Hi Jeremy,
Great vid been waiting for someone to do a indepth-ish PT4 vid, and was surprised with my own report. Added exactly your stats and overall they were pretty normal until i filtered by the buyins, in the Micros vs Mid stakes is like day and night. Micro's i had 7bb/100 and in the Mids -2bb/100 in this is over 204k hands. So even though overall it says 5bb/100 overall its telling me im getting crushed in the higher buyin tournies. Time to defo drop down in stakes until I at least watch a few more of your vids lol......
At around 10:00 u describe Donk Turn as betting into the PFA after it goes x/x OTF. This Stat is called Probe Turn in PT4 (funny that you talk about probing and people not knowing what a particular stat means right afer that).
Donk Turn means OTF you check, PFA C-Bets, you call and then lead out OTT.
Btw Call 3Bet and 3Bet Total are more or less useless statistics, as it is the total amount of 3Bets called/made on any street without paying attention to prior action. (Call 4Bet+ is the same obv).
Fold to PF 3Bet and Fold to PF 4Bet+ is also taking into account all situations when someone has raised, someone 3Bet and you folded, meaning you did not necessarily VPIP in this hand.
Call any PF Raise is also useless for the same reasons.
Several more things, like when you say that you run under expectation, whereas you run 2,84 BB/100 over EV (although in earlier tournament phases as it seems, where it is not that important) or the numbers you give that are supposed to be good or not good in certain situations, you do not metnion that All-in Adj BB/100 is mre important than BB/100...
Honestly you should remove this video and make a new one, I am less than halfway through with the video and these are really huge mistakes and totally misleading information.
9:52 You are talking about donk betting, you say how donk betting turn is more common then donking flop, agree. but then you explain it further and say that
if flop goes check, check, and turn is a good card for our range..... we can start by donking..
thats not a donk bet, thats a turn probe, obv donking turn is when you call a cb on flop then lead turn... at least thats how PT4 defines donk turn...
Also, im curious how high you think a flop donk bet % should be?
I was under the impression it should be incredibly low, below 1%. But just going off your view here seems like u think it should be a bigger part of an overall strat?
honestly, this video is very concerning. it doesnt seem like you have a very sound idea of the pt4 stats at all... the all in adj bb/100 is the one that matyters, the bb/100 is the one that dictates how well your running, not how well your playing.... this is very very basic shit, this and the turn probe which i pointed out.....
Thanks for the feedback. You guys have pointed out some obvious mistakes made by me in the production of this video, and I apologize if I mislead anyone.
You are spot on about donk bets, they are when you lead into the aggressor from the previous street as in the example provided by Runlikegod and a probe bet is when you lead after the previous streets action was checked by all involved in the hand. I misspoke in the video when explaining this statistic.
I do also agree that the call 3 bet and call 4 bet aren't very helpful stats after looking back since those stats only measure if you call a 3 or 4 bet from anyone during the hand on any street, the stat that is much more helpful for what we want to measure is "Call PF 3 bet after raise" which determines how often we called a 3 bet preflop after being the initial raiser in the pot.
In my opinion "BB/100" is an important stat to consider because it measures exactly how well we have been performing, which is a stat that is useful. I agree that "All-in Equity Adjusted BB/100" which accounts for the equity that we have in pots when we call an all in or are all in ourselves, may give us a more realistic idea of how well we are playing.
The general purpose of this video was to show people how to use Poker Tracker 4 to create reports to objectively analyze their poker game using the statistics that are tracked by the program. I think it achieved that purpose, but I did make some mistakes along the way and for that I apologize. I will consider redoing this video, but I am open to more feedback from others to determine if it is truly necessary.
Hey Jeremy. Good video overal and it was great seeing someone navigate through PT4 and setting up reports especially because I am newer to this software. Despite the few mistakes that some have pointed out, the video still holds a lot of value in educating ways to review hands and looking at your database
cool video, would like to see part2 with more pokertracker uses to find and fix leaks.
btw i noticed i have a 35% cbet success when i cbet from oop in a big sample while i cbet about 50% (non-3bet pots). Should i change something? is this normal?
Hi sayplease, thanks for the question and sorry it took so long for me to get back to you. First of all, you should be looking to have a c bet % of between 55-65% and I would recommend to be higher on that spectrum. As far as the success of your cbets goes, that number is close to standard but you could still look deeper into the hands that you choose to c bet on the flop using a filter when you're looking at hand reports on pt4 or hem and figure out whether you are choosing appropriate flops to be cbetting. If you are cbetting the wrong boards with a higher frequency than you should be, this could be the reason why you're c bet success is on the lower side.
I hope this helps, and please don't hesitate to ask more questions in the future.
I got a question about BB and SB defend. Your report (aswell as mine) shows that you are losing 27,25BB/100 in the SB and 21,65BB/100 in the BB. On average you are 11,11 Hands of 100 in the SB and BB. Wouldn´t you minimize/decrease your losses by just folding every SB and BB? Or at least much tighter, not looser like you said people should?
Hey MensionX, I completely understand why you would pose this question and I'm happy to shed some light here.
So the stat BB/100 measures how many bbs per 100 you've won from each position. If we consider the fact that when we are in the bb we lose 1bb every single time we fold, that actually means we lose 100 bb per 100 hands we play from the bb if we choose to fold every time. Similarly from the sb we are losing 50bbs per 100 hands we play from that position if we fold every time. We can obviously see that losing 27 bb/100 is much better than losing 100 bb/100, and a number we should be happy with should be between -25/-35bbs per 100 from the bb and half of that from the sb accordingly.
I hope that answers your question, and will help you further understand your data in the future.
Thank you for this video. I'm also going to watch the other 2 on PT4 that you made. I'm moving to NL playing on ACR on WPN and just bought PT4. There's a $69 pack on SplitSuit for an Advanced PT4 course which i dunno if its worth it. I'm trying to learn what I can for free and on here since I paid for it already. This is for tournaments which i dunno if the new ACR works for tourneys with PT4 but I'm glad there was some content on here.
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Hi Jeremy,
Great vid been waiting for someone to do a indepth-ish PT4 vid, and was surprised with my own report. Added exactly your stats and overall they were pretty normal until i filtered by the buyins, in the Micros vs Mid stakes is like day and night. Micro's i had 7bb/100 and in the Mids -2bb/100 in this is over 204k hands. So even though overall it says 5bb/100 overall its telling me im getting crushed in the higher buyin tournies. Time to defo drop down in stakes until I at least watch a few more of your vids lol......
At around 10:00 u describe Donk Turn as betting into the PFA after it goes x/x OTF. This Stat is called Probe Turn in PT4 (funny that you talk about probing and people not knowing what a particular stat means right afer that).
Donk Turn means OTF you check, PFA C-Bets, you call and then lead out OTT.
Btw Call 3Bet and 3Bet Total are more or less useless statistics, as it is the total amount of 3Bets called/made on any street without paying attention to prior action. (Call 4Bet+ is the same obv).
Fold to PF 3Bet and Fold to PF 4Bet+ is also taking into account all situations when someone has raised, someone 3Bet and you folded, meaning you did not necessarily VPIP in this hand.
Call any PF Raise is also useless for the same reasons.
Several more things, like when you say that you run under expectation, whereas you run 2,84 BB/100 over EV (although in earlier tournament phases as it seems, where it is not that important) or the numbers you give that are supposed to be good or not good in certain situations, you do not metnion that All-in Adj BB/100 is mre important than BB/100...
Honestly you should remove this video and make a new one, I am less than halfway through with the video and these are really huge mistakes and totally misleading information.
I'd like to see more vids of this type.. Thx for this one.
Amazing, finally someone who looks at PokerTracker 4 raportering. thx
9:52 You are talking about donk betting, you say how donk betting turn is more common then donking flop, agree. but then you explain it further and say that
thats not a donk bet, thats a turn probe, obv donking turn is when you call a cb on flop then lead turn... at least thats how PT4 defines donk turn...
Also, im curious how high you think a flop donk bet % should be?
I was under the impression it should be incredibly low, below 1%. But just going off your view here seems like u think it should be a bigger part of an overall strat?
honestly, this video is very concerning. it doesnt seem like you have a very sound idea of the pt4 stats at all... the all in adj bb/100 is the one that matyters, the bb/100 is the one that dictates how well your running, not how well your playing.... this is very very basic shit, this and the turn probe which i pointed out.....
Thanks for the feedback. You guys have pointed out some obvious mistakes made by me in the production of this video, and I apologize if I mislead anyone.
You are spot on about donk bets, they are when you lead into the aggressor from the previous street as in the example provided by Runlikegod and a probe bet is when you lead after the previous streets action was checked by all involved in the hand. I misspoke in the video when explaining this statistic.
I do also agree that the call 3 bet and call 4 bet aren't very helpful stats after looking back since those stats only measure if you call a 3 or 4 bet from anyone during the hand on any street, the stat that is much more helpful for what we want to measure is "Call PF 3 bet after raise" which determines how often we called a 3 bet preflop after being the initial raiser in the pot.
In my opinion "BB/100" is an important stat to consider because it measures exactly how well we have been performing, which is a stat that is useful. I agree that "All-in Equity Adjusted BB/100" which accounts for the equity that we have in pots when we call an all in or are all in ourselves, may give us a more realistic idea of how well we are playing.
The general purpose of this video was to show people how to use Poker Tracker 4 to create reports to objectively analyze their poker game using the statistics that are tracked by the program. I think it achieved that purpose, but I did make some mistakes along the way and for that I apologize. I will consider redoing this video, but I am open to more feedback from others to determine if it is truly necessary.
i thought you might have just misspoke, anyways, it was a nice idea for a video and i still think its was put together well.
Hey Jeremy. Good video overal and it was great seeing someone navigate through PT4 and setting up reports especially because I am newer to this software. Despite the few mistakes that some have pointed out, the video still holds a lot of value in educating ways to review hands and looking at your database
you can still continue on this topics to go deeper in database analysis, a multipart stuff would be great.
cool video, would like to see part2 with more pokertracker uses to find and fix leaks.
btw i noticed i have a 35% cbet success when i cbet from oop in a big sample while i cbet about 50% (non-3bet pots). Should i change something? is this normal?
Hi sayplease, thanks for the question and sorry it took so long for me to get back to you. First of all, you should be looking to have a c bet % of between 55-65% and I would recommend to be higher on that spectrum. As far as the success of your cbets goes, that number is close to standard but you could still look deeper into the hands that you choose to c bet on the flop using a filter when you're looking at hand reports on pt4 or hem and figure out whether you are choosing appropriate flops to be cbetting. If you are cbetting the wrong boards with a higher frequency than you should be, this could be the reason why you're c bet success is on the lower side.
I hope this helps, and please don't hesitate to ask more questions in the future.
Hey Jeremy,
I got a question about BB and SB defend. Your report (aswell as mine) shows that you are losing 27,25BB/100 in the SB and 21,65BB/100 in the BB. On average you are 11,11 Hands of 100 in the SB and BB. Wouldn´t you minimize/decrease your losses by just folding every SB and BB? Or at least much tighter, not looser like you said people should?
Btw great videos, they helped me a lot!
Hey MensionX, I completely understand why you would pose this question and I'm happy to shed some light here.
So the stat BB/100 measures how many bbs per 100 you've won from each position. If we consider the fact that when we are in the bb we lose 1bb every single time we fold, that actually means we lose 100 bb per 100 hands we play from the bb if we choose to fold every time. Similarly from the sb we are losing 50bbs per 100 hands we play from that position if we fold every time. We can obviously see that losing 27 bb/100 is much better than losing 100 bb/100, and a number we should be happy with should be between -25/-35bbs per 100 from the bb and half of that from the sb accordingly.
I hope that answers your question, and will help you further understand your data in the future.
thx for the vid ,
I saw that you have custom stats like 3bet not allin >35 , did you build it or where did you find it?
Hi, if I add the stat '2 bet flop', does it include the 'check raise flop' ? since both are a raise of the flop. Thank you!
Thank you for this video. I'm also going to watch the other 2 on PT4 that you made. I'm moving to NL playing on ACR on WPN and just bought PT4. There's a $69 pack on SplitSuit for an Advanced PT4 course which i dunno if its worth it. I'm trying to learn what I can for free and on here since I paid for it already. This is for tournaments which i dunno if the new ACR works for tourneys with PT4 but I'm glad there was some content on here.
Nice video here, Jeremy. I'd love to know if there are any new stats you are tracking in PT4 years later if things have changed.
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