the Q9s hand at 16.25 is definitely a shove pre considering it's bubble time.
Since we call and flop top pair though imo flop is a mandatory shove bc:
1. his betsize is quite committing
2. a lot of turns will kill your action probably and he's more inclined to call all 7x,9x, 88s on the flop due to the fact your range is so draw heavy. Hearts or overcards might kill your action since micro players often give up on a second overcard.
3. you dont want to let him realise more equity
Sorry for the late reply. Having looked at the hand again I agree with a shove pre. I also am beginning to like a shove postflop more as well for the reasons that you gave but also because we will have a lot of draws in our range when we make this shove so having good value hands in there as well makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the post.
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Great series, looking forward to the last part, thanks, gj
the Q9s hand at 16.25 is definitely a shove pre considering it's bubble time.
Since we call and flop top pair though imo flop is a mandatory shove bc:
1. his betsize is quite committing
2. a lot of turns will kill your action probably and he's more inclined to call all 7x,9x, 88s on the flop due to the fact your range is so draw heavy. Hearts or overcards might kill your action since micro players often give up on a second overcard.
3. you dont want to let him realise more equity
still a nice video
Sorry for the late reply. Having looked at the hand again I agree with a shove pre. I also am beginning to like a shove postflop more as well for the reasons that you gave but also because we will have a lot of draws in our range when we make this shove so having good value hands in there as well makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the post.
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