Thanks Iain! Really valuable tips for a betsizings, its definetely something ill improve instantly at the tables just after watching this vid.
I just looked for a solver response for a flop spot in 16:18
It turns out that against a sizing its highly mixed.
I used 54% SB range for this simulation and 25NL population is propably not opening that wide, altho my gut is telling me that they also would overfold vs flop raise, so im still not sure about it.
Very good video, enjoyed a lot, but i have a question, on the hand of the table 2 on the minute 29 T8s , is standard to call the flop bet size on the flop with 8 outs ? and them the turn half pot with 8 outs that mean 16% of odds ? I know that is a basically question and im new at RIO, but in this little things that we change on our game make a huge difference , after this video i think that im over folding my draws, i know that have a lot of implied odds but i would like to know how many equity the implied give to us, thanks
! And again, great video
Hey - Welcome to RIO! Ok so when we face multiple streets of betting/aggression from our opponent one of the factors to consider is not just how much equity your hand has but how nutted your outs are. What I mean is, we want to keep hands in our range that can make very strong hands by the river, as these are the hands which can make large bets or raises for value. Although we only have 8 outs with the straigth draw we do make a very strong hand on those 8 outs!
Hi Iain,
Thanks or the good video.
min 25:17 top left: why raising, villain seems to have nothing on the turn, or a very weak hand, we have the nuts, so why not letting him draw cheap and then raise or ship the river? Against a raise, he folds all his weak hands we want to keep in.
Hey - Against weaker players I want to get the money in earlier here as they do not tend to like folding pair+draws, of which there are alot on this board due to the dynamic nature of it. If we just call on the turn i think we lose value here from alot of those hands that arent going to call an overbet on the river but will call a raise on the turn then potentially sign-call the river due to the betsize being smalller compared to pot size.
Again one of the biggest parts of the game i'm having trouble with is bet sizing...
So basically to dumb it down bigger sizing is always better vs fish?
And bet less bluff combos because we aren't using a range strat with a single bet sizing?
Against recreational players we can be far more exploitative with our sizing, basically betting the size " our hand wants to bet". Example: we have a strong hand that needs protection - bet very big. We have a hand that needs no protection but is very strong- bet smaller to induce lighter calls from hands drawing dead.
First Hand AJo: - Would u consider Check Raising the Flop if we had the Ace of Diamonds?
@37:30 You said that Folding to the Flop Cbet from the button is probably best based on Stats and player.. If we fold TT here, Aren't we folding a massive portion of our range? I feel like Most players are going to Cbet this flop almost 100%. Not blocking spades is good as well. So are we only calling JJ+, KQs, AQ, and NFD+ type hands in this spot? I feel like this would be fairly exploitable as villain could naturally bet 1/3rd sizing with entire range given how much we would generally be folding...Maybe im completely wrong or didn't see something you might of or know of..curious about this spot.
Really Enjoy how clear and concise your speech is throughout the entire videos. Keep up the great work :D
Hm well villain bet 2/3 pot OTF + the fact that if villain isn't betting a lot of backdoor draws in this spot the turn never gets xed through enuf so we won't realize our equity vs his range by the river. I think 88-TT can be a fold like all his Nut FD or FD combos have around 50% equity vs our range of 88-TT anyhow and i think that + some good draws will be mostly his bluffing range OTF, and the fact that we have 2 or 1 out to improve as well
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Thanks Iain! Really valuable tips for a betsizings, its definetely something ill improve instantly at the tables just after watching this vid.
I just looked for a solver response for a flop spot in 16:18
It turns out that against a sizing its highly mixed.

I used 54% SB range for this simulation and 25NL population is propably not opening that wide, altho my gut is telling me that they also would overfold vs flop raise, so im still not sure about it.
Very insightful video for me as a micro stakes player. Love your content. very helpful!
Cheers !
Very good video, enjoyed a lot, but i have a question, on the hand of the table 2 on the minute 29 T8s , is standard to call the flop bet size on the flop with 8 outs ? and them the turn half pot with 8 outs that mean 16% of odds ? I know that is a basically question and im new at RIO, but in this little things that we change on our game make a huge difference , after this video i think that im over folding my draws, i know that have a lot of implied odds but i would like to know how many equity the implied give to us, thanks
! And again, great video
Hey - Welcome to RIO! Ok so when we face multiple streets of betting/aggression from our opponent one of the factors to consider is not just how much equity your hand has but how nutted your outs are. What I mean is, we want to keep hands in our range that can make very strong hands by the river, as these are the hands which can make large bets or raises for value. Although we only have 8 outs with the straigth draw we do make a very strong hand on those 8 outs!
Hi Iain,
Thanks or the good video.
min 25:17 top left: why raising, villain seems to have nothing on the turn, or a very weak hand, we have the nuts, so why not letting him draw cheap and then raise or ship the river? Against a raise, he folds all his weak hands we want to keep in.
Hey - Against weaker players I want to get the money in earlier here as they do not tend to like folding pair+draws, of which there are alot on this board due to the dynamic nature of it. If we just call on the turn i think we lose value here from alot of those hands that arent going to call an overbet on the river but will call a raise on the turn then potentially sign-call the river due to the betsize being smalller compared to pot size.
Love the videos man, realised how much value I miss while playing against recreationals. Great content, keep it up and waiting for more :)
Cheers, be sure to checkout my other videos! thanks
Awesome video took a lot from it :)
Again one of the biggest parts of the game i'm having trouble with is bet sizing...
So basically to dumb it down bigger sizing is always better vs fish?
And bet less bluff combos because we aren't using a range strat with a single bet sizing?
Or do we split sizings somehow...?
Against recreational players we can be far more exploitative with our sizing, basically betting the size " our hand wants to bet". Example: we have a strong hand that needs protection - bet very big. We have a hand that needs no protection but is very strong- bet smaller to induce lighter calls from hands drawing dead.
GL at the tables!
in a very dry board such as A44r can we just bet 1/3 with our bluffs and just bet bigger with our value hands exploiting a fish?
yes we can and i definately do that assuming it is against a weaker player
The pop-up with the overview of the HUD stats, where can I find that?
You mean the list of stats in HUD thats on the screen? I've copied it from Holdem Manager 'HUD Settings'
Yes screamindustry is correct and make sure you have the correct HUD selected in the top left of the window that opens
Another Great and exciting Video Iain.
First Hand AJo: - Would u consider Check Raising the Flop if we had the Ace of Diamonds?
@37:30 You said that Folding to the Flop Cbet from the button is probably best based on Stats and player.. If we fold TT here, Aren't we folding a massive portion of our range? I feel like Most players are going to Cbet this flop almost 100%. Not blocking spades is good as well. So are we only calling JJ+, KQs, AQ, and NFD+ type hands in this spot? I feel like this would be fairly exploitable as villain could naturally bet 1/3rd sizing with entire range given how much we would generally be folding...Maybe im completely wrong or didn't see something you might of or know of..curious about this spot.
Really Enjoy how clear and concise your speech is throughout the entire videos. Keep up the great work :D
Hm well villain bet 2/3 pot OTF + the fact that if villain isn't betting a lot of backdoor draws in this spot the turn never gets xed through enuf so we won't realize our equity vs his range by the river. I think 88-TT can be a fold like all his Nut FD or FD combos have around 50% equity vs our range of 88-TT anyhow and i think that + some good draws will be mostly his bluffing range OTF, and the fact that we have 2 or 1 out to improve as well
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