Nice! Thx, Steve! 19:50 fifth table what about x/r here w 2 backdoors, high card and blocker to nut flush? I think, we could frequently win here right away against BU's weak range.
And yeah, Hero definitely should play more aggressively against those bad, passive lineups, like he said)
Great video Steve! Question around 25 min you decided to fold KQ on the cutoff vs an Hijack open. My question is, of course 4betting this hand with some frequency should be fine due to blockers, but what hands are in your calling range here? What hands have a lot more post flop playability? Thank you for this video!
Vs a hj open I think calling can be ok, though I'd still generally fold or occasionally 3bet. Most of the footage I get is through PM, though at the moment I'm not looking for more footage.
Isnt the JJ hand literally the top of your range there (esp with a spade)?
You arent getting there with any boats or flushes. Doesnt this also open up villains value betting range to include A9, 97, TT etc.
Yep it's probably the best hand we can have but 3 way I'm more concerned with making sure there are enough bluffs that bb can realistically have. Eg. if the river were an 8 I wouldn't call even though I'm still very very close to top of range since I just don't give a random bb credit for having enough bluffing hands 3way in this spot.
As I said in the video I do think hero should call, but I don't expect it to be a super high EV spot. Also while I do think taking a GTOish approach is a good one, I also think it's ok to make plays where you're basically saying "this is the top of my range but I don't think my opponent is playing a strategy where he gets to this river with a range capable of exploiting my fold so I fold"
edit: Also 3 way I don't think villain can value bet A9 or 97 though it may be close. TT I didn't consider in the video but is more reasonable which makes calling even better.
I'm ok with it. You can't fold all your Qx but you'll have a decent # with diamonds, and having a 9 blocks his gutshots. You certainly should be folding a reasonable % of your Qx and this one doesn't have anything in particular going for it to make me want to call/raise.
Steve, thank you again for taking the time to review my footage. Here are some of my comments/follow up questions:
3:20 and 19:25 (RFI with 22 and ATo, respectively): I agree that these are not standard opens UTG unless there are fish in the blinds or passive players behind who are unlikely to 3b us, especially the BT. My question is which of these two considerations should weigh more heavily on our decision on whether to open with these marginal hands from early position? Fish in the blinds or players behind? In other words, if BT is aggro 3bettor making our open less attractive but there are fish in the blinds, should we still open?
12:55 (squeeze with AKo in the BB): You mentioned 4b raising smaller here. I think you reasoning for doing so was that we have very few bluffs here too and so we want to make sure that we are giving ourselves a cheap price on our bluffs. My only concern here with 4b smaller is that we are giving the BT a great price for calling and playing against us in position. Is this a valid concern?
6:45 and 29:00 (67o and QJs): Thank you for pointing out what appears to be a major leak of mine: Not calling enough in the BB. Below are my default BB vs UTG range and BB vs SB ranges when facing a 3x raise and no callers. How much wider would you go as a default? I'm trying to get a sense for how far off I am. (BB vs UTG) (BB vs SB)
27:00 (ATo, 4b bluff OTB):
If you are inclined to call this hand, then I assume you prefer AXs type hands for 4b bluffing here OTB vs a blind 3b, correct?
As you suggested, I should’ve taken a small stab here OTF. If he calls then we are done with the hand right?
32:10 (ATs): You were confused here as to why I was cbetting so small OTT with my nut flush draw. Just wanted to clarify that I did so because his Fold to Turn Cbet was very low (1 out of 9). Normally I’d size even bigger here to maximize on my fold equity, but there wasn’t much to be had here so I decided to price myself into seeing a cheap river card rather than giving him the initiative to do so. Let me know if that makes sense or if that’s faulty line of thinking.
34:00 (T9o in BB vs SB):
Can we consider raising here OTF since we often face overcards OTT? In other words, for protection and information. If not with this hand, then how about 2nd pair type hands?
Sorry for the lenghty post. Feel free to respond only to those questions you find most important or pertinent.
Q1: 22 I'm more likely to open in games with players who are too loose and too passive pre. ATo is a better open in a tighter game (in particular tighter players in position) due to blocker effects. If you're not getting called much that's when blockers matter most. If you are getting called frequently, having a hand that plays well postflop matters more.
Q2: Your range here is extremely strong, so while he's getting a good price if you go smaller it's going to be tough to realize his equity with a lot of hands. If he's going to continue with a lot of his range when I make it 10.5 or whatever I'm ok with that.
Q3: vs UTG: I'd call a lot of those suited connectors (and 1-gappers, though in a high rake game that might be close). Call KQo as well. My 3betting range would be a mix of Axs and suited gapper type hands.
BvB: I'd call your entire 3bet range (mix 3bet/call with some of them), 3bet some junkier suited stuff, call most suited hands, call most Kxo, and something like Q8o,J8o,T8o,97o,87o,76o. You can likely go even wider especially as rake decreases, but I'd add things slowly and check my bb winrate vs sb steal periodically.
Q4: I'd occasionally 4b some Axs, very rarely Axo, and also occasionally a hand like 96s, 86s, etc.
If I bet flop and he calls I'm mostly done except on diamonds where I think betting or checking are both reasonable.
Q5: Yep that sounds reasonable. With his combination of low fold turn/high fold river I'd be barreling off on pretty much everything except a T where I'd check and expect to win a lot.
Q6: I wouldn't raise. Calling will lead to difficult spots sometimes, but that's not a good enough reason to raise. Also it's not like raising gives you a ton of info. Especially if you make it small, he's going to be calling a lot with a wide variety of draws/pairs. And if you don't make it small you're just going to end up turning your quite strong hand into essentially a bluff with a T blocker.
I'm sorry but I found Hero's HUD way too busy for a video. I'd prefer a simplified HUD with fewer stats in videos given viewers can't be expected to be familiar with our personal idiosyncratic HUDs. This was made worse by being on an unfamiliar site that seems to semi-block Hero's hole cards.
(I have bad double vision so maybe it is just me).
It definitely makes the screen busier. Thanks for the feedback, I'll keep it in mind for future videos (there is a 2nd part to this that's already recorded, but for future footage I'll try to avoid really big huds)
Around 7-8 minutes in on bottom right you agree with folding A9s to a 3bet button v SB, obviously it's not an amazing hand by any stretch but this seems a little too tight for me? Would ATs be the bottom of your Axs calling range in that spot?
Hey Steve, thanks for the great video! For the decision at ~12:30 with JJ, on 79442 w/ 3 spades, don't you think V could be value betting some 4x hands? e.g. A4, K4s, 64s, 54s. Like you said, he has a much wider range closing the action from the bb.
Great video Steve. Always enjoyed your content. I currently use PT4 as well. What type of HUD is hero using? I currently use Blackrain's cashgame HUD. It is detailed, but not nearly as much content as hero's. I, too, have very good sample sizes on my opponents, and really think I could utilize something closer to hero's HUD. Could you direct me on how I would go about getting one? (Interested in VS. hero stats as opposed to just general stats.) I have tried doing it manually with no avail. Ty Very Much!
Glad to hear you like the videos! I haven't used PT since PT2 so don't think I can help you much there. As far as I know hero made his own hud, but maybe if he reads this he can correct me if I'm wrong. He did post earlier in this thread if you want to pm him.
Loading 31 Comments...
Great first part! Very clear concepts.
Can't wait for part 2 :D
Nice! Thx, Steve! 19:50 fifth table what about x/r here w 2 backdoors, high card and blocker to nut flush? I think, we could frequently win here right away against BU's weak range.
And yeah, Hero definitely should play more aggressively against those bad, passive lineups, like he said)
Yep i think this would be a fine hand to x/r with as well.
Great video Steve! Question around 25 min you decided to fold KQ on the cutoff vs an Hijack open. My question is, of course 4betting this hand with some frequency should be fine due to blockers, but what hands are in your calling range here? What hands have a lot more post flop playability? Thank you for this video!
Correction it was an UTG open sorry. but vs a hijack open what do you do here? just for discussion:) Also how can we get our sessions reviewed by you?
Vs a hj open I think calling can be ok, though I'd still generally fold or occasionally 3bet. Most of the footage I get is through PM, though at the moment I'm not looking for more footage.
Isnt the JJ hand literally the top of your range there (esp with a spade)?
You arent getting there with any boats or flushes. Doesnt this also open up villains value betting range to include A9, 97, TT etc.
time stamp?
8min on table 2
Yep it's probably the best hand we can have but 3 way I'm more concerned with making sure there are enough bluffs that bb can realistically have. Eg. if the river were an 8 I wouldn't call even though I'm still very very close to top of range since I just don't give a random bb credit for having enough bluffing hands 3way in this spot.
As I said in the video I do think hero should call, but I don't expect it to be a super high EV spot. Also while I do think taking a GTOish approach is a good one, I also think it's ok to make plays where you're basically saying "this is the top of my range but I don't think my opponent is playing a strategy where he gets to this river with a range capable of exploiting my fold so I fold"
edit: Also 3 way I don't think villain can value bet A9 or 97 though it may be close. TT I didn't consider in the video but is more reasonable which makes calling even better.
great video steve,
what are your thoughts about the q9s fold in the bottom right corner at 6minutes
I'm ok with it. You can't fold all your Qx but you'll have a decent # with diamonds, and having a 9 blocks his gutshots. You certainly should be folding a reasonable % of your Qx and this one doesn't have anything in particular going for it to make me want to call/raise.
Steve, thank you again for taking the time to review my footage. Here are some of my comments/follow up questions:
3:20 and 19:25 (RFI with 22 and ATo, respectively): I agree that these are not standard opens UTG unless there are fish in the blinds or passive players behind who are unlikely to 3b us, especially the BT. My question is which of these two considerations should weigh more heavily on our decision on whether to open with these marginal hands from early position? Fish in the blinds or players behind? In other words, if BT is aggro 3bettor making our open less attractive but there are fish in the blinds, should we still open?
12:55 (squeeze with AKo in the BB): You mentioned 4b raising smaller here. I think you reasoning for doing so was that we have very few bluffs here too and so we want to make sure that we are giving ourselves a cheap price on our bluffs. My only concern here with 4b smaller is that we are giving the BT a great price for calling and playing against us in position. Is this a valid concern?
6:45 and 29:00 (67o and QJs): Thank you for pointing out what appears to be a major leak of mine: Not calling enough in the BB. Below are my default BB vs UTG range and BB vs SB ranges when facing a 3x raise and no callers. How much wider would you go as a default? I'm trying to get a sense for how far off I am. (BB vs UTG) (BB vs SB)
27:00 (ATo, 4b bluff OTB):
If you are inclined to call this hand, then I assume you prefer AXs type hands for 4b bluffing here OTB vs a blind 3b, correct?
As you suggested, I should’ve taken a small stab here OTF. If he calls then we are done with the hand right?
32:10 (ATs): You were confused here as to why I was cbetting so small OTT with my nut flush draw. Just wanted to clarify that I did so because his Fold to Turn Cbet was very low (1 out of 9). Normally I’d size even bigger here to maximize on my fold equity, but there wasn’t much to be had here so I decided to price myself into seeing a cheap river card rather than giving him the initiative to do so. Let me know if that makes sense or if that’s faulty line of thinking.
34:00 (T9o in BB vs SB):
Can we consider raising here OTF since we often face overcards OTT? In other words, for protection and information. If not with this hand, then how about 2nd pair type hands?
Sorry for the lenghty post. Feel free to respond only to those questions you find most important or pertinent.
Q1: 22 I'm more likely to open in games with players who are too loose and too passive pre. ATo is a better open in a tighter game (in particular tighter players in position) due to blocker effects. If you're not getting called much that's when blockers matter most. If you are getting called frequently, having a hand that plays well postflop matters more.
Q2: Your range here is extremely strong, so while he's getting a good price if you go smaller it's going to be tough to realize his equity with a lot of hands. If he's going to continue with a lot of his range when I make it 10.5 or whatever I'm ok with that.
Q3: vs UTG: I'd call a lot of those suited connectors (and 1-gappers, though in a high rake game that might be close). Call KQo as well. My 3betting range would be a mix of Axs and suited gapper type hands.
BvB: I'd call your entire 3bet range (mix 3bet/call with some of them), 3bet some junkier suited stuff, call most suited hands, call most Kxo, and something like Q8o,J8o,T8o,97o,87o,76o. You can likely go even wider especially as rake decreases, but I'd add things slowly and check my bb winrate vs sb steal periodically.
Q4: I'd occasionally 4b some Axs, very rarely Axo, and also occasionally a hand like 96s, 86s, etc.
If I bet flop and he calls I'm mostly done except on diamonds where I think betting or checking are both reasonable.
Q5: Yep that sounds reasonable. With his combination of low fold turn/high fold river I'd be barreling off on pretty much everything except a T where I'd check and expect to win a lot.
Q6: I wouldn't raise. Calling will lead to difficult spots sometimes, but that's not a good enough reason to raise. Also it's not like raising gives you a ton of info. Especially if you make it small, he's going to be calling a lot with a wide variety of draws/pairs. And if you don't make it small you're just going to end up turning your quite strong hand into essentially a bluff with a T blocker.
I'm sorry but I found Hero's HUD way too busy for a video. I'd prefer a simplified HUD with fewer stats in videos given viewers can't be expected to be familiar with our personal idiosyncratic HUDs. This was made worse by being on an unfamiliar site that seems to semi-block Hero's hole cards.
(I have bad double vision so maybe it is just me).
It definitely makes the screen busier. Thanks for the feedback, I'll keep it in mind for future videos (there is a 2nd part to this that's already recorded, but for future footage I'll try to avoid really big huds)
I agree. Also the fact that hero plays 6 tables makes it even harder.
Around 7-8 minutes in on bottom right you agree with folding A9s to a 3bet button v SB, obviously it's not an amazing hand by any stretch but this seems a little too tight for me? Would ATs be the bottom of your Axs calling range in that spot?
It was A9o not A9s.
I wouldn't fold any Axs there.
Ah my bad, looked like Ad9d!
Hey Steve, thanks for the great video! For the decision at ~12:30 with JJ, on 79442 w/ 3 spades, don't you think V could be value betting some 4x hands? e.g. A4, K4s, 64s, 54s. Like you said, he has a much wider range closing the action from the bb.
Absolutely yes, not sure why I ignored those!
Great video Boss, clear explanations and a lot of good tips.
Steve, did you get a chance to view my follow questions above? Just curious to see what your thoughts were. Thanks!
Thanks for the heads up, not sure how I missed them! Will reply to them later today.
Questions answered above!
Great video Steve. Always enjoyed your content. I currently use PT4 as well. What type of HUD is hero using? I currently use Blackrain's cashgame HUD. It is detailed, but not nearly as much content as hero's. I, too, have very good sample sizes on my opponents, and really think I could utilize something closer to hero's HUD. Could you direct me on how I would go about getting one? (Interested in VS. hero stats as opposed to just general stats.) I have tried doing it manually with no avail. Ty Very Much!
Glad to hear you like the videos! I haven't used PT since PT2 so don't think I can help you much there. As far as I know hero made his own hud, but maybe if he reads this he can correct me if I'm wrong. He did post earlier in this thread if you want to pm him.
Preciate that guys
You are correct Steve. I created my own. PM me fast-livin and I'll help you out.
Thanks Steve for posting the second part!
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