Hi Akira, thx for the videos! At minute 30:00 if we raise his CB with our A9 as you propose, and he calls with 53s, when the king comes in the turn, what should we do? I imagine that keep betting, but it doesnt have too much sense because we are betting with that flop and he can raise our turn bet if he thinks about it. We could check at turn too and just call his bets in turn and river (if he decides to), although its very clear that we dont have the King... I ask you this question because its very common to raise the CB in a dry flop from the BB to protect the hand, and if he calls and a bad turn comes sometimes i dont know what is the good line to follow.
Thx for your job.
We would continue betting on the King, rarely will the villain raise us as a bluff because in most cases villain will have some sort of value. If villain thinks we are bluffing, he/she will call us rather than raise us. On the river we can check/f as there really aren't too many bluffs in villains range.
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solid, good watch
Hi Akira, thx for the videos! At minute 30:00 if we raise his CB with our A9 as you propose, and he calls with 53s, when the king comes in the turn, what should we do? I imagine that keep betting, but it doesnt have too much sense because we are betting with that flop and he can raise our turn bet if he thinks about it. We could check at turn too and just call his bets in turn and river (if he decides to), although its very clear that we dont have the King... I ask you this question because its very common to raise the CB in a dry flop from the BB to protect the hand, and if he calls and a bad turn comes sometimes i dont know what is the good line to follow.
Thx for your job.
He won't call a CR with 53s. If he would he's so bad you can beat him anyway you want.
We would continue betting on the King, rarely will the villain raise us as a bluff because in most cases villain will have some sort of value. If villain thinks we are bluffing, he/she will call us rather than raise us. On the river we can check/f as there really aren't too many bluffs in villains range.
In the first hand, I don't think Q5o is a correct get-in by the BB.
Thanks Akira, solid videos as always, keep up the good work!
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