sam, but not trips combos. i would assume all those suited Tx peel pre flop so was surprised.
I don't think he opens too many T hands and the few he does is rarely seen with so many of the T's being on the board. Of course he could have trips but it is probably less common than the KQ and QJ type of hands. I'm no expert though so just giving my 5 cents here!
Wondering why there is still so much light 3betting going on with 20bb-30bb effective stacks, does anyone have a cluse about this?
Wondering why there is still so much light 3betting going on with 20bb-30bb effective stacks, does anyone have a cluse about this?
@Str8$$$ (25:00) - Peel KQo to a small 3b w/ 30bb stack. Can you discuss peeling 3b at this stack depth? At what 3b sizing do you 4b/shove instead of peel? If you're folding to a 3x sizing does it make more sense for David to 3b to 3x instead?
At first I couldn't imagine Andy's 3x with Q5s (20:00) being profitable but after playing around with HRC, it seems to do well (of course only because such a large open will force players behind into jam/fold mode, and their rejam ranges will be tighter than vs, say, a 2.5x open). Indeed, it seems that a 3x with ATC is profitable when players to act rejam only 8.6% each (66+, AJo+, KJs+, QJs), except for the BB, who will shove 12.5%. In this case, Q5s nets .19BB. I realize this is is not an accurate model of how the spot plays IRL (you will get flatted sometimes and rejam ranges might be wider), but your point about manipulating the rejam ranges of the players behind with a different raise size is interesting and worth studying (at least for me). Seems like something you can only do once in a while though ;)
Dave Emmons= mind reader
so much this...
Really appreciate how objectve and honest everyone is. No hesitation to berate plays (yea looking at that 66 hand).
sorry sam mustn't have taken my pms meds that day, you been killing it up to now :)
Your reaction was definitely fairly blunt ^^ Would like to have Sam's opinion about the spot though, I feel like maybe he discounted over-limping as a viable option. Btw James, really like your thought process wrt to meta and just your general game so far. I should get around to watching more of your older videos!
25:50 I feel like limping AKo bvb is a waste of equity dont you guys think? do you really want to play vs an atc range oop
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