wau, that check/shove on turn with 9Ts is pretty bad imo :(.....better hand than urs will call, worse will fold......in this situation it´s better call him down, when it´s obv that he goes for b/bshove and u don´t believe him
Hi RJ, I would agree if we were deeper. I feel by calling the turn we are committed to the pot (and expect him to realize this too) so by calling we give him a chance to improve what could be overs/gutshot etc which don't necessarily bluff if he misses.
Hi radu, it's certainly close considering we have a decent stack so wouldn't fault a call. I think our equity is about 41% so it's ok mathematically. The reason I chose to fold is the difference between increasing our stack to 120k reducing our stack to 70k. I feel dropping to 35x is far worse than maintaining around 50x even if we turn down a long term +ev call.
Hi zboubinou, ye I think that's a good plan. I think with our stacksize (and his) a check back may be very nice as he could even bet turn and jam river expecting us to never have an ace.
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wau, that check/shove on turn with 9Ts is pretty bad imo :(.....better hand than urs will call, worse will fold......in this situation it´s better call him down, when it´s obv that he goes for b/bshove and u don´t believe him
Hi RJ, I would agree if we were deeper. I feel by calling the turn we are committed to the pot (and expect him to realize this too) so by calling we give him a chance to improve what could be overs/gutshot etc which don't necessarily bluff if he misses.
min 37 open kts and 10 bb shove from bb why don t u call that shove ? u have almoust 2/1 and good eqty
Hi radu, it's certainly close considering we have a decent stack so wouldn't fault a call. I think our equity is about 41% so it's ok mathematically. The reason I chose to fold is the difference between increasing our stack to 120k reducing our stack to 70k. I feel dropping to 35x is far worse than maintaining around 50x even if we turn down a long term +ev call.
Hi Paul !
at 8:20, you 3 bet aqs btn vs aggro opponent , flop aa4ss .
He never have anything here .
what do you think about checking big part of your range here and bet only bluffs and hand like 88 to qq, and flushdraws ?
thanks ;)
Hi zboubinou, ye I think that's a good plan. I think with our stacksize (and his) a check back may be very nice as he could even bet turn and jam river expecting us to never have an ace.
Ty for answering so fast Paul ;)
if you have few minutes, i will be very thankful if you can answer to this thread
Thanks ;)
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