Great Video Phil! I'm still quite new to PLO, so excuse my ignorance if these questions are super rudimentary.
~8:00 You say that we should be content with showing down our King high flush because it's nowhere near the top of our range. Is this because there's a huge difference between the A and K high flushes? I thought perhaps the reason we shouldn't bet here is because we are fairly capped, as we don't have many boats. Seems strange to me that we call turn (which you said was pretty marginal), bink the flush, and can't bet for value.
~32:00, if we didn't block a lot of value, for example with a hand like AAxx, should the standard idea be to size larger? Since all draws missed, value hands should fold less often. I remember you had a video earlier in a similar hand where there was an argument on whether or not you should split your range on the river with a smaller sizings to "make bluffs more efficient".
Re. K high flush hand, I'm thinking if our betting range is strong he should call less frequently and then it's hard/rare to get value from worse than a K flush. I don't think it's a turn call as we can't bet that river and don't love calling river either.
I didn't do the best job of explaining this. Since I believe that this hand is a turn fold, that means that we call turn with straights, trips (some rare boats), overpair+fd and overpair+sd, and that's about it.
While a King high flush is actually fairly high up in that range on the river, we don't have a lot of natural bluffing hands. Our worst hand will be trips (other than perhaps the rare JJT9/AAT9), which has a lot of incentive to show down - firstly because it wins at showdown reasonably often, and secondly because we don't rep boats particularly well.
I guess that's the simpler way to explain my point. We usually have flushes or straights, and we don't have "air." In order to value bet boats, we may need to dip into our trips hands for bluffs. Value betting Ace high flushes will require us to likely bluff a lot of our trips hands. To add value hands like King high flushes, we might need to start bluffing with some straights. Now we are getting to a point where we are betting most of our range!
32 min:
You're talking about the AA hand on AQ494, right?
It's not so clear cut to me what we should be doing in a GTO sense, but I think a large betting strategy makes the most sense overall. We aren't value betting AK here, and even AQ is a bit thin given the action and the potential for important blockers/anti-blockers. (If we have KJT8cc, he has AQ+ very very often)
I think that in practice, it's quite attractive to bet big with hands like QQ, which leave him with a ton of Ax bluffcatchers and some auto-call hands like A4.
Hi Phil, thanks a lot for reviewing my footage. I started playing a bit of PLO at the beginning of the year but have been playing NL for a long time, very flattered about the nice comments you made about my game. Maybe playing only 2 table of zoom instead of a bunch of table helped hehe! :) I realise I'm still making a lot of mistakes preflop, I still have a lot of issue with my preflop game in PLO but feel confident about my postflop strategies.
@3m J357hhxx If vilain bet's river, wich would be rare I think, would you consider turning our small flush into a bluff and shove river?
J753 - I think that this makes a reasonable candidate for a bluff x/r, but the problems are:
1) You have a lot of 2x hands and some 4x hands, which also make reasonable x/r bluff candidates
2) His value range might be boats+
3) We probably will bet most/all of our boats
I think this would be a spot where most of my checking range is giving up, and I don't think that there's much wrong with that. Our boats have a lot of incentive to value bet river, and I don't think it makes sense to add many of those boats to our x/r range just to balance.
While we can have a lot of unimproved trips hands, I don't think that he gets to value bet his flushes because he so rarely has worse than a flush. This means he has very few bluffs and a very narrow value range.
If our opponent called twice with AAxx with the dry Ace of hearts and wants to bluff us now, good for him. He can win. He called our turn bet after calling a flop lead with two people to act behind him.
AKQ9ddd 4bet was a large mistake with stack sizes in my opinion, whenever you get called 3 ways you don't push much equity, whenever you get shoved on you spend quite a lot of money and wont be able to see any flops at all(this is considering the fact that button is a normal 3 bettor, if he 3bets %30-40? it might be fine :)
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What do you mean "no leaks?" ! Just kidding , good video Phil! Good play Patapong!
Great Video Phil! I'm still quite new to PLO, so excuse my ignorance if these questions are super rudimentary.
~8:00 You say that we should be content with showing down our King high flush because it's nowhere near the top of our range. Is this because there's a huge difference between the A and K high flushes? I thought perhaps the reason we shouldn't bet here is because we are fairly capped, as we don't have many boats. Seems strange to me that we call turn (which you said was pretty marginal), bink the flush, and can't bet for value.
~32:00, if we didn't block a lot of value, for example with a hand like AAxx, should the standard idea be to size larger? Since all draws missed, value hands should fold less often. I remember you had a video earlier in a similar hand where there was an argument on whether or not you should split your range on the river with a smaller sizings to "make bluffs more efficient".
Re. K high flush hand, I'm thinking if our betting range is strong he should call less frequently and then it's hard/rare to get value from worse than a K flush. I don't think it's a turn call as we can't bet that river and don't love calling river either.
K high flush:
I didn't do the best job of explaining this. Since I believe that this hand is a turn fold, that means that we call turn with straights, trips (some rare boats), overpair+fd and overpair+sd, and that's about it.
While a King high flush is actually fairly high up in that range on the river, we don't have a lot of natural bluffing hands. Our worst hand will be trips (other than perhaps the rare JJT9/AAT9), which has a lot of incentive to show down - firstly because it wins at showdown reasonably often, and secondly because we don't rep boats particularly well.
I guess that's the simpler way to explain my point. We usually have flushes or straights, and we don't have "air." In order to value bet boats, we may need to dip into our trips hands for bluffs. Value betting Ace high flushes will require us to likely bluff a lot of our trips hands. To add value hands like King high flushes, we might need to start bluffing with some straights. Now we are getting to a point where we are betting most of our range!
32 min:
You're talking about the AA hand on AQ494, right?
It's not so clear cut to me what we should be doing in a GTO sense, but I think a large betting strategy makes the most sense overall. We aren't value betting AK here, and even AQ is a bit thin given the action and the potential for important blockers/anti-blockers. (If we have KJT8cc, he has AQ+ very very often)
I think that in practice, it's quite attractive to bet big with hands like QQ, which leave him with a ton of Ax bluffcatchers and some auto-call hands like A4.
Hi Phil, thanks a lot for reviewing my footage. I started playing a bit of PLO at the beginning of the year but have been playing NL for a long time, very flattered about the nice comments you made about my game. Maybe playing only 2 table of zoom instead of a bunch of table helped hehe! :) I realise I'm still making a lot of mistakes preflop, I still have a lot of issue with my preflop game in PLO but feel confident about my postflop strategies.
@3m J357hhxx If vilain bet's river, wich would be rare I think, would you consider turning our small flush into a bluff and shove river?
Thanks again!
Thank you for submitting the footage!
J753 - I think that this makes a reasonable candidate for a bluff x/r, but the problems are:
1) You have a lot of 2x hands and some 4x hands, which also make reasonable x/r bluff candidates
2) His value range might be boats+
3) We probably will bet most/all of our boats
I think this would be a spot where most of my checking range is giving up, and I don't think that there's much wrong with that. Our boats have a lot of incentive to value bet river, and I don't think it makes sense to add many of those boats to our x/r range just to balance.
While we can have a lot of unimproved trips hands, I don't think that he gets to value bet his flushes because he so rarely has worse than a flush. This means he has very few bluffs and a very narrow value range.
If our opponent called twice with AAxx with the dry Ace of hearts and wants to bluff us now, good for him. He can win. He called our turn bet after calling a flop lead with two people to act behind him.
the sound is so tilting. there is someone in the background blowing into a pipe each time you talk. very good tuition as usual
You should try Tommy Angelo videos, it helps you with tilting :D
AKQ9ddd 4bet was a large mistake with stack sizes in my opinion, whenever you get called 3 ways you don't push much equity, whenever you get shoved on you spend quite a lot of money and wont be able to see any flops at all(this is considering the fact that button is a normal 3 bettor, if he 3bets %30-40? it might be fine :)
Great video... man these RIO members play good!! :)
Very nice review Phil! And also wp played Pata!
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