I really liked all three parts of this series, I have already applied some of the strategies you talk about in the first two parts. My game I was either folding to often in the SB to steals i should be 3 betting with like my suited 1 and 2 gappers and playing too many offsuit hands from mid pos. that should be folds. I have also been playing the players more often and finding I am chipping up fast playing an aggressive style. I was also in the past c-betting too often so I toned it down, but I toned it down to a passive level and hadn't realized I was calling a lot of draws instead of c-betting them. I have been taking more of these pots down with just a small tweek in my game. Thanks for the great videos.
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I really liked all three parts of this series, I have already applied some of the strategies you talk about in the first two parts. My game I was either folding to often in the SB to steals i should be 3 betting with like my suited 1 and 2 gappers and playing too many offsuit hands from mid pos. that should be folds. I have also been playing the players more often and finding I am chipping up fast playing an aggressive style. I was also in the past c-betting too often so I toned it down, but I toned it down to a passive level and hadn't realized I was calling a lot of draws instead of c-betting them. I have been taking more of these pots down with just a small tweek in my game. Thanks for the great videos.
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