Thanks for reviewing this footage and hope you go ahead with part 2.
27m, table 2: What do you think a BB leading range should look like on 432tt 3-way vs UTG/MP? My thinking is this flop favours BB's range in these positions, so for our bluffs we can either use blockers, some hands with a blocker and equity like say JT75 w/ backdoor clubs, or some weak bare flush draw hands. This one is probably a bad choice with an A/K in our hand since we have block some hands we want to fold.
28m, table 2: One hand you overlooked where we defend AQQ6ss UTG/MP vs a 3bet setting up a flop SPR just over 1. Suspect this is a preflop leak vs a very AA/KK-heavy range where we're usually getting it in pretty bad or occasionally making a bad fold on flops like the 832. Interested in your thoughts.
36m, table 1: Purple is my "fun player" tag, villain has 3bet 5/9 hands played, and we saw him squeeze earlier in vid with KJJ6ss, so with those reads always going to err on the side of calling the 4bet in this spot.
This is a flop that we will likely have the most strong combos on the flop but not one we have an equity advantage nor one where we have the nut combos at landslide higher freq. Because our range advantage is either nonexistent or not large I think we should be leading ranges that do better in congruence with our value range (straights). I mean hands like JJ75, NFD, 4678, etc. Hands that can get some turns that give it the best hand that can value bet on non nut changing turns. When we bet this hand and get called our only turn giving us better than 1pr is a flush. And villain will have a better flush about 53% freq. (ran sims)
Look below and see that yes we have some advantages in range here but its not overwhelming.
did you get the PPT-Ranges like fi20, fi25, etc. from somewhere or did you write them down on your own? Because I updatet to the newest version (2.30.) and couldnt find them.
Would you share some of your insights into mixed seems a few of us are starting to play them and I agree they are a lot fun to learn. Somewhat confusing sometimes though especially the stud variants
I never hold anything back on a subject I cover in a video. I feel it's my obligation to produce the best product I am able. Mixed games I decided not to cover. It would be too large a personal disservice. I hope you understand.
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Hey Zach,
Thanks for reviewing this footage and hope you go ahead with part 2.
27m, table 2: What do you think a BB leading range should look like on 432tt 3-way vs UTG/MP? My thinking is this flop favours BB's range in these positions, so for our bluffs we can either use blockers, some hands with a blocker and equity like say JT75 w/ backdoor clubs, or some weak bare flush draw hands. This one is probably a bad choice with an A/K in our hand since we have block some hands we want to fold.
28m, table 2: One hand you overlooked where we defend AQQ6ss UTG/MP vs a 3bet setting up a flop SPR just over 1. Suspect this is a preflop leak vs a very AA/KK-heavy range where we're usually getting it in pretty bad or occasionally making a bad fold on flops like the 832. Interested in your thoughts.
36m, table 1: Purple is my "fun player" tag, villain has 3bet 5/9 hands played, and we saw him squeeze earlier in vid with KJJ6ss, so with those reads always going to err on the side of calling the 4bet in this spot.
This is a flop that we will likely have the most strong combos on the flop but not one we have an equity advantage nor one where we have the nut combos at landslide higher freq. Because our range advantage is either nonexistent or not large I think we should be leading ranges that do better in congruence with our value range (straights). I mean hands like JJ75, NFD, 4678, etc. Hands that can get some turns that give it the best hand that can value bet on non nut changing turns. When we bet this hand and get called our only turn giving us better than 1pr is a flush. And villain will have a better flush about 53% freq. (ran sims)
Look below and see that yes we have some advantages in range here but its not overwhelming.

Taking a quick look at the numbers we need him to be 3betting there about 6%+ for us to defend PF.
Makes perfect sense. You will see in Pt. 2 I made the same inferences about him and applied it to make some cool applications postflop.
Can you explain the methodology you use to work out how wide we need him to be 3betting to defend PF?
Hi Zach,
did you get the PPT-Ranges like fi20, fi25, etc. from somewhere or did you write them down on your own? Because I updatet to the newest version (2.30.) and couldnt find them.
They are ranges from Poker Juice which you can input into Odds Oracle.
How do you end it when he's about to 4 bet AA you troll
Got to have some carrot to bring you back for part 2.
Would you share some of your insights into mixed seems a few of us are starting to play them and I agree they are a lot fun to learn. Somewhat confusing sometimes though especially the stud variants
I never hold anything back on a subject I cover in a video. I feel it's my obligation to produce the best product I am able. Mixed games I decided not to cover. It would be too large a personal disservice. I hope you understand.
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