Nice video man. 5:20 ATs hand suppose we are up against a typical rec, not this crazy one... How do you proceed if villain raises on this flop or he does so on our tun bet? Having no spades is good or bad against this type of player? Against a reg I would probably call flop, maybe call turn but probably fold if he barrels big OTT, do you aggree?
So i've been studying similar spots this week and the fact the board is all the same suit means that against anyone playing a decent range pre and has even a slight clue postflop we should be checking this board pretty much 100%. AT is one of the hands that PIO would be slightly more inclined to bet but I think so simplify our strategy we should just ch 100%.
Now I still think vs this crazy guy we bet just to get value. Vs a normal rec I'm happy to go either way. If they are more on the aggressive side I would probably opt for the check 100% line as I dont want to build a big pot OOP on a dynamic board. Vs a more fit or fold opponent I'm more likely to bet as we get to deny so much equity vs his non spade broadway hands.
If we do bet and get raised I'm not folding and this hand is probably a sigh call down if the board runs out ok. Obviously this depends on your opponent. If your up against someone who doesnt bluff much or is likely to be far more value heavy then it might not be a call down.
33:00 You say we can bet get it in here, definetely a spot I wasn't playing optimally then cause I probably fold to the reshove. Is the logic that the BB can bluff/semibluff shove this board a lot cause we miss it and it's so wet? Really nice bet sizing to induce from a recreational too! Would you be making this bet against a good reg on the BB too?
Also 35:15 how wide do you defend there with a 35BB stack? I'd probably go down to K4o, Q5o, J6o, T6o.... Would you go tighter with a medium stack?
The A6 I use the same sizing vs anyone. We get to call because the majority of the player pool is going to ch/shv with any pair or draw here and we do very well against that range.
The 35:15 hand it really depends on my opponent. The more aggressive our opponent is postflop the less we get to call. This is because we get to realise less of our equity postflop as we see less turns/rivers. So think about it more like that not a range that you always stick to. Be malleable and reactive to your opponents tendencies.
Last one I promise. 35:25 I really like the idea of x/c, x/r turn would you do this regardless of turn card? Also what about if you had a hand like K5s which doesn't have that good equity and doesn't block his calling range?
I think maybe listen to the explanation again to see how I liked to play it vs different opponents. I think in general its a good flop for our opponents range since he called but didnt reraise pre. So checking range seems like a good option vs most competent opponents. With the turn card you need to think about how it effects your entire x/c range before just blindly x/rr. Also you need to think about whether our opponent is likely to barrel again on the card. I'd play K5dd probably in a similar way except the turn card is a bit less relevant for us as we cant really add any backdoor equity.
Thanks for your answers man. Just an added question that you made me think about. On these kind of boards when the Js comes off is it good for us or our opponent? We both have a lot of staight draws that just got a pair, we probably have more KQ but not against all villains. I would probably fire that J but is it better, from ranges perspective, to x/r ? Regardeless of villain I haven't yet made clear in my head which cards are good for our range and which for villain's on these SRP on middling boards.
In the last hand, what do you think about a bet on that Q river? We could play hands such as KJ/KT/K9s/K8s/QJ and maybe AQ as bet/check/bet. Maybe with AJ we have a small showdown value since we beat AT and chop vs another AJ, but what do you think of bluffing river with hands such as JT, T9s, AT to try to make villain fold AJ, AT and medium/small pocket pairs?
Besides that, on those blank turns where we can't find natural bluffs which kind of combos would you prefer to pick to second barrel as a bluff?
I think to barrel on the turn hands like QT, JT and QJ are good as these block the majority of his top pairs. I would likely go 3 barrels with these as its hard for him to call down 3 streets with an underpair. Since I get rid of the broadway hands as bluffs on the turn I'm left with wanting to bluff the low suited cards as bluffs on the river. Probably like 87s and 97s. They do block some hands i want to fold but if we need some bluffs those are the ones id use.
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Nice video man. 5:20 ATs hand suppose we are up against a typical rec, not this crazy one... How do you proceed if villain raises on this flop or he does so on our tun bet? Having no spades is good or bad against this type of player? Against a reg I would probably call flop, maybe call turn but probably fold if he barrels big OTT, do you aggree?
So i've been studying similar spots this week and the fact the board is all the same suit means that against anyone playing a decent range pre and has even a slight clue postflop we should be checking this board pretty much 100%. AT is one of the hands that PIO would be slightly more inclined to bet but I think so simplify our strategy we should just ch 100%.
Now I still think vs this crazy guy we bet just to get value. Vs a normal rec I'm happy to go either way. If they are more on the aggressive side I would probably opt for the check 100% line as I dont want to build a big pot OOP on a dynamic board. Vs a more fit or fold opponent I'm more likely to bet as we get to deny so much equity vs his non spade broadway hands.
If we do bet and get raised I'm not folding and this hand is probably a sigh call down if the board runs out ok. Obviously this depends on your opponent. If your up against someone who doesnt bluff much or is likely to be far more value heavy then it might not be a call down.
33:00 You say we can bet get it in here, definetely a spot I wasn't playing optimally then cause I probably fold to the reshove. Is the logic that the BB can bluff/semibluff shove this board a lot cause we miss it and it's so wet? Really nice bet sizing to induce from a recreational too! Would you be making this bet against a good reg on the BB too?
Also 35:15 how wide do you defend there with a 35BB stack? I'd probably go down to K4o, Q5o, J6o, T6o.... Would you go tighter with a medium stack?
The A6 I use the same sizing vs anyone. We get to call because the majority of the player pool is going to ch/shv with any pair or draw here and we do very well against that range.
The 35:15 hand it really depends on my opponent. The more aggressive our opponent is postflop the less we get to call. This is because we get to realise less of our equity postflop as we see less turns/rivers. So think about it more like that not a range that you always stick to. Be malleable and reactive to your opponents tendencies.
Last one I promise. 35:25 I really like the idea of x/c, x/r turn would you do this regardless of turn card? Also what about if you had a hand like K5s which doesn't have that good equity and doesn't block his calling range?
I think maybe listen to the explanation again to see how I liked to play it vs different opponents. I think in general its a good flop for our opponents range since he called but didnt reraise pre. So checking range seems like a good option vs most competent opponents. With the turn card you need to think about how it effects your entire x/c range before just blindly x/rr. Also you need to think about whether our opponent is likely to barrel again on the card. I'd play K5dd probably in a similar way except the turn card is a bit less relevant for us as we cant really add any backdoor equity.
Thanks for your answers man. Just an added question that you made me think about. On these kind of boards when the Js comes off is it good for us or our opponent? We both have a lot of staight draws that just got a pair, we probably have more KQ but not against all villains. I would probably fire that J but is it better, from ranges perspective, to x/r ? Regardeless of villain I haven't yet made clear in my head which cards are good for our range and which for villain's on these SRP on middling boards.
In the last hand, what do you think about a bet on that Q river? We could play hands such as KJ/KT/K9s/K8s/QJ and maybe AQ as bet/check/bet. Maybe with AJ we have a small showdown value since we beat AT and chop vs another AJ, but what do you think of bluffing river with hands such as JT, T9s, AT to try to make villain fold AJ, AT and medium/small pocket pairs?
Besides that, on those blank turns where we can't find natural bluffs which kind of combos would you prefer to pick to second barrel as a bluff?
I think to barrel on the turn hands like QT, JT and QJ are good as these block the majority of his top pairs. I would likely go 3 barrels with these as its hard for him to call down 3 streets with an underpair. Since I get rid of the broadway hands as bluffs on the turn I'm left with wanting to bluff the low suited cards as bluffs on the river. Probably like 87s and 97s. They do block some hands i want to fold but if we need some bluffs those are the ones id use.
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