Tom, very interesting video. I have a few questions, feel free to answer which ever ones you want:
1. In the beginning you mention the HUD stats that you use. Do you use these same stats for Hold Em cash or Tournaments? Do you make slight altercations on the stats you use in Tournaments/Hold Em Cash games? If so what are they?
2. What type of weak suited aces do you play if it is raised in front?
3. Most of time pot bet lead out top two? Assuming it isn't well coordinated.
4. On the hero hand with 77s full of queens:
Why do you think it isn't good to raise here? I only say this because it was a very dry board with no high cards. It was something like 57q6q. I think at the lower stakes you can still get value out of 55s full, straights, 6s full. Feel it would be EV+ to raise on that board(then fold if he re-raises). You are missing out on value from 555qq 666qq imo. Just started playing so I can be completly off here.
1) I'm neither a hold'em nor a tournament player so I don't have well-constructed HUDs for those (in fact, if I play an MTT, I usually turn the HUD off 'cas it's just the default VPIP/PFR/3-Bet HUD).
2) Assuming you mean which weak AA**:ss hands I play, the answer is all of them from every position. I imagine I could find a hypothetical preflop fold with like AhAd7s2s if I tried hard enough, but as a general rule, I don't fold AA** preflop.
3) That's a pretty broad question so hard to answer but I guess the simplest way is to say "no." I'm usually leading out pot in limped pots w/ hands I wanna bet, but there are equally times when I would check/raise top two (9876 on 962r against a nitty 3-bettor HJ v CO for example). If you can point out which hand/hands lead to this question, I can probably explain the situation in greater depth.
4) I would agree with you that jamming here probably gets called by 55 and 66 (although I think it's a f***ing awful call), but I'd be pretty shocked if a straight bet/called here (FWIW, I feel like 55 and the straight are about equal in terms of calling legitimacy, although I guess 55 has limited blocker value making it marginally better. Both shockingly bad w/o reads though). My main issue is that I think the hands which call us and we beat (the lower full houses) are substantially less frequent than the ones which call and beat us (66 pretty unlikely given how the hand played out and there are far fewer 55 combos than Q7, Q6, and Q5). I know it feels tight not raising for value here, especially when first starting out, but the issue is that sometimes we have a hand that's really strong but we simply can't expect worse to call our raise. In those cases, we just click the call button as fast as we can and gratefully accept the pot.
5) Pretty much. I'd play any pair of Qs unopened from CO and BTN and will flat a single raise w/ them from any seat (unless there's a maniacal 3-bettor left to act). I'd fold the absolute worst (QQ72r, QQ83r etc.) from the HJ and slightly more UTG (still only the really disconnected ones though) and would open my UTG range from the SB against a good BB, and all QQ hands against a bad one.
Thanks for the reply! For the second question I meant what type of suited single aces are good to play. So hands like AhThQJ etc. Obviously that is a strong hand. Are hands like Ah8h75 or Ah6h9J fine to play?
Right, so with top two you lead out in limped pots. In pots with a raise you check/raise to the preflop raiser. The hand example is at 13:20 on top right. Hero has J837. Board is J82. I understand potting here since it is very draw heavy. Would you bet a different amount like 3/4 pot if there were no clubs on board? Also what if you had J237 instead in that spot.
I also agree it is probably best to just call with the 77s full. I would guess it is only good to raise there against the weakest of opponents.
Thanks for answering all the questions! Mostly a PLO8 player, and trying to transition into Omaha.
Tom Coldwell10 years, 7 months agoI understand your aces question now. Hard to give an accurate range breakdown 'cas of how broad a category of hands that is, but in general I'd open all from the BTN, vaguely connected ones from the CO, solidly connected ones from the HJ (A875ss, AJ97ss etc.) and good ones from UTG (two broadways and a non-junky card, 3 cards 8 and higher, a pair TT and above etc.). My flatting range will depend on table looseness (loose passive tables work well playing many of these for cheap) and position.
As for top two, there really isn't a set rule. It depends on so many factors, but donking out in limped pots is usually good because no one is expected to bet (i.e. no c-bets). If we have a likely bettor, whether you lead, check/call or check/raise depends on how villain's range interacts with the board, what you expect him to do etc.
the avatars are the same as the old ones on Party......
Tom Coldwell10 years, 7 months agoAh, makes sense if it's a Party affiliate. Never played there you see (downloaded back in like '08 but the software was ugly as hell!).
Hi, I really enjoy the review series from a learning perspective. To me watching other players mistakes getting corrected has more value than just watching you play a perfect session. I like that you take your time to elaborate hero's actions on different turn/river cards.
Tom Coldwell10 years, 7 months agoGlad you're enjoying it, although I wouldn't call my live sessions "perfect," I make dozens of mistakes every time (just don't spot them all live).
Nice video, 32:55 upper left table: If HU: are you cbetting IP/OOP naked AAxx no blockers here?
Tom Coldwell10 years, 7 months agoGood question. Depends exactly on what my AA** no blockers looks like. With this specific hand against a random, I would certainly consider checking back (and indeed do so some percentage of the time) because turning spades is fun, as is pot-control with a hand that HATES getting check/raised.
OOP, I would just c-bet because we have enough fold equity, there are cards I can barrel, and taking the passive line doesn't seem good because I have no visibility and will just end up giving up the pot anyways.
min 41:45 table 1 ds QQ: it was a squeeze not a 3b. Do u still like the squeeze here oop in bb against btn and co? i guess have to play often a mw 3b pot oop. so dont know if its standard too squeeze here.
As it happens, I was aware when reviewing that there was a caller from SB. I'd therefore stand by my comment that I think this is a standard spot to 3-bet (two players means more action sometimes, but also means we can put more money in and reduce the SPR etc.).
Note: A squeeze is still a 3-bet, just a 3-bet against more than one villain.
With regards to the hand which starts at 25:15 (Ad7s7hTd), with a limp in the HJ from someone starting without a full stack, is this ever a call as prescribed later in the video with (As8s8d4c @ 39:50 on the BTN and QQ62 in the following hand)
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Tom, very interesting video. I have a few questions, feel free to answer which ever ones you want:
1. In the beginning you mention the HUD stats that you use. Do you use these same stats for Hold Em cash or Tournaments? Do you make slight altercations on the stats you use in Tournaments/Hold Em Cash games? If so what are they?
2. What type of weak suited aces do you play if it is raised in front?
3. Most of time pot bet lead out top two? Assuming it isn't well coordinated.
4. On the hero hand with 77s full of queens:
Why do you think it isn't good to raise here? I only say this because it was a very dry board with no high cards. It was something like 57q6q. I think at the lower stakes you can still get value out of 55s full, straights, 6s full. Feel it would be EV+ to raise on that board(then fold if he re-raises). You are missing out on value from 555qq 666qq imo. Just started playing so I can be completly off here.
5. Standard to play QQxx in any position?
1) I'm neither a hold'em nor a tournament player so I don't have well-constructed HUDs for those (in fact, if I play an MTT, I usually turn the HUD off 'cas it's just the default VPIP/PFR/3-Bet HUD).
2) Assuming you mean which weak AA**:ss hands I play, the answer is all of them from every position. I imagine I could find a hypothetical preflop fold with like AhAd7s2s if I tried hard enough, but as a general rule, I don't fold AA** preflop.
3) That's a pretty broad question so hard to answer but I guess the simplest way is to say "no." I'm usually leading out pot in limped pots w/ hands I wanna bet, but there are equally times when I would check/raise top two (9876 on 962r against a nitty 3-bettor HJ v CO for example). If you can point out which hand/hands lead to this question, I can probably explain the situation in greater depth.
4) I would agree with you that jamming here probably gets called by 55 and 66 (although I think it's a f***ing awful call), but I'd be pretty shocked if a straight bet/called here (FWIW, I feel like 55 and the straight are about equal in terms of calling legitimacy, although I guess 55 has limited blocker value making it marginally better. Both shockingly bad w/o reads though). My main issue is that I think the hands which call us and we beat (the lower full houses) are substantially less frequent than the ones which call and beat us (66 pretty unlikely given how the hand played out and there are far fewer 55 combos than Q7, Q6, and Q5). I know it feels tight not raising for value here, especially when first starting out, but the issue is that sometimes we have a hand that's really strong but we simply can't expect worse to call our raise. In those cases, we just click the call button as fast as we can and gratefully accept the pot.
5) Pretty much. I'd play any pair of Qs unopened from CO and BTN and will flat a single raise w/ them from any seat (unless there's a maniacal 3-bettor left to act). I'd fold the absolute worst (QQ72r, QQ83r etc.) from the HJ and slightly more UTG (still only the really disconnected ones though) and would open my UTG range from the SB against a good BB, and all QQ hands against a bad one.
Hope that answers all your questions. Feel free to shoot some more my way if you have any :)
Thanks for the reply! For the second question I meant what type of suited single aces are good to play. So hands like AhThQJ etc. Obviously that is a strong hand. Are hands like Ah8h75 or Ah6h9J fine to play?
Right, so with top two you lead out in limped pots. In pots with a raise you check/raise to the preflop raiser. The hand example is at 13:20 on top right. Hero has J837. Board is J82. I understand potting here since it is very draw heavy. Would you bet a different amount like 3/4 pot if there were no clubs on board? Also what if you had J237 instead in that spot.
I also agree it is probably best to just call with the 77s full. I would guess it is only good to raise there against the weakest of opponents.
Thanks for answering all the questions! Mostly a PLO8 player, and trying to transition into Omaha.
As for top two, there really isn't a set rule. It depends on so many factors, but donking out in limped pots is usually good because no one is expected to bet (i.e. no c-bets). If we have a likely bettor, whether you lead, check/call or check/raise depends on how villain's range interacts with the board, what you expect him to do etc.
the avatars are the same as the old ones on Party......
Hi, I really enjoy the review series from a learning perspective. To me watching other players mistakes getting corrected has more value than just watching you play a perfect session. I like that you take your time to elaborate hero's actions on different turn/river cards.
Nice video, 32:55 upper left table: If HU: are you cbetting IP/OOP naked AAxx no blockers here?
OOP, I would just c-bet because we have enough fold equity, there are cards I can barrel, and taking the passive line doesn't seem good because I have no visibility and will just end up giving up the pot anyways.
Not very good video material cause not a lot of tough hands when you only play double suited connected stuff IP. :-o
Thx for response tom makes good sense, your resoning ;)
min 41:45 table 1 ds QQ: it was a squeeze not a 3b. Do u still like the squeeze here oop in bb against btn and co? i guess have to play often a mw 3b pot oop. so dont know if its standard too squeeze here.
As it happens, I was aware when reviewing that there was a caller from SB. I'd therefore stand by my comment that I think this is a standard spot to 3-bet (two players means more action sometimes, but also means we can put more money in and reduce the SPR etc.).
Note: A squeeze is still a 3-bet, just a 3-bet against more than one villain.
k tanks
nice video with a lot of good thoughts...
Great video :D
With regards to the hand which starts at 25:15 (Ad7s7hTd), with a limp in the HJ from someone starting without a full stack, is this ever a call as prescribed later in the video with (As8s8d4c @ 39:50 on the BTN and QQ62 in the following hand)
Thank you :D
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