Really enjoyed the video. Occasionally (more so earlier in the video) there are hands that I would have expected you to open, which you skip past. For future videos, please can you show us why you didn't open (e.g. maybe utg opened, or you felt it was too loose given other stacks at the table). And also it would give us a better idea of the table dynamics
nlfreddie, ye I don't mind a stab, but feel we can't rep many aces having only limped pre, however he may not be too bothered and just let us have it so stabbing is fine. Hope you enjoyed the other parts more as I tried to talk more about playable hands.
Thanks neverlookback,
martin, yes that's a nice thought which I didn't consider or mention. You're probably right that he will shut down with any no-equity hands but then with his stack I'd also expect him to ch/jam any hand he wants to go with on the turn, so we may have to put a lot more chips in to find out we're behind. Definitely like it Vs a smaller check raise and maybe a little deeper stacks. And ye there were too many twos going through my head, sorry about that mistake =).
Jvank/d4vio, Ye its a really close spot. Still unsure what I like most. I think If we're not intending on calling jacob we should just open jam as min/folding seems too weak. I think we can min/fold to the button though as his range will be somewhat tighter than jacobs. Limping is an interesting idea in this exact spot and I like it. Not sure if I prefer it to either min/call blinds, or open jam. The advantages are we can save 1BB vs button/SB, but I think the disadvantages are we widen the button and sb jamming ranges too much such that we do too well to fold =).
Min 1.49, 77 hand - why you check turn? I think you are missing value here. Flush draws and str8 draws will call turn but fold river if they miss. Overpairs, any j. Then you c/r when the only hand that you are check raising here is a boat. min 14, kj hand - what you try to represent when you lead turn? What you think its your perceived range?
1.49, The reason I checked the turn is that I allow all of his bluffs/draws/overpairs etc to bet. I think nearly every hand that will call a turn barrel with bet when checked to so don't think we're losing value. We also got 6k in on the turn by ch raising whereas betting will only get about 2k in the pot making it very difficult to stack him on the river.
14, Mostly flushes (and maybe sets) for value (if I didn't ch raise flop). Could certainly lose value with a flush against a Q that is quite likely to check back turn and maybe just call river.
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At 15:35, with 97o, why not just stab the flop?
Really enjoyed the video. Occasionally (more so earlier in the video) there are hands that I would have expected you to open, which you skip past. For future videos, please can you show us why you didn't open (e.g. maybe utg opened, or you felt it was too loose given other stacks at the table). And also it would give us a better idea of the table dynamics
Great vid and clear analysis
12:36 thoughts on b/c flop in order to take it away later when checked to?
24:00 he induced from 12bbs not 22bbs (nit picking)
You seem to have a very solid grasp of the push fold and rc/rf aspect of the game.
Nice video looking forward to the next part!
Hi Paul!
On the kq hand at 29 min if they as agressive as we can see, Kqo is not good enough to inducate a shove and call it happyly?
Afther those actions of its a fold, but what happen if only 1 3bet or shove?
32:00 what do u think about limp/fold to BU and SB and call BB?
Hi guys,
nlfreddie, ye I don't mind a stab, but feel we can't rep many aces having only limped pre, however he may not be too bothered and just let us have it so stabbing is fine. Hope you enjoyed the other parts more as I tried to talk more about playable hands.
Thanks neverlookback,
martin, yes that's a nice thought which I didn't consider or mention. You're probably right that he will shut down with any no-equity hands but then with his stack I'd also expect him to ch/jam any hand he wants to go with on the turn, so we may have to put a lot more chips in to find out we're behind. Definitely like it Vs a smaller check raise and maybe a little deeper stacks. And ye there were too many twos going through my head, sorry about that mistake =).
Jvank/d4vio, Ye its a really close spot. Still unsure what I like most. I think If we're not intending on calling jacob we should just open jam as min/folding seems too weak. I think we can min/fold to the button though as his range will be somewhat tighter than jacobs. Limping is an interesting idea in this exact spot and I like it. Not sure if I prefer it to either min/call blinds, or open jam. The advantages are
we can save 1BB vs button/SB, but I think the disadvantages are we widen the button and sb jamming ranges too much such that we do too well to fold =).
Hi paul
Min 1.49, 77 hand - why you check turn? I think you are missing value here. Flush draws and str8 draws will call turn but fold river if they miss. Overpairs, any j. Then you c/r when the only hand that you are check raising here is a boat.
min 14, kj hand - what you try to represent when you lead turn? What you think its your perceived range?
Hi pagasses, sorry for the delay!
1.49, The reason I checked the turn is that I allow all of his bluffs/draws/overpairs etc to bet. I think nearly every hand that will call a turn barrel with bet when checked to so don't think we're losing value. We also got 6k in on the turn by ch raising whereas betting will only get about 2k in the pot making it very difficult to stack him on the river.
14, Mostly flushes (and maybe sets) for value (if I didn't ch raise flop). Could certainly lose value with a flush against a Q that is quite likely to check back turn and maybe just call river.
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