~19:00 bottom left
I agree with turn cbet but i think we should also consider cbetting river. Its very unlikely after the action that we are behind. Even cbetting for 33% pot should be better in terms of EV than checking.
Cameron I have a small question.
at 9:35 we had JJ.
Hero decided 4bet this hand and I agree with you that it will be better if we're gonna call this JJ.
It's exploit strategy but if we'll 4bet JJ i think it is fine too because we'll be unexploitable and we play this hand in zero because it's gto strategy.
is it true?
I mean that it's pretty standard 4 bet for me in this situation (bu vs blinds) and we have to have 4 bet range.
if we're gonna call it'll be unexploitable too but if we'll 4bet this hand it'll be not bad too.
Good video. I would appreciate it if you were a bit more careful with regards to being aware of what is shown on the screen. For example, when you open equilab and calculate the equity threshold preflop with A3o in the BB vs a standard CO opening range we can't see the equity's on the right side of the screen. I see now that you can view the equities in the red writing below the "Clear All" button but for users who aren't so experienced (such as myself not so long ago) this may not be so noticeable.
Hello Cameron. Great vid! Just to point one thing I noticed. On the analysis of the 88 hand and the K5o dfd on the BB you used a previous range (from the CO open). In the first one on the heroe open and on the second the same range for the villain open from the BTN.
Cameron, thanks for reviewing my session and for your critical analysis!
@5:00 If I lead Turn and get raised I assume its always a fold, but then OTR if I miss diamonds am I giving up ?
@11:50 Are incremental bet sizes ok on some cards(FD cards) vs REGs and are they fine with any cards vs weaker players ?
87s: Yes, I would give up OTR. When his range is Kx+ and all the draws missed I wouldn't expect too much fold-equity.
WRT bet sizing: I would set up % pot sizes to both save time and not reveal anything vs more attentive opponents. Vs recreational players I would use much more exploitative sizing; bigger with value and smaller with bluffs.
at around 30:00, the 88 hand in the bottom left. I really enjoyed your breakdown of it. This is a spot where i would also bet 3 streets to "protect" my hand. But as you said, its better to check and call once and hope to get to a cheap showdown. He obviously got lucky in this case. Cheers
Very nice vid! Just one query. At about 6:30 i think you misread the hand, the flop didn't check through, the opener cbet and SB called and then hero overcalled with a flush draw. Do you think this overcall is fine? I used to always call in these spots cos i thought the odds were too good, but recently i've been more skeptical. I find myself getting into reverse implied odds situations when the flush card comes, since when the pot gets big i'm usually behind to a bigger flush or a full house (given board is paired here). Do you think it's still fine to call with the weak flush draw for that price, even though completing the flush could make you a costly second best hand?
6.40@ top right, sb vs btn we def 55, flop 339ss and fold to cbet? shouldn't we atleast call 1 street on this kind of flop. Probably you didn't notice this because of bottom left 78s hand.
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~19:00 bottom left
I agree with turn cbet but i think we should also consider cbetting river. Its very unlikely after the action that we are behind. Even cbetting for 33% pot should be better in terms of EV than checking.
Yes, I agree. I didn't clarify but I was referring to blank runouts where the board doesn't change and we don't improve.
greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeat video. we need more micro stakes vids :D
I agree it is very good video, and It's very useful for micro. I'd like to see more vid like this, where you show how play standart spots.
great work!))))
Cool, I'm glad you guys are happy! There are 2 more parts to come and I can do something similar in future releases.
Cameron I have a small question.
at 9:35 we had JJ.
Hero decided 4bet this hand and I agree with you that it will be better if we're gonna call this JJ.
It's exploit strategy but if we'll 4bet JJ i think it is fine too because we'll be unexploitable and we play this hand in zero because it's gto strategy.
is it true?
sorry for my english)
I mean that it's pretty standard 4 bet for me in this situation (bu vs blinds) and we have to have 4 bet range.
if we're gonna call it'll be unexploitable too but if we'll 4bet this hand it'll be not bad too.
I will usually 4bet/call JJ in that spot but BB seemed quite nitty so I slightly prefer calling.
Good video. I would appreciate it if you were a bit more careful with regards to being aware of what is shown on the screen. For example, when you open equilab and calculate the equity threshold preflop with A3o in the BB vs a standard CO opening range we can't see the equity's on the right side of the screen. I see now that you can view the equities in the red writing below the "Clear All" button but for users who aren't so experienced (such as myself not so long ago) this may not be so noticeable.
Thanks and I'll keep that in mind for future videos.
Hello Cameron. Great vid! Just to point one thing I noticed. On the analysis of the 88 hand and the K5o dfd on the BB you used a previous range (from the CO open). In the first one on the heroe open and on the second the same range for the villain open from the BTN.
Awsome, iso more micro vids :)
Cameron, thanks for reviewing my session and for your critical analysis!
@5:00 If I lead Turn and get raised I assume its always a fold, but then OTR if I miss diamonds am I giving up ?
@11:50 Are incremental bet sizes ok on some cards(FD cards) vs REGs and are they fine with any cards vs weaker players ?
87s: Yes, I would give up OTR. When his range is Kx+ and all the draws missed I wouldn't expect too much fold-equity.
WRT bet sizing: I would set up % pot sizes to both save time and not reveal anything vs more attentive opponents. Vs recreational players I would use much more exploitative sizing; bigger with value and smaller with bluffs.
at around 30:00, the 88 hand in the bottom left. I really enjoyed your breakdown of it. This is a spot where i would also bet 3 streets to "protect" my hand. But as you said, its better to check and call once and hope to get to a cheap showdown. He obviously got lucky in this case. Cheers
At 30:00, from villains perspective, is the river a call with AK?
I would fold river vs population @ 10nl. Population tends to be extremely value-heavy and they seldom bluff rivers from my experience.
Very nice vid! Just one query. At about 6:30 i think you misread the hand, the flop didn't check through, the opener cbet and SB called and then hero overcalled with a flush draw. Do you think this overcall is fine? I used to always call in these spots cos i thought the odds were too good, but recently i've been more skeptical. I find myself getting into reverse implied odds situations when the flush card comes, since when the pot gets big i'm usually behind to a bigger flush or a full house (given board is paired here). Do you think it's still fine to call with the weak flush draw for that price, even though completing the flush could make you a costly second best hand?
Can i get the HUD somewhere? its pretty cool :)
6.40@ top right, sb vs btn we def 55, flop 339ss and fold to cbet? shouldn't we atleast call 1 street on this kind of flop. Probably you didn't notice this because of bottom left 78s hand.
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