Also this is a leakfinder, so a video where I focus on leaks and try not to talk too much about standard spots where hero played well. In the normal learning process it is very important to pay attention to strengths but leakfinder has a different purpose.
I actually like that bluff at 51:52. We credibly represent boats as played.
I Do not have PJ (would like to see range distribution), but i think KK/QQ/KQ/89/JT should make at least 40 % of hands, that we do not beat, but which can not call us either.
Ofc it's easier to play this hand as a cbet on the flop (as you suggested).
Most of JJ/TT you will cbet on the flop to make your opponent fold KQ/Q9 and other hands with nice equity against your hand.
CO should bet his flushes on the turn to get value from AA/KQ so after his check you can also pretty comfortably bet AA.
Therefore you dont have most of JJ/TT/AA in your range. You also dont have flushes and you dont valuebet a straight. So your value range is very narrow and consists of only hands like AJ/AT/A7 and bluffs. In CO shoes I would c/call KQ/98 and depending on stats also some KKJ/KKT/KJ hands as very often BTN would turn T7/J7/JT into a bluff.
But as you noticed it is easier to just cbet a flop ;-)
I'm just a rookie in Omaha, but can you explain a bit more why can we pot call on the turn in 41:37? Only because of the SPR?
Why are we not scared of KQ, KK combos? Should Opponent lead on the turn with those hands with this SPR?
Maybe I'm over complicating this situation and If we would check, we would face with a really hard river decision, so with this SPR and because the only 2 pair is possible in 3bet spots like this is the KQ and set of KK we should just betcall because of the pot odds? Is there enough draws as well in his ch/r range?
Now I'm sure I just explained to myself that there are a lot of draws in opponent range and we would lose a lot of eq against his draws but can you help me to see better the actual ranges here.
And maybe my real question is, Can be an opponent (maybe with his draws) that passive, that we actually could fold this hand on the turn when facing a ch/r
I'm so sorry to write this much, but I just started to play PLO after 7 years of Holdem, and I'm really really overexcited right now and I found your videos really helpful so keep up the good work!!
You can discount KKxx because he opened for min utg and flatted the 3b less than 100bb deep. QQxx highly discounted because most villains would x/r flop on this texture. KQxx is the most likely hand we would be behind here but we also have decent equity vs that, and we also block high rundown type hands that would contain Ks & Qs. More importantly we cannot afford to check back turn vs all of the draws that have decent equity against us - which is why potting the turn is good - and given the turn pot at SPR 2:1 we will be committed to call his min raise shove since we have plenty of equity having turned the gutshot.
nittyoldman covered pretty much all the most important arguments for potting. Also you need to be aware of your range. You made a 3bet pre, cbet the flop and potted the turn. In your range you have all KK/KQ, AKQJ, AA+FD etc so many very strong combos. Because of that your oponent has to be very careful and can't make a comfortable stackoff with weak FD or mid pair +gutter. This is a very important in PLO that very often you just bet to pick up the money from the pot and you don't let your oponent to realize his equity. UTG can easily fold hear a 40% equity hand and thats a great result for us!
Another point is that at this SPR many players will just lead with KQ so checking makes his range weaker.
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Hero is a total fish lol
We are all here to learn and improve, not to talk smack about ones striving to.
Also this is a leakfinder, so a video where I focus on leaks and try not to talk too much about standard spots where hero played well. In the normal learning process it is very important to pay attention to strengths but leakfinder has a different purpose.
Thanks for the review Leszek! Very helpful insight into some mistakes that I am making.
Your main leak is constant complaining and bashing of fish on tables.
I actually like that bluff at 51:52. We credibly represent boats as played.
I Do not have PJ (would like to see range distribution), but i think KK/QQ/KQ/89/JT should make at least 40 % of hands, that we do not beat, but which can not call us either.
Ofc it's easier to play this hand as a cbet on the flop (as you suggested).
Most of JJ/TT you will cbet on the flop to make your opponent fold KQ/Q9 and other hands with nice equity against your hand.
CO should bet his flushes on the turn to get value from AA/KQ so after his check you can also pretty comfortably bet AA.
Therefore you dont have most of JJ/TT/AA in your range. You also dont have flushes and you dont valuebet a straight. So your value range is very narrow and consists of only hands like AJ/AT/A7 and bluffs. In CO shoes I would c/call KQ/98 and depending on stats also some KKJ/KKT/KJ hands as very often BTN would turn T7/J7/JT into a bluff.
But as you noticed it is easier to just cbet a flop ;-)
Hero should never have AAxx as it would contain the Ad which will bet flop or turn 99.9% of the time either for value or to bluff with the NFB.
Vero good video, i think this is a great format for learning
I like this format, Leszek. Thank you! It shows me the most interesting spots and gives me time to analyze them
can I submit a video for leak finder?
Right now I got all videos I needed. Observe the forum - I may need another volunteers in few months :-)
He went a full session and did call anyone the F for gay word! Great job buddy keep it up!!!
I'm just a rookie in Omaha, but can you explain a bit more why can we pot call on the turn in 41:37? Only because of the SPR?
Why are we not scared of KQ, KK combos? Should Opponent lead on the turn with those hands with this SPR?
Maybe I'm over complicating this situation and If we would check, we would face with a really hard river decision, so with this SPR and because the only 2 pair is possible in 3bet spots like this is the KQ and set of KK we should just betcall because of the pot odds? Is there enough draws as well in his ch/r range?
Now I'm sure I just explained to myself that there are a lot of draws in opponent range and we would lose a lot of eq against his draws but can you help me to see better the actual ranges here.
And maybe my real question is, Can be an opponent (maybe with his draws) that passive, that we actually could fold this hand on the turn when facing a ch/r
I'm so sorry to write this much, but I just started to play PLO after 7 years of Holdem, and I'm really really overexcited right now and I found your videos really helpful so keep up the good work!!
You can discount KKxx because he opened for min utg and flatted the 3b less than 100bb deep. QQxx highly discounted because most villains would x/r flop on this texture. KQxx is the most likely hand we would be behind here but we also have decent equity vs that, and we also block high rundown type hands that would contain Ks & Qs. More importantly we cannot afford to check back turn vs all of the draws that have decent equity against us - which is why potting the turn is good - and given the turn pot at SPR 2:1 we will be committed to call his min raise shove since we have plenty of equity having turned the gutshot.
nittyoldman covered pretty much all the most important arguments for potting. Also you need to be aware of your range. You made a 3bet pre, cbet the flop and potted the turn. In your range you have all KK/KQ, AKQJ, AA+FD etc so many very strong combos. Because of that your oponent has to be very careful and can't make a comfortable stackoff with weak FD or mid pair +gutter. This is a very important in PLO that very often you just bet to pick up the money from the pot and you don't let your oponent to realize his equity. UTG can easily fold hear a 40% equity hand and thats a great result for us!
Another point is that at this SPR many players will just lead with KQ so checking makes his range weaker.
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