min 26 - 88: i dont really like hero betsizing on this Turn. I think betting small to induce/give good price is gonna work better. Even checking back is better than bombing vs a guy that insta CR and insta called the 3b flop.
min 33 - QQ: i think it would be pretty unlikely that villain will take this line preflop and postflop with AA,KK,99. I like hero´s shove, i think its simple and good. Dont expect much value to be had (expect much more CF than traps from villain), but they are some uncomfortable Rivers that we might want to avoid. Basically some protection/value against oddly played JJ,98s,88,76s,A5s,AXs bdfd.
I would agree with the betsizing suggestion on the 88 hand. definately prefer a smaller sizing on this "locked down" texture when the board pairs on the turn boats+ are completely invulnerable to the draws so small sizing makes alot of sense!
QQ hand - I stand by my logic on this one, I don't see why villain cant slowplay AA KK preflop and i think 99 is calling the 4bet too. I think villain can have some random bluffing hand like suited broadways etc or even AQ/AJ with BDFD on the flop.
Just as an add on point I think the hands that do turn a flush draw will just shove themselves so I am not concerned about giving a free card to a hand like KQ of spades
QQ hand: i agree with the fact that they might slowplay KK+ preflop (but i expect this to happen at a smaller freq) i also agree that villain will defend 99 vs 4b.
But postflop i expect villain to almost always shove turn KK+,99 after the line taken on the flop, this leaves his range more capped but not drawing dead, against this, i might wanna protect/thin valuebet (u make a good point about spades no being a problem, but given the preflop scenario villain might include hands like 98s,76s,A5s. And value vs JJ obv). If turn was a complete blank i much rather check back, cause i wouldn mind that much giving a freecard + ill expect from time to time a few traps.
Im just adding how unfrequent preflop and postflop this play will be with KK+,99
Regarding the QQ hand at 31:00, where you advocate checking back the turn. Wouldn't it be quite bad to give a free card to a hand with 10-20% equity (like 7c6c, Ac8c, AdJd, ...) that villain decided to bluff the flop with and then give up? If villain has AA/KK, we're stacking off on the river anyways as you said. Considering that villain should realize that we most likely have an overpair, I don't see him jamming many of his flop bluffs on blank rivers for less than 1/2 pot.
edit: didn't refresh page so didn't see that ULpiano had pretty much the same thoughts until after posting... :)
Hey , I think some specific bluff combos here such as KQ AJ, AQ and even AK can potentially bluff jam the river and they don't have even close to 20% equity against us. Even AK only has 6 outs once which is around 12%. AQ only has the 3 A outs and so does AJ. I dont see people calling 4bets out of position with hands as weak as 76cc or A8cc here.
Really love the video Iain,great explenation +piosolver .
Something that i'm doing and wondering if its "correct " when i have for example 7-JJ pairs on blinds vs fish/weaker player in button/co/HJ i will often lead my set on wet boards/heavy for protection and obvious value, i think check/raise is OK but if he dosn't bet then i'm giving him free card and lose value vs weak player, so should i keep doing it most of the time and vica versa check non wet boards?
Haven't seen similar sitoation in this videos yet i think so wanted to ask.
tldr aways lead my sets OOP vs weak/fish players on wet/heavy board unless its something like 2h8c5h and i have 88 in bb vs co. then im more happy doing check call/raise if small bet
Thanks in advance.
Even weaker players understand the concept of a "cbet" and will often bet when checked to. They will also put in too much money when they are behind with a weaker hand so unless it is multiway I will usually go for the check raise, but I will increase my sizing significantly! Weaker players tend to be less responsive against changes in bet size so go for max value when you flop a v strong hand
Thank you for the resposne Iain Salter , will do that and mark the hands and review them after a good amount of sample to see how much more profitable that is then a donk cbet vs weak players.
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Nice Video Iain!
min 26 - 88: i dont really like hero betsizing on this Turn. I think betting small to induce/give good price is gonna work better. Even checking back is better than bombing vs a guy that insta CR and insta called the 3b flop.
min 33 - QQ: i think it would be pretty unlikely that villain will take this line preflop and postflop with AA,KK,99. I like hero´s shove, i think its simple and good. Dont expect much value to be had (expect much more CF than traps from villain), but they are some uncomfortable Rivers that we might want to avoid. Basically some protection/value against oddly played JJ,98s,88,76s,A5s,AXs bdfd.
Hey ULpiano,
I would agree with the betsizing suggestion on the 88 hand. definately prefer a smaller sizing on this "locked down" texture when the board pairs on the turn boats+ are completely invulnerable to the draws so small sizing makes alot of sense!
QQ hand - I stand by my logic on this one, I don't see why villain cant slowplay AA KK preflop and i think 99 is calling the 4bet too. I think villain can have some random bluffing hand like suited broadways etc or even AQ/AJ with BDFD on the flop.
Just as an add on point I think the hands that do turn a flush draw will just shove themselves so I am not concerned about giving a free card to a hand like KQ of spades
QQ hand: i agree with the fact that they might slowplay KK+ preflop (but i expect this to happen at a smaller freq) i also agree that villain will defend 99 vs 4b.
But postflop i expect villain to almost always shove turn KK+,99 after the line taken on the flop, this leaves his range more capped but not drawing dead, against this, i might wanna protect/thin valuebet (u make a good point about spades no being a problem, but given the preflop scenario villain might include hands like 98s,76s,A5s. And value vs JJ obv). If turn was a complete blank i much rather check back, cause i wouldn mind that much giving a freecard + ill expect from time to time a few traps.
Im just adding how unfrequent preflop and postflop this play will be with KK+,99
thanks for replying :)
Hi Iain, nice video!
Regarding the QQ hand at 31:00, where you advocate checking back the turn. Wouldn't it be quite bad to give a free card to a hand with 10-20% equity (like 7c6c, Ac8c, AdJd, ...) that villain decided to bluff the flop with and then give up? If villain has AA/KK, we're stacking off on the river anyways as you said. Considering that villain should realize that we most likely have an overpair, I don't see him jamming many of his flop bluffs on blank rivers for less than 1/2 pot.
edit: didn't refresh page so didn't see that ULpiano had pretty much the same thoughts until after posting... :)
Hey , I think some specific bluff combos here such as KQ AJ, AQ and even AK can potentially bluff jam the river and they don't have even close to 20% equity against us. Even AK only has 6 outs once which is around 12%. AQ only has the 3 A outs and so does AJ. I dont see people calling 4bets out of position with hands as weak as 76cc or A8cc here.
Really love the video Iain,great explenation +piosolver .
Something that i'm doing and wondering if its "correct " when i have for example 7-JJ pairs on blinds vs fish/weaker player in button/co/HJ i will often lead my set on wet boards/heavy for protection and obvious value, i think check/raise is OK but if he dosn't bet then i'm giving him free card and lose value vs weak player, so should i keep doing it most of the time and vica versa check non wet boards?
Haven't seen similar sitoation in this videos yet i think so wanted to ask.
tldr aways lead my sets OOP vs weak/fish players on wet/heavy board unless its something like 2h8c5h and i have 88 in bb vs co. then im more happy doing check call/raise if small bet
Thanks in advance.
Hey Rambi,
Even weaker players understand the concept of a "cbet" and will often bet when checked to. They will also put in too much money when they are behind with a weaker hand so unless it is multiway I will usually go for the check raise, but I will increase my sizing significantly! Weaker players tend to be less responsive against changes in bet size so go for max value when you flop a v strong hand
Thank you for the resposne Iain Salter , will do that and mark the hands and review them after a good amount of sample to see how much more profitable that is then a donk cbet vs weak players.
No worries! GL at the tables
The KK hand on 47T6T board is betting small otr an option ? like 1/3 pot? and fold to a raise??
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