4:23 its either a check raise which I like best or check fold. The only hand he is calling a check raise with is hand like JJ. He pretty much isn't repping anything. Even a back door flush draw probably cb that flop. So at this point when checks back bets the turn his range is weak but its possible he still betting a better hand we can make better hands fold with a check raise doesn't matter ifh e calls we have plenty of rivers we can bluff with. But his range is capped ours is not. So its either imo a check raise check fold. Say he is betting AT here on the turn and we call he has double gutter and 2 overs. 8 wont get to realize equity enough to profitably call here imo. I think ita great spot to check raise. I know it sucks we don't have equity but it aspot his range is weak enough we will get more folds by just raising the turn.
the A3o I think can be called since stacks are deeper. But i would only call if its opponent we can realize our equity. If he has high cb and barrel I would fold. Against a player who plays more honest post flop it worth gambling when we are around 130 bbs deep. I think people look to much at hand strength from each position and its sort of a mistake. The first thing we want to look at with marginal hands is how deep we are heads up with someone and also how he play post flop. These are spots you can win big and give big boost to win rate or lose small pot. These are the spots that give me higher win rate opening my range a little more vs deeper stacks. But at micros maybe its fold due to rake. I would still call and see a flop. 3b would be horrible cause he has position and playing deeper opponent will float a lot more to try hit big with gut shot and bluff if we have to check. So i think callling is optimal vs a more straight forward opponent post flop.
6:45 of video I fold the 89o its easy fold especially at these micros with only 100 bb effective stack depth. If we are deeper again I would call 120 to 130 bbs deep and I know its 3 way but again a spot to marginal and its not +ev over the long run unless stack depths are deeper. We just wont hit often to show a profit.
7:41 the AJo cb on 972 should fo check I disagree with betting. We have 2 overs but no real equity and i dont 'even like the small cb your just asking to get raised in this spot. And now a hadn like 8T or TJ type hand just blew you off the best hand. The villain will know that his his range hits hard so ya he can raise big hands here but also a lot of his weaker range thats going to raise that has no show down value. I really doubt he has big hand when he raises its more bluffs. They will trap with big hands on that kind of board. I know its good t ocb and take it down but when we have show down value that is beating a lot of his range that can't call a raise with no equity to go with it we are gonna end up folding the best hand quite often. So imo its easy check back with the AJ. I understand people want to play like sauce or do what pio says but this is a spot to check back we want to realize our equity not bet and face a raise with maybe the best hand. We want to think about our range and his range and what he will do with his range on that board.
12:15 is easy fold with the A4s. Your calling the flop on 2T5 with A4s with just back door flush draw op? You should be telling him not to do this and his range is much stronger from co vs ep raise. And we are op on top of it. He has TT here sometimes He as 22 and 55. . He can do whatever he wants on the turn he can check back or bet. And that hits his range pretty well. He has a lot of pocket pairs in that spot he is not even on the btn. His range stronger then btn range. I know we can have over pair here but when someone raises an ep cb from co they are usually pretty strong. There is just not many bluffs on this board. Very dry flop and his range is going to be weighted more to value hoping we have an over pair and even if hes bluffing he just going to barrel any over card with QKs. Our hand is way to weak to float here for this to be +ev spot. If we are ip i get it and on the btn where he cold calls much wider range but op this not going to show a profit. I am trying to word this nicely but to even consider floating is getting to cute and its leaking money away. Especially at micros. And i don't like the sizing again. I like it if it was 22T then ya go ahhead 1/4th bet. But this kind of board just do normal cb 1/2 to 2/3 or your just asking to get raised with back door draw and even T wont want to give you cheap turn.
I appreciate that you're leaving fleshed out comments, but please try to be more concise in the future. It's difficult to tell if you're actually looking for discussion from the way your messages read. I'll give you the benefit of doubt though because tone is hard to convey over text.
xr would be terrible. xf is just far too tight without a very specific read over a strong sample. We should be betting a ton of our Qx and some of our Jx. When we check, even considering the Jx we check, 8x is just far too high in our range to be folding here. Yes, a lot of his bluffs have equity, and the river will inevitably be tough if we xc and he bets. However, our highest EV option will still be to call turn. It's not as if his only turn bets are high equity combo draws (many of which would have bet flop), nor will he always barrel river.
no timestamp, so idk.
I could certainly get on board for just folding this. I've tightened up my BB play since the time of this recording. Regardless, I'd imagine that this is quite close to 0EV.
It's impossible for betting to be bad here. The correct counter to this bet would be an extremely high xr frequency, and you simply will not see that. You said that people will start bluffing aggressively and I strongly disagree. Filter your db (especially if you play micros) for flop 2b frequencies amongst regs. I assure you they'll be quite low, even if you can isolate for a 1/3 cb size.
Overcard + gutter + BDFD getting 3.6:1 is just too good to fold. It's quite easy for IP to get out of line by bluffing too many 3 straight + BDFD combos, especially if he doesn't call 22/55 pre (which I think would be losing FWIW).
Saying xr would be terrible or its impossible for betting to be bad is being very narrow minded. Seems like you got to much ego to actually be logical about what I am saying. There is no terrible play when someone checks back and their range is capped and you decide to rep a nut range. To say a raise is terrible os absurd. I look at what is the situation and what is the best way for me to react to win this hand not what my hand is necessarily. You look to much at your hand. Its not just about what we are repping but also what he is repping and how to counter what he is repping to make the most profit.
These were the leaks that I had that was destroying my win rate. Maybe you should filter these spots. Prove me wrong though I like to be wrong so I learn. Post a graph you calling a raise op with a marginal back door equity hand over 1k hand sample at the same limit and show me your making a profit. If you can your better then everyone. If you said well our stacks are deeper so I think calling is worth gambling in this spot even though its -ev spot then id give you some credit. You sound as if you think this is profitable to do op. It is 100% never profitable in a vacuum. Show me you can profit calling with small pair on the turn op going to the river with no draw equity. Show me I am wrong here.
My comments plain and simple to help this player. If he is unsure best way to figure it out is filter all these situations and see for himself. Thats how we grow and learn as players.
xr would be terrible because we're high enough in our range that we don't need to bluff this combo; we also don't block the part of the range that we're repping and can choose from any number of better combos. I simply think this hand has too much SDV to be turned into a bluff at this point.
In the 972r spot, the reason it's impossible for betting to be bad is that our range advantage is so strong such that we have a profitable bet with any two cards. A reasonable approximation on this texture is to cb your entire range for a small sizing. There is no real counter to this. A clairvoyant opponent would likely gain less than 1% (certainly less than 2%) additional pot share by employing a perfect counter-strategy.
I'll have a proper look through it tomorrow and will no doubt come up with a few questions. Had a quick look through and saw some pretty suspicious post-flop folds and CO opens! Hope it's not all like that haha.
thanks for vid, very informative !
27:10. Table 2 w 66
its a def. fold there?as by me its def. call there, set value and some eq on low decks, so i would be thankful if you will comment why here is def. fold
thanks a lot again !
If you're choosing to use a flatting range, I could get behind vpiping this. The merits to playing a flatting range, however, are debatable (especially at microstakes where the rake is so high).
Thanks for the video, really good one, but please activate windows (bottom right corner kek )
I also think people are playing way more passive then you exepct on this limits Paul
Atwal very often they will check back top pair with weak kicker, or second pair with high kicker even on turn in my experiance in zoom, tho that changes on normal tables for sure.
I have only played around 150k hands on 25nl 6bb before rakeback, but thats atleast my point of view ,people tend to be way tighter in zoom.
You said your self LAG good players from higher stakes even play tighter here, same goes for overall population of that is not weak players, they play very nitty with strong check back range.
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4:23 its either a check raise which I like best or check fold. The only hand he is calling a check raise with is hand like JJ. He pretty much isn't repping anything. Even a back door flush draw probably cb that flop. So at this point when checks back bets the turn his range is weak but its possible he still betting a better hand we can make better hands fold with a check raise doesn't matter ifh e calls we have plenty of rivers we can bluff with. But his range is capped ours is not. So its either imo a check raise check fold. Say he is betting AT here on the turn and we call he has double gutter and 2 overs. 8 wont get to realize equity enough to profitably call here imo. I think ita great spot to check raise. I know it sucks we don't have equity but it aspot his range is weak enough we will get more folds by just raising the turn.
the A3o I think can be called since stacks are deeper. But i would only call if its opponent we can realize our equity. If he has high cb and barrel I would fold. Against a player who plays more honest post flop it worth gambling when we are around 130 bbs deep. I think people look to much at hand strength from each position and its sort of a mistake. The first thing we want to look at with marginal hands is how deep we are heads up with someone and also how he play post flop. These are spots you can win big and give big boost to win rate or lose small pot. These are the spots that give me higher win rate opening my range a little more vs deeper stacks. But at micros maybe its fold due to rake. I would still call and see a flop. 3b would be horrible cause he has position and playing deeper opponent will float a lot more to try hit big with gut shot and bluff if we have to check. So i think callling is optimal vs a more straight forward opponent post flop.
6:45 of video I fold the 89o its easy fold especially at these micros with only 100 bb effective stack depth. If we are deeper again I would call 120 to 130 bbs deep and I know its 3 way but again a spot to marginal and its not +ev over the long run unless stack depths are deeper. We just wont hit often to show a profit.
7:41 the AJo cb on 972 should fo check I disagree with betting. We have 2 overs but no real equity and i dont 'even like the small cb your just asking to get raised in this spot. And now a hadn like 8T or TJ type hand just blew you off the best hand. The villain will know that his his range hits hard so ya he can raise big hands here but also a lot of his weaker range thats going to raise that has no show down value. I really doubt he has big hand when he raises its more bluffs. They will trap with big hands on that kind of board. I know its good t ocb and take it down but when we have show down value that is beating a lot of his range that can't call a raise with no equity to go with it we are gonna end up folding the best hand quite often. So imo its easy check back with the AJ. I understand people want to play like sauce or do what pio says but this is a spot to check back we want to realize our equity not bet and face a raise with maybe the best hand. We want to think about our range and his range and what he will do with his range on that board.
12:15 is easy fold with the A4s. Your calling the flop on 2T5 with A4s with just back door flush draw op? You should be telling him not to do this and his range is much stronger from co vs ep raise. And we are op on top of it. He has TT here sometimes He as 22 and 55. . He can do whatever he wants on the turn he can check back or bet. And that hits his range pretty well. He has a lot of pocket pairs in that spot he is not even on the btn. His range stronger then btn range. I know we can have over pair here but when someone raises an ep cb from co they are usually pretty strong. There is just not many bluffs on this board. Very dry flop and his range is going to be weighted more to value hoping we have an over pair and even if hes bluffing he just going to barrel any over card with QKs. Our hand is way to weak to float here for this to be +ev spot. If we are ip i get it and on the btn where he cold calls much wider range but op this not going to show a profit. I am trying to word this nicely but to even consider floating is getting to cute and its leaking money away. Especially at micros. And i don't like the sizing again. I like it if it was 22T then ya go ahhead 1/4th bet. But this kind of board just do normal cb 1/2 to 2/3 or your just asking to get raised with back door draw and even T wont want to give you cheap turn.
I appreciate that you're leaving fleshed out comments, but please try to be more concise in the future. It's difficult to tell if you're actually looking for discussion from the way your messages read. I'll give you the benefit of doubt though because tone is hard to convey over text.
xr would be terrible. xf is just far too tight without a very specific read over a strong sample. We should be betting a ton of our Qx and some of our Jx. When we check, even considering the Jx we check, 8x is just far too high in our range to be folding here. Yes, a lot of his bluffs have equity, and the river will inevitably be tough if we xc and he bets. However, our highest EV option will still be to call turn. It's not as if his only turn bets are high equity combo draws (many of which would have bet flop), nor will he always barrel river.
no timestamp, so idk.
I could certainly get on board for just folding this. I've tightened up my BB play since the time of this recording. Regardless, I'd imagine that this is quite close to 0EV.
It's impossible for betting to be bad here. The correct counter to this bet would be an extremely high xr frequency, and you simply will not see that. You said that people will start bluffing aggressively and I strongly disagree. Filter your db (especially if you play micros) for flop 2b frequencies amongst regs. I assure you they'll be quite low, even if you can isolate for a 1/3 cb size.
Overcard + gutter + BDFD getting 3.6:1 is just too good to fold. It's quite easy for IP to get out of line by bluffing too many 3 straight + BDFD combos, especially if he doesn't call 22/55 pre (which I think would be losing FWIW).
Saying xr would be terrible or its impossible for betting to be bad is being very narrow minded. Seems like you got to much ego to actually be logical about what I am saying. There is no terrible play when someone checks back and their range is capped and you decide to rep a nut range. To say a raise is terrible os absurd. I look at what is the situation and what is the best way for me to react to win this hand not what my hand is necessarily. You look to much at your hand. Its not just about what we are repping but also what he is repping and how to counter what he is repping to make the most profit.
These were the leaks that I had that was destroying my win rate. Maybe you should filter these spots. Prove me wrong though I like to be wrong so I learn. Post a graph you calling a raise op with a marginal back door equity hand over 1k hand sample at the same limit and show me your making a profit. If you can your better then everyone. If you said well our stacks are deeper so I think calling is worth gambling in this spot even though its -ev spot then id give you some credit. You sound as if you think this is profitable to do op. It is 100% never profitable in a vacuum. Show me you can profit calling with small pair on the turn op going to the river with no draw equity. Show me I am wrong here.
My comments plain and simple to help this player. If he is unsure best way to figure it out is filter all these situations and see for himself. Thats how we grow and learn as players.
xr would be terrible because we're high enough in our range that we don't need to bluff this combo; we also don't block the part of the range that we're repping and can choose from any number of better combos. I simply think this hand has too much SDV to be turned into a bluff at this point.
In the 972r spot, the reason it's impossible for betting to be bad is that our range advantage is so strong such that we have a profitable bet with any two cards. A reasonable approximation on this texture is to cb your entire range for a small sizing. There is no real counter to this. A clairvoyant opponent would likely gain less than 1% (certainly less than 2%) additional pot share by employing a perfect counter-strategy.
Thanks for a good video Paul!
27:10. Table 2.
How about 3betting 66 there?
I'd always fold unless he had a really high fold to 3bet.
Would you 3bet it on btn vs co?
Hey Paul, thanks for doing this video series!
I'll have a proper look through it tomorrow and will no doubt come up with a few questions. Had a quick look through and saw some pretty suspicious post-flop folds and CO opens! Hope it's not all like that haha.
You really need to memorise your HUD pal.
Yeah it's pretty bad haha, it's improved since then but need to work on memorising it for sure
This HUD O_O
Ya most of what is in his hud should be put in the 2nd pop up. Looks like heads up hud
thanks for vid, very informative !
27:10. Table 2 w 66
its a def. fold there?as by me its def. call there, set value and some eq on low decks, so i would be thankful if you will comment why here is def. fold
thanks a lot again !
If you're choosing to use a flatting range, I could get behind vpiping this. The merits to playing a flatting range, however, are debatable (especially at microstakes where the rake is so high).
Thanks for the video, really good one, but please activate windows (bottom right corner kek )
I also think people are playing way more passive then you exepct on this limits Paul
Atwal very often they will check back top pair with weak kicker, or second pair with high kicker even on turn in my experiance in zoom, tho that changes on normal tables for sure.
I have only played around 150k hands on 25nl 6bb before rakeback, but thats atleast my point of view ,people tend to be way tighter in zoom.
You said your self LAG good players from higher stakes even play tighter here, same goes for overall population of that is not weak players, they play very nitty with strong check back range.
i noticed that on all 4 games the stacks are in BB is there a way to change it to that while playing
Program called StarsHelper it cost 35$ (you can use to trial to see BB don't know if that is still the case)
Cobra Kai.
Longest comments in history ;-) lol
Hi ! Very good video! In the minute 9:44 you talk about videos we could see. From “ben..”
fairly certain he means this one: http://www.runitonce.com/poker-training/videos/025050-nlhe-zoom-live-play/
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