When you build your 4-bet bluffing range, do you try to balance your bluffs combos equally with your value hands combos or is it a sizing thing, like if you 4-bet for about 2 times the pot you need 40% of bluff (this idea could be totally wrong since we gonna play postflop sometimes and we cannot just take pure equity into account) ?
Or do you play exploitatively unless you are in a tough field with always significantly more value combos than bluff ?
To decide the frequency is a little bit more complex then for example when we are 3betting, because when we 4bet, we have to defende against 5bet shoves, and then his bluffs are gonna realize equity. When we are 3betting, we need to see how much is risking on his 4bet bluffs (how often it has to work to be profitable), and then build our 3betting range so that we can defend enough and not let him profit with his bluffs.
You can try to do the math on your own, take a hand that you think he could possibly use to 5bet shove as a bluff (like A5s or something), and calculate the ev of his shove against your range, taking into account his fold equity (the times that you are bluffing) and then his equity when you call. That way you can find the right frequency that will make it so that he can't 5bet jam as a bluff profitably, and that's the way you'll build your 4betting range.
About the exploitative stuff, of course, if you find something in your opponents strategy in the way he defends against 4bets that is exploitable, just go ahead and exploit it, being it over bluffing if he folds too much, or under bluffing (or even not bluffing at all) if he folds too little.
Hey Stefan, thanks, looking forward to see you talk about my spewness at plo :D
I think without reads flatting is usually gonna be better then 4betting pre on MP vs BTN 100 bbs deep with AKo. We don't have great equity vs his stack-off range usually, and by flatting we get to keep in all the dominated AX or KX hands that he might be 3bet bluffing with.
On the flop I think I'd peel one. This is not a board where I expect villain to be multiple barreling with no equity very frequently, but I think that over-cbetting on the flop it self is still pretty comum on smaller stakes. So I expect him to be c-betting quite often on the flop with hands like Ad5d, which he'll probably shut down on later streets a lot. Also, AK is a much better bluff catcher then 88 for example, given we have much more equity vs a hand like JJ/QQ, and also villain has less equity when he is behind (A5 has more equity vs 88 then AK on TT9, and hands like AJ/AQ/KQ/KJ even more so). So my plan here is usually to check-call flop and check-fold turn unimproved, and it's ok, we're not gonna be over folding the turn I don't think, given we have some other stronger hands in our range to keep defending.
hi lipe, i renewed my subscription just to watch your videos, you're my hero.
abou the squeeze with nines at 5:30, don't you see more merits in flatting to try to make it to the showdown/setvalue as a standard play? just coz nines are such a crappy hand to play oop in a reraised pot and such a thin hand to 5bet/shove, don't you think?
Yes, I think your logic is pretty good about that, and I do think it's close here. But I think that given we have position on one of the players, and the player who has position on us is on the button with a very wide range, I think we miss a little bit of value by not squeezing.
But I do agree with it in general, and overall I tend to play way more passive then most regs with pairs sometimes as good as JJ, exactly because they don't play super well in 3bet pots, and if they don't do well by 5betting, I usually prefer flatting pre. In this case, if it was vs CO and BTN for example, I'd prefer flating, given the CO's range is stronger, and we don't have position on any of them.
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Nice video.
When you build your 4-bet bluffing range, do you try to balance your bluffs combos equally with your value hands combos or is it a sizing thing, like if you 4-bet for about 2 times the pot you need 40% of bluff (this idea could be totally wrong since we gonna play postflop sometimes and we cannot just take pure equity into account) ?
Or do you play exploitatively unless you are in a tough field with always significantly more value combos than bluff ?
Hey Julien, thanks!
To decide the frequency is a little bit more complex then for example when we are 3betting, because when we 4bet, we have to defende against 5bet shoves, and then his bluffs are gonna realize equity. When we are 3betting, we need to see how much is risking on his 4bet bluffs (how often it has to work to be profitable), and then build our 3betting range so that we can defend enough and not let him profit with his bluffs.
You can try to do the math on your own, take a hand that you think he could possibly use to 5bet shove as a bluff (like A5s or something), and calculate the ev of his shove against your range, taking into account his fold equity (the times that you are bluffing) and then his equity when you call. That way you can find the right frequency that will make it so that he can't 5bet jam as a bluff profitably, and that's the way you'll build your 4betting range.
About the exploitative stuff, of course, if you find something in your opponents strategy in the way he defends against 4bets that is exploitable, just go ahead and exploit it, being it over bluffing if he folds too much, or under bluffing (or even not bluffing at all) if he folds too little.
Hey Felipe,
So far I did much better than I expected, felt so lost while playing.
Anyways, love you analasis very much and looking forward to the 2nd part =)
@ 37:40 upper left could you talk a little about the way I played the AK please?
Hey Stefan, thanks, looking forward to see you talk about my spewness at plo :D
I think without reads flatting is usually gonna be better then 4betting pre on MP vs BTN 100 bbs deep with AKo. We don't have great equity vs his stack-off range usually, and by flatting we get to keep in all the dominated AX or KX hands that he might be 3bet bluffing with.
On the flop I think I'd peel one. This is not a board where I expect villain to be multiple barreling with no equity very frequently, but I think that over-cbetting on the flop it self is still pretty comum on smaller stakes. So I expect him to be c-betting quite often on the flop with hands like Ad5d, which he'll probably shut down on later streets a lot. Also, AK is a much better bluff catcher then 88 for example, given we have much more equity vs a hand like JJ/QQ, and also villain has less equity when he is behind (A5 has more equity vs 88 then AK on TT9, and hands like AJ/AQ/KQ/KJ even more so).
So my plan here is usually to check-call flop and check-fold turn unimproved, and it's ok, we're not gonna be over folding the turn I don't think, given we have some other stronger hands in our range to keep defending.
hi lipe, i renewed my subscription just to watch your videos, you're my hero.
abou the squeeze with nines at 5:30, don't you see more merits in flatting to try to make it to the showdown/setvalue as a standard play? just coz nines are such a crappy hand to play oop in a reraised pot and such a thin hand to 5bet/shove, don't you think?
hahaha, ty Gonira :)!
Yes, I think your logic is pretty good about that, and I do think it's close here. But I think that given we have position on one of the players, and the player who has position on us is on the button with a very wide range, I think we miss a little bit of value by not squeezing.
But I do agree with it in general, and overall I tend to play way more passive then most regs with pairs sometimes as good as JJ, exactly because they don't play super well in 3bet pots, and if they don't do well by 5betting, I usually prefer flatting pre. In this case, if it was vs CO and BTN for example, I'd prefer flating, given the CO's range is stronger, and we don't have position on any of them.
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