Phil 12:00 AQ hand ...imho, against a tight 3 bet caller where a greater portion of his range would connect with this board and arriving turn, i’ll check most of my range. Hand like unpaired two over card would benefit the most realizing equity by freely seeing a river card. IP would have incentive to check back sometimes because we also check overpairs, combo draws mixing in x/c, x/jam.
Against a loose floaty 3 bet caller which has a less proportional range connection with the runout, it’s ok to barrel turn, blocking As, unblocking BD diamond and club.
Thank U Phil for doing more NL videos. U playing live would be exciting.
I feel like him having a tight 3b call range isn't especially good for him on T72r. He has no 2pr combos, and he only flopped a pair with suited hands or likely ATo (if he folds KTo, QTo).
That said, of course, a tighter range is going to make for a stronger postflop range in general, so I don't disagree that a tight caller would continue often on this flop (and most flops).
Thank U Phil for doing more NL videos. U playing live would be exciting.
You're welcome! I'm going to keep at it. I'd like to play some live myself, too. Ideally I'll be able to find somewhere to play from the US because my recording setup is better here, but I'll make sure to at least grab some footage next time I'm overseas.
Hey kovacs! I view K7s and KJo as being generally very close in value to each other, but most of our Essential NL coaches will have a better grasp on preflop opening ranges than I do, so don't take that as fact.
Great video. I like Tim's videos because (and no offense to him at all) he made several mistakes that you pointed out, and at least a few of them were not so obvious to me. Some Essential reviews you have done the players make few mistakes, so there aren't as many obvious things I can take away from a single watching.
As for sites to play at for some live videos, I've never played there, but I saw Chicago Joey make a video where he played on Global Poker, and it seemed alright. Maybe you can check that one out?
Thank you again for another very useful Essential video
Thank you for doing NL videos for the Essential subscribers.
I hope you do more; one other thought I had as far as adding more benefits to Essential, might be to give Essential subscribers the ability to view one Elite video of their choice (or perhaps allow them to select from a menu of choices) and allow them to do this once per month or even once per quarter. This way, Essential subscribers would be able to occasionally see an Elite video of a topic that they most want to see.
Thanks for these videos! I'm a new essential subscriber, and a novice player looking to learn to beat microstake (and low stakes live play), and these have been my favorite videos so far to justify my subscription here (as someone not actually making money from poker, so that sort of expense matters).
I like listening to you Phil! I get so calm haha, nice. About which NLHE Videos you should make, I think if you play 25nl < its better to review someone else there footage. When you are playing you make some more advanced plays. (Like check raising flops OOP as preflop opener.) Most players who play 10nl are probably not looking to get in such spots right now, we are trying to play a more abc style, which I guess makes sense when we have a less advanced understanding of the game. I learn more from seeing and understanding the mistakes players like me make. Phil Galfond
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Phil 12:00 AQ hand ...imho, against a tight 3 bet caller where a greater portion of his range would connect with this board and arriving turn, i’ll check most of my range. Hand like unpaired two over card would benefit the most realizing equity by freely seeing a river card. IP would have incentive to check back sometimes because we also check overpairs, combo draws mixing in x/c, x/jam.
Against a loose floaty 3 bet caller which has a less proportional range connection with the runout, it’s ok to barrel turn, blocking As, unblocking BD diamond and club.
Thank U Phil for doing more NL videos. U playing live would be exciting.
I feel like him having a tight 3b call range isn't especially good for him on T72r. He has no 2pr combos, and he only flopped a pair with suited hands or likely ATo (if he folds KTo, QTo).
That said, of course, a tighter range is going to make for a stronger postflop range in general, so I don't disagree that a tight caller would continue often on this flop (and most flops).
You're welcome! I'm going to keep at it. I'd like to play some live myself, too. Ideally I'll be able to find somewhere to play from the US because my recording setup is better here, but I'll make sure to at least grab some footage next time I'm overseas.
Hey Phil, thanks for doing these essential NL videos. Just wondering why you advocate for opening K7s from cutoff/hijack and why fold KJo from hijack?
Hey kovacs! I view K7s and KJo as being generally very close in value to each other, but most of our Essential NL coaches will have a better grasp on preflop opening ranges than I do, so don't take that as fact.
Great video. I like Tim's videos because (and no offense to him at all) he made several mistakes that you pointed out, and at least a few of them were not so obvious to me. Some Essential reviews you have done the players make few mistakes, so there aren't as many obvious things I can take away from a single watching.
As for sites to play at for some live videos, I've never played there, but I saw Chicago Joey make a video where he played on Global Poker, and it seemed alright. Maybe you can check that one out?
Thank you again for another very useful Essential video
Thanks, JDG! I might just go ahead and try that, at least to record some essential videos. It's the best option I've heard so far.
Please make these Holdem vids a regular thing. I don't play PLO but still watch your vids just for your thought process. Many thanks
Will do! I'm really glad to hear people are enjoying them.
Phil we are looking forward for the new series.
where are they?
Thank you for doing NL videos for the Essential subscribers.
I hope you do more; one other thought I had as far as adding more benefits to Essential, might be to give Essential subscribers the ability to view one Elite video of their choice (or perhaps allow them to select from a menu of choices) and allow them to do this once per month or even once per quarter. This way, Essential subscribers would be able to occasionally see an Elite video of a topic that they most want to see.
I'm enjoying this footage. :) I'd like 3/6 or 2/5 sometime. :D
Global Poker is where you should play Phil
Thanks for these videos! I'm a new essential subscriber, and a novice player looking to learn to beat microstake (and low stakes live play), and these have been my favorite videos so far to justify my subscription here (as someone not actually making money from poker, so that sort of expense matters).
I like listening to you Phil! I get so calm haha, nice. About which NLHE Videos you should make, I think if you play 25nl < its better to review someone else there footage. When you are playing you make some more advanced plays. (Like check raising flops OOP as preflop opener.) Most players who play 10nl are probably not looking to get in such spots right now, we are trying to play a more abc style, which I guess makes sense when we have a less advanced understanding of the game. I learn more from seeing and understanding the mistakes players like me make. Phil Galfond
Nice vid, bro! I'd like to see you reviewing or making a live session micro-low stakes for essentials more often!! Phil Galfond
please make more Phil Galfond essential NL videos! these are amazing
Pity Phil didn't make more of these :(
Thank you so much for doing this! Amazing work
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