Great vid man!Youre a great addition to the Essential package,your thought process is very interesting and easy to understand whether youre playing yourself or doing a member review!The ONLY comment i would make is that you rewind too much imo to preety standard spots-for example,around 6:50 you rewind to discuss a preety standard preflop call with A899ss from BB vs Open+Call.This imo takes too much time from more important postflop decisions in other spots!
Great video Leszek! You make Elite material for sure.
@29min table 2 : Do you really think it's a +ev move to bet in 3 opponents on a draw heavy board with a straight draw?
@48 min table 2: i like betting the turn, you won't get c/r a lot and then can bluff a lot of rivers.
@29 min - I think it's interesting spot. Just think about it from other players perspective. UTG, MP or BTN with QQ or Q6 should bet the flop in order to start building the pot against 6*. When they all check, they somehow cap their ranges. Some players will still slowplay in such a spot but the majority just bets. Also UTG and MP shouldnt have a lot of naked 6's. So on the turn when you bet they should fold. You bet into 3 players and they still have BTN behind them. BB line looks very strong and his range is uncapped. Also BB blocks some hands like KK+FD that can call us. So I like BB play here, but of course you can't overuse it.
@48 min - yes, I agree that you can use your range advantage here and bet. It would be a nice exploitation of people tendencies, because people almost never go for a delayed c/raise as PFR in 3bet pots. Good point!
@35mins 2nd table : I agree with you. Standard is to bet 40-50% of POT on the flop (K82r). Here's my question. After you bet in that way, say 50% of POT on the flop, the villan X/C it. How will you act (Action and sizing)on the turn when exact same card (5h) comes?
I would bet with fairy large size (around 70-80% of POT) on the turn. (But the reason is specific, 1) I know this BB player, 2) Lots of Kx combo might not complete 2p+ with 5h, 3) strong value hand like KK will X/R on the turn (or even on the flop), which instructs me easy B/Fold)
On the turn the board is quite draw heavy and a lot of 1 pair hands now picked up a OE,FD etc. so my standard will be to bet here around 80% with my whole Betting range. Our hand is one of the weakest value hands we have so it's a perfect bet-fold candidate. We have much stronger hands in our range we can bet/call with. So I agree with your arguments ;-)
at 45min on table 2 hero check/folds bottom two pair to a cbet. is this standard? I am NLHE player, but it seems we are far ahead of opponent cbetting range,or am I wrong?
I had exactly the same question and being a holdem player as it well it seems like an egregious fold! Haha.
I would imagine that because the BB is betting into 3 other players (without the betting lead and versus UTG + HJ) that his range his going to be stronger than usual? As I understand it donking flops where you have a range advantage is relatively common in PLO and I think BB has a lot of better two pairs and sets as well as big combo draws. Maybe this is going to be a hand that will be really difficult to play to future aggression which I imagine we'll expect fairly often the way the flop action has gone. I thought it could be a hand that we call flop and fold turn but if we do expect further aggression almost every time then we would be burning money by calling.
I'm sure Leszek who is much more experienced than me will be able to shed some light on this :D
Yeah I somehow missed that hand. BB looks very strong here. He bets into 3 players. We have a lot of reverse implied odds and we are OOP. But given the good pot odds, BDFD and the fact that even against 85+FD we still have quite a lot of outs we can c/call this flop. However I dont think that folding is a big mistake here. Pretty close spot but I slightly prefer a call given the sizing.
This video got me thinking. What's the best hand or type of hand to go allin vs Aces. I'm thinking from a 3bet bluff balancing point of view, because you run into Aces so often. In the live 2-5 game I play in, players often sit with short stacks so there are a lot of all ins.
on 34:00 Hero opens KKJ9ss .. BTN calls and SB Squeezes. How do you approach this Spot? Looking at this spot with PPT there just arent much good scenarios for us. I think our particular hand plays really bad vs both of these ranges and our position is also bad.
Yes, this is not a dream scenario for us. SB range should be very strong here, but we also have really good KK and we are a little bit over 100bb so calling is definitely fine here.
Of course our relative position is pretty bad, but if SB checks, we check and BTN checks, then we are in a pretty good spot to steal the pot on the turn, after 2nd check from the SB.
So all in all, I agree that this is not a great spot, but these KK are too strong too fold. However I would fold a hand like KK83ss here.
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Great vid man!Youre a great addition to the Essential package,your thought process is very interesting and easy to understand whether youre playing yourself or doing a member review!The ONLY comment i would make is that you rewind too much imo to preety standard spots-for example,around 6:50 you rewind to discuss a preety standard preflop call with A899ss from BB vs Open+Call.This imo takes too much time from more important postflop decisions in other spots!
Thanks for your feedback! I will definitely have that in mind next time.
Great video Leszek! You make Elite material for sure.
@29min table 2 : Do you really think it's a +ev move to bet in 3 opponents on a draw heavy board with a straight draw?
@48 min table 2: i like betting the turn, you won't get c/r a lot and then can bluff a lot of rivers.
@29 min - I think it's interesting spot. Just think about it from other players perspective. UTG, MP or BTN with QQ or Q6 should bet the flop in order to start building the pot against 6*. When they all check, they somehow cap their ranges. Some players will still slowplay in such a spot but the majority just bets. Also UTG and MP shouldnt have a lot of naked 6's. So on the turn when you bet they should fold. You bet into 3 players and they still have BTN behind them. BB line looks very strong and his range is uncapped. Also BB blocks some hands like KK+FD that can call us. So I like BB play here, but of course you can't overuse it.
@48 min - yes, I agree that you can use your range advantage here and bet. It would be a nice exploitation of people tendencies, because people almost never go for a delayed c/raise as PFR in 3bet pots. Good point!
I am assuming you are polish so witam!
Maybe get videos for 1 zoom table(since actions pretty up-beat anyway)
Otherwise great vid.
Your comment is an opposite to the Blakkkat comment so I guess it might be hard to satisfy everybody ;-)
Do you give private coaching?
Please send me a private message ;-)
Hi Leszek, great vid as always.
@35mins 2nd table : I agree with you. Standard is to bet 40-50% of POT on the flop (K82r). Here's my question. After you bet in that way, say 50% of POT on the flop, the villan X/C it. How will you act (Action and sizing)on the turn when exact same card (5h) comes?
I would bet with fairy large size (around 70-80% of POT) on the turn. (But the reason is specific, 1) I know this BB player, 2) Lots of Kx combo might not complete 2p+ with 5h, 3) strong value hand like KK will X/R on the turn (or even on the flop), which instructs me easy B/Fold)
On the turn the board is quite draw heavy and a lot of 1 pair hands now picked up a OE,FD etc. so my standard will be to bet here around 80% with my whole Betting range. Our hand is one of the weakest value hands we have so it's a perfect bet-fold candidate. We have much stronger hands in our range we can bet/call with. So I agree with your arguments ;-)
at 45min on table 2 hero check/folds bottom two pair to a cbet. is this standard? I am NLHE player, but it seems we are far ahead of opponent cbetting range,or am I wrong?
I had exactly the same question and being a holdem player as it well it seems like an egregious fold! Haha.
I would imagine that because the BB is betting into 3 other players (without the betting lead and versus UTG + HJ) that his range his going to be stronger than usual? As I understand it donking flops where you have a range advantage is relatively common in PLO and I think BB has a lot of better two pairs and sets as well as big combo draws. Maybe this is going to be a hand that will be really difficult to play to future aggression which I imagine we'll expect fairly often the way the flop action has gone. I thought it could be a hand that we call flop and fold turn but if we do expect further aggression almost every time then we would be burning money by calling.
I'm sure Leszek who is much more experienced than me will be able to shed some light on this :D
Yeah I somehow missed that hand. BB looks very strong here. He bets into 3 players. We have a lot of reverse implied odds and we are OOP. But given the good pot odds, BDFD and the fact that even against 85+FD we still have quite a lot of outs we can c/call this flop. However I dont think that folding is a big mistake here. Pretty close spot but I slightly prefer a call given the sizing.
I liked your video and I'm sure to check out your other PLO videos.
This video got me thinking. What's the best hand or type of hand to go allin vs Aces. I'm thinking from a 3bet bluff balancing point of view, because you run into Aces so often. In the live 2-5 game I play in, players often sit with short stacks so there are a lot of all ins.
great video man, I think your talk about bet sizing it's pretty interesting, why don't make a vid about that?
Thanks. I will have that in mind as one of the propositions for my next videos :-)
on 34:00 Hero opens KKJ9ss .. BTN calls and SB Squeezes. How do you approach this Spot? Looking at this spot with PPT there just arent much good scenarios for us. I think our particular hand plays really bad vs both of these ranges and our position is also bad.
Yes, this is not a dream scenario for us. SB range should be very strong here, but we also have really good KK and we are a little bit over 100bb so calling is definitely fine here.
Of course our relative position is pretty bad, but if SB checks, we check and BTN checks, then we are in a pretty good spot to steal the pot on the turn, after 2nd check from the SB.
So all in all, I agree that this is not a great spot, but these KK are too strong too fold. However I would fold a hand like KK83ss here.
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